Black Dye Transferred onto Yellow Shorts?
Thank you Pghgirl40, I am going to try that now. I will let you know if it works. ;) I will give that a try at least 3x then if it doesnt work I will try the O/Z combo as well.
Black Dye Transferred onto Yellow Shorts?
Thank you Judy, I read the info on the Rit and my worry would be it leaving colorless patches. But thank you for the product intro, I never heard of that before. Just the color change Rit.
Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden?
Coffee grounds have a near neutral pH of 6.5 and will not affect the acid levels of the soil. Use some Bayor 3 step systimic.
Nitrogen Fertilizer and Curled Leaves?
Usually that is leaf curl a disease that is very contagious in plants. First quarantine the plants. There is a product called Daconil that is great for that.