Hiding Computer Cords?
Cut the ends off an old phone handset curly cord. Wrap the cord around all the cords. Neat and easy.
Cleaning A Tanzanite Ring?
You can also let your jewelry soak in a cup of Dawn and water. It dissolves all body oils and lotion. Makes stones and metals sparkle.
Am I Charging Enough for a Cleaning Job?
Call around to some of the professional cleaning companies lime Merry Maids, etc. and get a estimate and go from there. Hope this helps.
Thrifty Cutworm Collars
I just use the cardboard rolls from paper towels or toilet paper to put around the stem.
Magnetic Car Sticker Won't Come Off?
Try using a hand held steamer......we used one to remove tinted windows sheets and they peeled right off. Worked great.
Perished Rubber Mat Stuck to Vinyl Floor?
Try spraying floor with WD-40 and let sit a few minutes then scrap up.
Set Your Sights High
Way to GO !!!! We can do what we put our mind to. Sacrifice a short time and reap the benefits for a long time.
Covering a Cardboard Box with Fabric?
I have covered several boxes with fabric using a low temp glue gun. Just wrap like a present.
Recycle Christmas Cards Fronts Onto New Cards
or make a mini box out of the old cards. See link. http://www.pedagonet.com/fun/minibox.htm
Removing a Hard Water Scale from Fiberglass Bathtub?
I have recently been using the Mr.Clean Magic Eraser in the shower and glass doors. It is amazing how well it works with a little elbow grease.
White Iodine for Weak Fingernails
Thanks for sharing. I went right out and bought some. Is it ok to put over nail polish? Do you think it will absorb it ?
Solvent Odor In Washing Machine?
Try running a cycle of strong vinegar water in the washer. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and will take even gasoline odor off your hands.
Odd Photos for Scrapbooking
I have also used these type photos in a different way. For instance in a summer swimming scrapbook page.... I would cut out waves out of odd pictures of pool water. Or on a page where there are a lot of flowers in the subject pictures I am using, I will cut...