Save Vegetable Cooking Water for Soup
And if you dont want to do that collect that water along with the water used to rinse rice and pour it in the garden. I have a bucket in my kitchen to dump water into. I probably empty it in the vegetable beds 2 x a day. Another thing to save is bread crumbs...
Best Anti Aging Cream
Ladies, youll luv luv luv me for this. You can make your own La Mer. (is that how its spelled?) Create your own high end cosmetics just like you see at Neimans and Sephora. And have big fun doing it! Now, just say Thank you Marie Claire...
Use Leaves for Free Fertilizer
Absolutely beautiful posting! Those gas powered noisy leaf blowers should be banned. Im glad that someone else mentioned that lawn clippings (hard to believe that anyone still has a lawn) make good mulch and compost too.
Litter Box Training a Bunny?
Buns will use a litter box like a cat, but they are not 100% perfect about using it, so you need to be patient and understanding. Youll want a hood-free cat litter box. My favorite litter is Care Fresh which is made from paper. Two good places for bunny advice...
Wild Duck With Mushrooms
Hey Robin - the duck meat will be super moist and succulent, and youll get maximum fat in the pan to save for another use (like roasted potatoes, OMG!) if you take a corn cob holder and pierced the skin. I dont pierce hard enough to hit flesh. And I do a lot...
Float Ideas for Homestead Festival?
Rhino Records for 80s music complilations Pick a theme for hair/clothes . . . .the band Culture Club? Such a distinct and SO VERY 80s look! Or Adam Ants look. Both are very rag-tag and could be put together with thrift store finds (or your closet!)
Miniature Pies Baked in Canning Jars
Brilliant! Regarding the safety of this glass - maybe we cook the little pies at a heat lower than the usual 350 - 400 degrees? Has anyone had the time to call the Mason or Ball Jar people? They surely would know if this is safe. I still say this is a great...
Planning A Low Waste Wedding?
You can ask guests to bring their own plates and cutlery. And for those who forget or refuse, look into Spudware which is compostable. Use BioBags for compostable garbage. The bag breaks down too. You can compost napkins if they are paper, or use cloth. Edible...
Paper Or Plastic Bags?
Cloth Washable Super strong - they never tear You can find cool patterns to make your own. Or go to and support a crafter whos making them. I also found a few folks on Etsy who make smaller bags to put fruit, vegetables and bulk items into. Just...
Use Mason Jars for Lunch Items
I have a bunch of mason jars with lids and I use them for everything! Storage in the fridge to toting with me when Im out and about. No more plastic! I fill them with with my filtered water and take 2 in my car. Ive made nice salads in my mason jars - think...
Helping Garden Pollinators
Im working on a native garden Now! Love it. Im seeing so many little critters. Stop using poison, we are dying here.
Store Cooking Grease in a Coffee Can
If its grease thats not suitable for a re-use, I dump it in empty cat food cans! if its good for re-use, like bacon fat, I pour it into a glass jar and refrigerate for a later use - goes so well with onions and zucchini!
Citrus Peels to Keep Cats Out of Plants
Theres this website called Cat FAeries and they have an article about using old wine bottles (white wine in particular if I remember right) with water inside. I thought it was it wacko but I did it and my kids have not found a single cat poo in the yard since...
Using Rabbit Litter as Compost and Mulch
Im using that paper litter called Care Fresh - its great in my Tumbleweed composter! I dont use that cedar stuff = Ive read its toxic to the animal and we sure dont want that! Another litter thats great is Cat Country. Its alfalfa or wheat grass or something...
Going Organic With Pet Food
You cant afford to NOT go organic will take you to grass fed meat in your state! Our furry old geezers have been eating homemade raw meat since they were babies - their vet cant believe how spunky they are. Lots of recipes are out there, just...
Product Review: I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Im laughing too! Its in the morticians best interest, which is your early death, that he recommends margarine of any kind! Youve got to be so careful not to consume vegetable oils which have been heated to a high heat - hello cancer! Stick with butter, just...
Does Cat Faeries Product Work?
Oh boy, does this stuff work. Everything I got from these folks has been a GOD send let me tell you. Worth every hard earned penny thats for sure. They gave me several sheet of a paper to read to go with what I got from them, and I read every word. The problem...
The Seasonal "Locavore": Guidelines for Healthy...
Im a localvore . . .locavore sounds like the Spanish word loco (which means crazy).