Remove Pet Urine Odors in Laundry
I have a WONDERFUL idea that a kind vet tech told me about because my dog, Minnie, become incontinent as she got older, too. Wrap the entire bed in a plastic bag, such as a large plastic leaf bag, and just put a blanket over it. The dog lays on the blanket...
Helping A Dog In Pain?
Please, please, PLEASE take your dog to the vet ASAP for a diagnosis of his/her problem. It could be that the dog needs surgery or it could be something as simple as giving them a pain pill. However, you wont know exactly what the problem is until you get them...
Help with Grieving?
Here is a link to the Mental Health Association. I would look under their Find Help option. So sorry for your loss. I wish you well.
Temporary Wire Dog Crate Liner?
Try using a pillow. Wrap the pillow in a plastic bag, such as a large leaf bag, and put a blanket over it. If the dog wets, you just wash the blanket. Good luck!
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
Thanks, Ana. I know that my new dog would be able to move in with me in a new apartment. When you have an ESA, the pet deposit is waived and they cant evict you. Thats violating Federal Law. What I want to do, as I said above, is a GoFundMe page and then post...
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
Thanks, but as I mentioned above, the shelters cost $250, which I dont have. I am looking for funding for this dog-- adoption costs, food, etc. Perhaps you could re-read my original post. I dont want a cat (not a cat person, plus Im allergic) or any other kind...
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
Thanks for your suggestions. I have a health home manager that may be able to help me, but I dont know how she will get me $500. I called the SPCA and told them I need a dog for an ESA and even told them I have a letter from a psychiatrist saying such, but...
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
Thanks so much for your encouragement! I dont like the idea of going to a pet food pantry for a couple of reasons: 1) I have no way to get there or back home, let alone being able to carry a 20lb bag of food onto a bus/taxi. 2) Cannot afford a taxi, 3) dont...
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
GingerGoodDog, Im so sorry for your loss. I just want to say right off that is a great site with resources. They have a supportive chat room there so you dont have to worry about travelling anywhere. They have a memorial candle service every Monday...
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
GingerGoodDog, is a nice site, too. You can create a memorial page for Ginger there and they have other resources that may help.
Funding for a New Emotional Support Animal
Here is a picture of a little memorial I put together for my Minnie. The cedar box has her ashes in it, and the vet did a memorial cement pawprint and gave me the little clear plastic heart with a cutting of her fur in it shortly after she put Minnie down in...
Tea Cup Bird Feeder/Bird Bath
This is adorable, but have you actually SEEN any birds use it for bathing? I hope so. Its a cute idea!
Coping Skills with Depression and Anxiety
This is a meditation practice and its fantastic! You dont have to be a member of any religion (such as Buddhism, for example-- where meditation came from) to learn these healing techniques. I am learning them through a book, Meditation for Dummies, a website...
How Can I Make a Roll Up Puzzle Keeper?
Thanks so much. The post doesnt work-- the pictures dont load. The northerncheapskate post works, though. Cant wait to try this! Sounds like the whole thing will cost less than $10! Whoopee!
DIY Counter Cleaner
Heres a disinfectant spray Ive been using for a while. Maybe I even got the idea for it here! In a spray bottle, combine 1/4C. bleach and 2 1/4C. water. If you are using a 28 fluid ounce bottle, you would just double the recipe. I add 10-15 drops of lemon essential...
Living on a Budget
Thanks for this great post! It would be really helpful if you could post any websites or apps that you would recommend. Im living on public assistance, pulling in only $406 a month. Im waiting to get on SSI/SSD and NOT living on this painful, paltry amount...
Living With Less Is More
Hey Sandy-- and everyone here-- I found a link to the book Sandy mentioned called Make a Mix by Karine Eliason. I cant copy and paste the link here. Guess Im not allowed to do that here. Watch for the link to the book at Amazon to the tip I am just about to...
DIY Japanese Kintsugi Pottery Repair
I recently accidentally broke a little bowl that I loved. I was going to use regular glue, but then I remembered this tutorial about repairing this using kintsugi, which is a beautiful Japanese concept about how things that were broken and brought back together...
DIY Japanese Kintsugi Pottery Repair
I want to do this project. I searched on Amazon for tube 527 multi use glue and they want over $22 for one tube. This is way too expensive for me. What can I use for the glue for this project that will cost me $10 or less? Thanks so much!
DIY Japanese Kintsugi Pottery Repair
Also, how do I clamp the broken pieces together so they can dry properly. I am doing this craft on a small bowl that broke into 2 large pieces and one small piece. Thanks again!
Holiday Assistance for Struggling Families
Heres a interesting article I found regarding nixing gifts altogether:
Holiday Assistance for Struggling Families
Heres another great article A Buy Nothing Christmas!
Holiday Assistance for Struggling Families
I know this contains a religious-type video. No offense to anyone here. Whatever you Believe has value. Give more LOVE and less STUFF, right?
Uses for Deer Skin Shammies?
Wow-- Yes, my brother suggested using them on glass. Thanks for all your kind suggestions. Ill be sure to try some of them!
Finding the End of a Roll of Plastic Wrap?
Oh my goodness, you guys are BRILLIANT! Fabulous ideas all that I will be sure to try. Your ideas will definitely put a dent in my stress! Hate to throw out the rolls I have in my freezer now, but I think it will be best for me if I just buy a new roll and...
Products for Nickel Dermatitis?
I ordered Jewelry Shield from Amazon and so far its been working great! I just apply one coat every 20 minutes. Ill do this 4 or 5 times during the day and then leave it overnight. So far, its worked like a charm! Try it! Who knows? Maybe itll work for you...
Money Back for Grocery Shopping
I downloaded Ibotta the other day due to a nice review here, but Im confused. I took a picture of my receipt as it instructed from Rite Aid with no problem, but then it told me to scan each thing I bought-- without any kind of scanner type thingy appearing...
Money Back for Grocery Shopping
Also, any way to get credit for DoorDash orders on this app? Thanks. JLF
Money Back for Grocery Shopping
One more thing-- sorry. It looks like Ibotta has some kind of browser extension, but the reviews on it are mixed reviews at the Chrome web store. Hmmm.
Drying Shoes Without the Banging
I am able to wash my Sketcher sneakers and yes, they make a racket in the dryer-- that is, until I threw in a couple of clean old towels in with them. It cuts down on the noise quite a bit.
Upgrade to a Security Mailbox
Good question! So heyitsthao, whats the answer to this question? And, just as important, how much does this cost to buy and install?
Upgrade to a Security Mailbox
How do I get ahold of one of these? What do I call this so I can do an internet search for it-- do I search under security mailbox? Im moving to an apartment and Im afraid any Amazon stuff will get swiped. The property manager there wasnt very friendly or helpful...
Upgrade to a Security Mailbox
Heres an Amazon link to security mailboxes...
Lemon and Baking Soda for Cleaning Microwave
I do this every couple of weeks with 1/4c of vinegar in a glass 4C measuring cup like the one you have here. I let it come to a boil in the mic and then let it sit inside there for about 5 minutes. Then I take it out and wipe the entire inside of the mic out...
Upcycled Soda Bottle as Hanging Planter
Great idea, but you forgot to add potting soil to the list of things you need. No big deal! Looks like you used about 2 cups/16oz of potting soil?
Caring for Your Aging Dog
I had a toy poodle named Minnie that I had for 18 years. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my arms just this past June 1st. I miss her terribly. Anyhoo, small dogs are known for having bad teeth, and Minnie was no exception. I knew that her teeth were probably...
Caring for Your Aging Dog
I had a toy poodle named Minnie that I had for 18 years. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my arms just this past June 1st. I miss her terribly. Anyhoo, small dogs are known for having bad teeth, and Minnie was no exception. I knew that her teeth were probably...
Organizing Your Book Collection
I dont have the money for a bookshelf but I do still have an old empty dresser, so I put my books in it and label the drawers Fiction or Non-Fiction with a sticky note on the outside. As far as organizing your personal collection by title, genre, etc. Library...
Use Cereal Liners in the Kitchen
Yep, I use cereal bags in the freezer and they are nice. They are a nice thickness to keep things fresh!
Using File Cards For Organizing Addresses
I thought of this idea a LONG time ago and it does work really well! I introduced my mom to the idea and she uses it. Its so easy to write the persons info. down in pencil so that you can just erase it if something should change, like their address. If you...
Survey Sites That Pay?
Do any of these money-paying sites still work? Which ones are the most rewarding and/or least aggrevating to use?
Buying a Vacuum Storage Pump?
Hmm, lots of conflicting feedback here. Keep posting, though. Im intrigued.
Clean Out Clutter
Besides Freecycle, what are some charties/organizations that will take your stuff, such as cellphones, clothing, appliances, furniture, etc. I know Habitat for Humanity will take gently used items in their stores and sell them.
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
Those are great ideas, but what do I do with the small plastic containers I have? I guess I could put the food in them, then put them in one of those vaccuum bags or another plastic bag?
Tips for Freezing Leftovers?
Wow-- Thanks for all your clever ideas! Ive got a meatloaf in the oven right now and Ill try a few of these ideas to freeze the slices and let you know how they turn out! :)
Pomander Ball
Id like to try this, but since the orange is full of moisture, Im afraid it will rot. When you wrap the orange, where do you place it to dry? I do not have a dehydrator.
Set Up A Pet Care Savings Account
This is a great idea, Kelly! Its funny how we forget that we can save a little and that it can add up. I agree with taking your pets for regular visits, at least once a year, to make sure that everything is well with your pet. Thanks for your advice!
Switch To Dollar Stores For Shopping
Yep, dollar stores are indeed awesome places for a bargain, as are stores like Aldis and Save-A-Lot. I hit these stores first for the basics for both personal care and grocery items, then I head over to the big grocery chain store for whatever is left over...
Denim And Pink Recycled Quilt
May I have specific instructions on how to make this quilt? Also, what is a feedbag and where can I buy them?
Paper Plate Challenge?
As a noisemaker: Take 2 plates, put some dried beans between them and tape them together!
What Breed is Latte?
She definately has some terrier or maybe schnouser in her. I dont know about that tail, though. Does it curl over her back?
Saving Money on Dryer Sheets
I NEVER would have thought to use this DIY dryer sheet idea! Thank you so much! I used to buy the store brand of liquid fabric softener, but I love the smell of Dawn, so I indulge and buy it regularly now. Now I can make it last longer! Perhaps sometime Ill...
Homemade Popcorn Toppings?
How do you get the toppings to stick to the popped popcorn? Do you have to spray it with a cooking spray, like butter flavored Pam?
The Advantages of a Mutt
I have to admit that Im kind of stuck on poodles. They are so beautiful and intelligent. However, I wouldnt mind some kind of a poodle mix. Mutts are the mutts nuts!
5 Reasons to Get a Pet Rat
When I was a teenager, I had many pets. I had a guinea pig named Spunky, a hamster named Precious (she was the first animal I ever saw die). I also had 2 rats who were sisters. I named them Ginger and Rysancy. Unfortunately, I started to get asthma attacks...