Simple Tips For Frugal Living
I like your tips, especially about shutting down the computer for the nite. I always do that.
Pebbles (Mini-Dachshund)
I have a Toy Daschund too, and her name is Daisy. We love her. She is our sucky baby, and sleeps with my hubby. She loves her biscuits. We take her on the occasional car ride. We took her fishing once, and she kept looking in the minnow pail very curious, and...
Squirt (Gray Cat)
Squirt reminds me of our cat that is a 30 lb Maine Coon named Zoe, she has to go out when we, let our toy dashund Daisy out. One time she saw a rabbit in the yard and chased after it, but failed to catch it. She thinks she is a dog, it seems. When we first...
Cleaning Grease Buildup on Kitchen Cabinets?
That is what I am suggesting as well b/c Murphys Oil Soap is safe for wood. :)
Homemade Liquid Dish Soap?
Here is a link for you, to make your own liquid dish soap.
Breaker Keeps Tripping?
All of these suggestions are good. I have another one, I hope you have 2 smoke detectors in your apartment. One near the bd room and one near the kitchen. And I do not recommend using the perfumey plug ins either, b/c apparently they are not safe to leave in...
Heating Up Store Bought Pizza
Please read the box carefully, most of them recommend putting the pizza right on the conventional oven rack.