Soap Gift at the Gate (The Garden Gate)
Hello Vi...What great pleasure I had reading your post! You are so kind, no wonder someone left you such a lovely gift. Im not far from you as I live and garden in Santa Monica. I grew up in Los Angeles which makes it extra special for me to know there are...
Getting Rid of Ants in the Garden Naturally?
My community garden plot was infested with ants when I took it over. I tried all kinds of organic solutions. Diluted dish soap, diatomaceous earth, cinnamon, orange peels, you name it, to no permanent avail. This went on for a few years. And then I read an...
Growing Tomatoes Upside Down
You are brilliant! Why did I not think of this! And I like the idea of puttung flowers on top. Thank you for this great idea!
Treating Plants with Powdery Mildew?
Ive seen this on my plants. If its not powdery mildew its the residue of the bad bugs that the good bugs ate.
Holes in Leaves of Basil and Pepper Plants?
Sounds like flea beetles to me. Little black bugs that jump from plant to plant. Try planting your peppers and basil (they like the heat) a little later in the season than you usually do when flea beetles arent so prevelant in the garden.
Companion Plant Ideas With Tomatoes?
And dont forget Marigolds. Theyll protect your veggies against bugs.