What to do About Armpit Odor?
Vinegar, alcohol or hand sanitizer for temporary relief, but you MUST wash/shower DAILY. Bacteria causes the odor; may be hormonal, but it grows in warm, dark, moist areas so is hard to treat. Sometimes, directly out of the shower I would STILL have an odor...
Lightening Eyebrows?
Yes, lemon juice will also work for the brows. Its a slow process that takes several attempts, but it works.
Healing from Acid Reflux
Glad you found a solution, but a little baking soda (1/4-1/2 teaspoon) mixed w/ a splash of water works instantly to kill heartburn & acid reflux. Another dose may be needed after an hour if it recurs. My acid reflux only occurs when Im overweight or overindulge...
Natural Remedy for Acid Reflux?
BAKING SODA! 1/4 teaspoon in about a 1/2 ounce of water (adjust to your needs). INSTANT Relief! You will burp & then feel joyous! (avoid caffeine (tea, chocolate,coffee) & acidic foods like anything w/ tomato to lower recurrance). BAKING SODA WORKS INSTANTLY...
Using Hygienic Stick Flossers
Whos going to go that trouble? These are a convenience item, portable and handy. I use these while driving, in bed at night, etc., NOT while standing over a sink. If theres plaque on one tooth, its going to get to the other teeth anyway.
Whites Aren't White After Washing?
Sun will whiten and remove stains if left out long enough (with lemon juice to hasten the process).
Burnt Fabric on Electric Iron?
My first thought would be to try alcohol. Id 1st scrape off as much as possible GENTLY so as not to scratch the surface.Then soak a rag with alcohol & let the iron sit on it for a while to soften the charred remains, then scrape some more?
Rust Stains on Wedding Dress?
I sell vintage clothing & I can attest that this works on rust spots--- lemon juice--basically any kind, fresh, bottled, etc. and SUNSHINE! Dab the spots w/ lemon--set out in sunlight. Check after a few hours. Sometimes requires repeated application, but ALWAYS...
Repairing Scratched Pans?
You REALLY should toss or turn in to your metal recycling plant because minute pieces of the coating get into your food & is poisonous to our bodies. Theres really no way to fix the scratches once it happens. Theyd have to be re-fired w/ another coat or whatever...
Make Your Own 2% Milk At Home
I know this is such an old thread, but EXACTLY what I was looking for... Whether its okay to dilute & freeze milk during the Covid19 STAY HOME outbreak! Thank you all, enjoyed reading!! Re this opinion on taste difference in various stores milk, I think dairy...
Make Your Own 2% Milk At Home
?? Paying for ONE gallon, and end up with TWO gallons is a HUGE savings! Its HALF PRICE if you dilute the whole milk (assuming 1:1 ratio or half milk & half water), it comes out to only $2.00/gallon!
Erasing Personal Information from a Shared Computer?
You could always FORMAT drive C with the click of a few buttons..... Now that would erase EVERYTHING (except the operating system, I believe) & the new owners would have to install all their own programs, so may be too drastic for what you want. Just google...
Freezing Alfredo Sauce?
No expert here, but alfredo made from milk & cheese, flour, etc., will probably be fine to freeze. Pasta seems be tricky to me. Never really tried it except already-made & mixed up spaghetti. It may come out as mush when defrosted! Maybe frozen aldente then...
Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
Something I heard a long time ago is empty your ashtrys into a glass jar with a lid, add a little water & shake. Whenever you feel a craving, open & take a few big nosefulls. It will be repulsive hopefully, but also the addicted cells/brain or whatever, may...
Removing Mildew Stains from Baby Clothes?
Just a few thoughts to start with.... 1. Ive heard you can freeze old books to stop mold/mildew growt (they cant survive freezing temperatures), so your little outfits may need to go into the freezer for a while! 2. Lysol & other disenfectant-type sprays or...
Removing Stains from Socks?
Just regular bleach but it takes a few minutes to work on stains! What I do-- Start a stainy white load with a good splash of bleach; after it agitates a few times, I shut it off & piddle around the laundry room for about 5-15 minutes to let it work; as I leave...
How to Talk to Mother About Shaving Legs?
same situation 35 years ago!! I paid my little brother & his friends to taunt me & call me doggy legs or something, then I pretended to cry & ran to mommy. She said go ahead, but once you do, youll never be able to stop.... BOY, I wish Id listened instead of...
Dyed Hair Red but Want It Brighter?
I know its been a month & youve probably remedied your situation or followed the professionals advise previously posted, but years ago, my hairdresser recommended one of those stripping shampoos thats supposed to cut thru styling product build-up when my dyd...
Removing & Preventing Ingrown Hairs After Waxing?
my friend had a hair that was ingrown & didnt know what it was. The clinician who waxed her told her it was an ingrown hair & proceeded to pry it out--it was THREE INCHES LONG!..YUCK! gulp.... YUCK! There is a product you can buy--its advertised for black men...
Foods for Dry Skin?
I remember someone saying that an imbalance in our electrolytes can cause dry, peeling lips. Dont know about skin tho.
Using Alcohol to Clean Car Windows?
never used it, but are you thinking of mixing it with water? If not, then you could probably just pour it on a cloth & go at it.? It does seem like it would work nicely! Im going to try it! I usually use white vinegar--about 1/2 & 1/2 or less with water. It...
Scratched Mirror?
Im new here & dont know if we can just throw out ideas without knowing for sure whether they work, but long ago I heard of something for glass scratches, like car wax maybe? It was something that would fill in & dry to a sort of a neutral color to make it blend...
Styling Strawberry Blonde Hair?
If you want one that fades, you can get the SEMI permanent ones at any department store or grocery store (Walmart / Kmart have large selections sorted by strength). Ive used em a coupla times & my mom has too. You can get the ones that wash out after 6-12 shampoos...
Recycle Powdered Makeup
I had no idea about this & LOVE this tip! Thanks! And 20ml is quite a bit, isnt it? Like a small size of roll-on perfume oil, so I assume in order for it to be fatal, it would have to be absorbed all at once...(?)
Product Review: Almay SmartShade Foundation Makeup
I hadnt heard of it & always have such a time adjusting my makeup when the seasons change. Really looking forward to trying this now! Thanks for all the comments; looks like it really works for most!
Mapping My Garage Sale Route?
Youve already gotten the best answers, but what I did was circle them in the classified ads with a big marker then just put numbers, 1 - 15 beside them in the order I wanted. (I live in a small town, so I didnt really need a map, per se), just an efficient...
Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
First, LOVE this POST!! Ive started shopping at ALDI -- no frills type grocery store & ALMOST everything Ive tried is on par with national brands. Today I tried their CLARISSA toilet paper--12 big rolls for $4.99! Id swear it was Angel Soft if I didnt know...
Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
Oh, I forgot DOW scrubbing bubbles... Ive tried Bissell & a couple others but nothing works quite as well as the original DOW. Lysol copies from the Dollar stores or Bissell.... dont seem as strong or fragrant as the real thing. And laundry detergents, Ive...
Beauty Washcloths
I had a sample pack of the Olay cloths & loved em! I know theyre wood or paper but they REALLY made my skin feel SO soft, like velvet! And yes, I cut them in half too. I have a long body buff-puff cloth thingie that I really scrub my face with a few times a...