Keeping Neighbor's Cats Out of House and Garden?
Thanks for your suggestions I will look into getting a storm door as we have virtually tried alsorts and have nearly waved defeat as since the last few days since its been hot. The cats have scarpered for now. But it is a pain to keep watching out for them...
Keeping Neighbor's Cats Out of House and Garden?
Last summer we used a super soaker,which is a bit like a long range water pistol,at least with that Im a crack shot,though at times feel mean to the cats,but you have to what you have to do. Sounds like a line from a John Wayne Creosote works for...
Keeping Cats Off My Fence?
I have heard cats hate citrus smells and tried appling lemon lemon flash diluted near the bins and that worked for a while. Ive even bought a pair of black tin cats that have realistic eyes and positioned them in the grass that worked for a while too,until...