Organizing Clothes That Can Be Worn Again Before Washing?
Sorry to say, if you want to wear your clothes more than once, a chair is not the place. Hang it up and keep wrinkles to a minimum. I keep small rubber bands in my clothes so when I wear an item and want to wear it again, I slip a rubber band on the top hook...
Gag Gift Ideas for Church Christmas Party?
Resale shops usually have odd gifts or check the $ stores. Dont forget to check the food section.
Home Remedy for Boils?
As the others have said, if its a large boil, please seek medical attention however if it is small you might try cracking a fresh egg, pull the inside membrane off the shell and place over the boil area. It can be covered with a bandage. As the membrane dries...
Reducing the Smell of Fabric Softener in Laundry?
I mix fabric softener and water 50/50. Less smell, more softener.
Using File Cards For Organizing Addresses
I have used index cards for years for addresses & phone numbers, kids names, bdays, anniversary, etc. Most helpful is when I send Christmas cards, I write the year & check it if I receive a cards from them. Also on the back of the card I have directions to...
Free Dental Care?
Check if there is a Dental College in your area and if so, see if they are accepting patience.
Settling Debt
Really! You didnt get into debt overnight so why would one think they can get out of debt easily? Debt consolidation companies are scams. If you are desperate for help, contact the credit card companies directly and negotiate your own settlement. And dont be...
Ikea Comforter Reviews?
I purchased an IKEA comforter for my son about 5 years ago. I also bought a comforter cover. My son loves his comforter and refuses to use the cover as he likes the softness of the comforter. I have washed his comforter several times and other than a few threads...
Allergic Reaction to Polyester Blanket from Walmart?
My son has the same allergic reaction to polyester/fleece style blankets. He gave his to the dog.
Making Oil For Effusion Lamps?
There is an excellent website for effusion lamps. It not only gives instructions on making your own oil but also care of the lamp, wick, etc. I made some last week and it works wonderfully.
Reviews of AAA Auto Club?
Most definitely! it is worth the price of membership. Whenever I have needed the help of AAA, they have been my Knights in Shining Armor. I have always found them to have kind and courteous employees.
Reindeer Balloon Game
This is just the funniest Ive seen for holiday humor. Thank you for this wonderful highbrow fun!! Looks like a future Christmas tradition for many readers.
Store Crochet Hooks in an Eyeglass Case
I like using the metal containers for cigars. They hold 10 -12 hooks, depending on size and are very convenient. And, its recycling!