Ideas for Preventing Falls in the Shower?
Youre a life saver! Yeah, Ill be okay. I just dont want to slip again Im going to order this stuff ASAP. Thanks! Ed
Charities to Help With Christmas?
Check your local newspapers and news channel websites. And if you have children, a lot of schools have a program if you check into it. Toys that people donate to students that dont have a whole lot, and whose families are struggling with the holidays.
Allergic Reaction to Flip Flops?
Are you getting the rash between your toes? You probably just have very sensitive skin. Maybe lightly use some type of Gold bond before you put on your shoes?
6 Year Old Daughter Won't Wear Underwear at Home?
First of all, make sure it isnt the underwear fabric or detergent that is bothering her. Maybe it is really irritating her. But a lot of people like to be as comfortable as they can when they get home. If thats what comfortable to her, then I say let her do...
Redness and Itching of Hands and Feet?
It could be something wrong in the nervous system. it could be a lot of things. I have peripheral neuropathy, which is whole body numbness (strongly in the hands though).
"Down Home Country" Christmas Parade Float Ideas?
A down home country Christmas float for an animal hospital? Wow. um, maybe some barrels of hay and some x-mas decorations with some kind of farm animals on them (since its an animal hospital).
Homemade Remedy for Dog Ear Infections?
Not that I know of, I usually just take my dog to the vet to get some meds.
Homemade Dishwasher Soap?
Ive never heard of homemade dish washing soap. Sounds interesting, I guess, but I dont what youre missing. Never tried it.
Free or Cheap Cellphones?
Nothing is for free honey, but I would get just a simple basic plan from a cell phone provider. Trac phones are a good thought, but they can add up to be more than a cell phone with a plan. Buying those cards all the time to put time on them gets to be ridiculous...
Removing Hair Dye from Skin and Nails?
Hot water and soap. It may take a day or so for the full effect to come off.
Cleaning Hair Spray Off a Flat Iron?
I dont know much about this kind of stuff, but I would just take a wet washcloth and scrub at it.
Dog Is Pooping in Owner's Bed at Night?
Your dog may have a sensitive stomach. My grandmothers dog used to do that, and the dog just had IBS.
Homemade Foaming Hand Soap Bubbles Rather Than Foams?
Wow, Ive never heard of such thing. Good luck with that one, bud.
Meaning of Dates on Nutrisystem Products?
They sound like expiration dates to me. Especially if you are familiar with nutrisystem in the past.
Treating a Dog's Dry Skin?
Ive never heard of using that. But I would recommend fish oil. You can break it up in half and pour it on top of your dogs food. It works great.
Removing Scented Oil Type Odor from House?
It seems like its just going to take time. Since its still summer time, I would air the house out. open all windows and doors. Keep using the air filters and purifiers, eventually, the scent will die down.
Getting Coupons Through the Mail?
Just google online coupons and you will get tons of results. just pick whatever you like, give them your address, and you should start getting some.
Craft Ideas for Used Medicine or Pill Bottles?
As far as crafts, Im not quite sure. But I re use them all the time for when I travel with my vitamins and such, so I dont have to take the whole freaking bottle. I suppose you could hot glue some type of fabric around them to decorate them? :p