Clothes Smell Spoiled After Washing and Drying?
Oh boy did I have a problem with that! I tried borax, baking soda, biz, pine sol and anything else I could think of. I wanted to use bleach but my husbands work clothes were navy blue. Then one day I washed them with just tide and some cheap lemon ammonia that...
Removing Dye from Skin?
I have had good luck with baby wipes and sometimes a little prevention beforehand with petroleum jelly.
Removing Hair From My Upper Lip?
I just tweeze mine and it works great. Over the years it has grown sparse and now I only do it now and then. Good luck.
Setting Up a Simple Budget?
You can go to your local Consumer Credit Counseling. It is a free service. They help you organize all of your bills, contact all of your creditors, and help you with a budget plan. The monthly budget worksheets are very helpful. If you feel out of control with...
Use Parchment Paper Instead of Cooking Spray
Great tip. I will have to try this. Sometimes we forget about things that have been around forever. Thanks.
Can I Buy Dishwasher Detergent With Phosphates?
I have heard that you can buy from a restaurant supply store. You can also buy the phosphate separately and add it to your washer. Just make sure it is sodium tripolyphosphate and not TSP. You can google it and order it online. Also buy some lemi-shine at the...
Why Would My Hair Turn Orange When Bleached?
I think the hair dresser did not use a strong enough product on your hair to get the proper lift. If you dont use the correct developer volume, dark hair cannot go all the way to blond. It isnt related to your medication. It is related to your beautician! Good...
Using Vinegar for Shiny Hair?
I read this on a hair dressers web site and it works great for me. Put about 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in a bottle with a spout (like a hair color applicator bottle) and fill the rest of the way with water. After shampooing, apply to hair, then rub...
Chicken Manicotti
Sorry about the late replies to all of your responses. Im new to this! As to the 3/4s of seasonings just measure them and save a pinch out. :) I made this several times and dont recall being too technical with it. For Deeli: The chicken is the manicotti. The...
Washing Your Hair With Hard Water?
I also have very hard water. I keep a small bottle with an applicator tip ( like the hair color bottles) in the shower with about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in it filled the rest of the way up with water. When you are done shampooing, squeeze a little...
Water Spots on Shower Doors?
You might try rubbing it with a rubbing compound made for cars. I know this works for cars that have water spot build-up from sprinklers and such.
Meat Preparation and Food Safety?
Im not beyond using a freshly cleaned sink, but you could lay it on waxed paper or plastic wrap.
One Dish Meal
This sounds delicious but I would like to know if you are using black olives or green olives. Thanks.
Keeping Records of Paid Bills
Could you clarify why you start at the middle of the register? What do you do with the pages up front that dont get used? I dont get it. Thanks.
Making a Blouse Fit Better?
I dont think there is much you can do for a blouse that fits too small. If you really want to wear it maybe it would look cute left unbuttoned with a shirt underneath and belted at the waist. Good luck!
Dental Work Done Without Insurance?
We have a dental chain here in Florida called Coast Dental. They finance the work so you can make payments. See if they have something in your area.
Using Lemi Shine in Dishwasher?
I have found that the best way in my machine is to put the cascade cube in the main wash compartment with the little door on it and then put the Lemi Shine in the over-flow detergent cup. This is backwards from what the Lemi Shine bottle says but it seems to...
Why Do My Clothes Pill Up in the Wash?
I think most good detergents have enzymes in them that can actually break down the fabrics. Try washing the items that are prone to pilling in Woolite which i believe is designed for things such as this. Good luck!
Cleaning a Narrow Necked Glass Decanter
The chopstick w/cottonball sounds like a winner! I will have to try it!
Uses for Clothing Rags?
A friend of mine new a couple who owned a shop refinishing and staining furniture. They would often buy old clothes and rags because they never had enough. I would try looking into something like this. Good Luck!
What is the Best Deep Wrinkle Cream?
Im not sure what you mean when you say deep wrinkles. Some deep creases such as between the eye brows are actually tight muscles that may be relaxed with a treatment like botox. This can be expensive though. I have been using a lotion that is called AmLactin...
Dishes from Dishwasher Look Cloudy?
You just have got to try Lemi Shine. I think it is advertised on this page. I actually read about it on the Pioneer Woman blog. It is truly amazing. I dont know what else to say. I recommend it to anyone who will listen. I love it so much I would do a commercial...
Getting Rid of the Odor of Dead Mice?
We had the same problem at our family business only on a larger scale. We purchased a small ozone machine and it has worked miracles. We bought ours locally but you could try looking for one online. We have also used it to remove smoke odors from cars and it...
Removing an Unknown Stain from a Moisture Wicking Shirt?
Try soaking the stain in Biz. Soak over night and then apply it to the stain again and wash it like regular. I have had great luck with it. Good Luck!
Fever Blister Remedies?
I used to get them all over my face until I read a book written by a Doctor. In it she recommended taking the small coated garlic pills. Take them several times a day until the outbreak goes away. I now take just one a day and this prevents them all together...
Remedies For Stinky Feet?
A friend once told me Zinc if you stink!. Im not sure if it works but its safe to try it!
Using Octagon Soap?
Soap can be very harsh on the skin and generally doesnt rinse well. It should never be used on the hair. I have sensitive skin and soap actually stings me. It may have to do with the pH balance or something. I definitely wouldnt use it on a child. Hope this...
Removing Soap Scum from Dishwasher?
You have got to use Lemi-Shine in your dish washer. This stuff works miracles with our hard water in Florida. My dishes come out squeaky now and no film. You can buy it at Walmart and Publics by the dish washer detergent or the dish washer cleaner.
Gluing a Car Handle Back On?
We are actually in the automotive business and our manager uses a glue that he calls jet glue. He buys it from a craft store. This stuff actually bonds the plastic back into one piece again. It works like nothing I have seen before. Hope you can find it!
Outdoor Electrical Outlet Stopped Working After It Rained?
My back porch has an outlet that always trips when I was down the porch. There is an outlet in my garage that has a little breaker on it and i just have to press the button.
My Frugal Life: Influencing Grandchildren's Character
It is wonderful that you want to teach your grandchildren about giving however giving them two small token gifts and then requesting that they give one away seems cruel. I also have 2 small grandchildren and cant imagine giving them a gift and then making them...
Strep Throat?
My daughter kept getting throat infections and going to the doctor was costing a fortune so the next time she gargled with Listerine a couple times a day along with home remedies and it went away on its own. Hope you feel better!
Remedy for Stubborn Underarm Odor?
Ive had the same problem my whole life. People dont get it. Lately I am using Mitchum for ladies in the solid in the rose petal scent. This is workin pretty good. I have had so many people give advice on this and nothing works. You can also put your deodorant...
Name Ideas for Landscape and Home Maintenance Business?
Professional Property Maintenance. All Around Property Maintenance. Complete Property Maintenance. Total Property Maintenance. Lawn and Home Property Maintenance.
Ripening Pears?
Put them in a paper bag with bananas. I always put mine with bananas in the fruit bowl and it works great! Im not sure about having them ready by evening though!:)
No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
She is so kind that she sent a letter to her children from Santa telling them they wont be getting any toys for Christmas? This is a very strict and rigid way of teaching children what could have been a beautiful concept. Bless their little hearts. What a way...
Name Ideas for Cleaning and Personal Services Business?
HomeMaker for Hire; HomeMakers Helper; Happy HomeMaker; A Helping Hand; Marry Poppins for Hire etc.
Cat Spray Odor on Deck and Stairs?
I had stray cats spray my front porch and I just put some bleach and water in a spray bottle and sprayed it all over. This worked great with no problems and the smell was completely gone. Very in expensive and sanitary too.
Waterless Car Wash
Most full service car washes use reclaim water or in other words they recycle their water. It actually is much better to take your car to a car wash than to wash on your driveway and waste lots of water and to rinse all of the chemicals into the storm drains...
Business Name Ideas for a Stationery Design Business?
Keepsake Cards n Notes, Specialty Stationary, Sweet Notes n Cards
Dr. Bronners Magic Soap
We have very hard water and it foamed up great for us. The only thing is it leaves a sticky feel to your skin and I cant even imagine what it would do to your hair. Soap can be very irritating to a babys skin and I think I would stick to the more gentler baby...
Removing Body Odor Smell From Room?
Try incense. I cooked a pot of collard greens once that made the whole house smell for days and nothing worked until I tried the incense.