Finding it Hard to Drink Enough Water?
How great that youve found a way to drink water. I hope that others will be as adventurous.
Instant Pot Bone Broth
This really sounds interesting. I dont have this apparatus but will look for more info on it.
Removing Urine Odor from Carpet?
Here is what to do: 1. Soak the entire area with Hydrogen Peroxide 2. Sprinkle area well with bicarb of soda. 3. Leave this overnight. 4. Vacuum the area well the next day. The bicarb soaks up the peroxide as well as taking up the smell.
Older Cat Chases and Attacks New Kitten?
Have you ever seen several kittens playing? They get pretty serious at times. This is just their way. It will go on for a while until they figure each other out. I wouldnt worry about it. This is normal behavior.
Kittens Have Runny Eyes?
There is a film over cats eyes that protects them. Its a good idea to see if this runny stuff is yellow or could be cause for worry.Here is a great article to read on the subject:
Personalized Christmas Ornament Business Name Ideas?
Mandys Personalized Trinkets. Mandys Christmas Trinkets Hows that for a start?
Slogan Ideas for Child Care Business?
I would do a brainstorm session. Write down the things you want to make apparent. Look at pictures. What are you wanting to say? I think that one below is cute, catchy and says a lot.
Parvo Transmission Information?
PetMD is a great site to find all kinds of answers. I am sharing with you this link and hope that it answers a lot of your questions:
Name Ideas for Online Jewelry Business?
It should be unique and different. You want it to standout and perhaps make people think. Unique Metals, Silver Dream Come True, Pot OJewelry, or perhaps Boggles And Beads.
Freezing Cooked Figs?
Sure you can! Just dont leave them in the freezer forever. Airtight containers are best and put a date on them. I wouldnt leave them longer than six months.
Identifying Tiny Black Bugs?
You could take a few in a container to a garden center and they may be able to identify them for you and, give you instructions on how to get rid of them. Some pest control places will do this too. Or do a free inspection. The common small bugs found in houses...
Summer Squash Not Growing Large?
I wonder what variety squash you are planting. Also, check the type of fertilizer you are using. Is it for vegetables?
Finding Dental Care With Bad Credit?
You should check in your area and see if there is a Terry Reilly Dental in your area. They do a sliding scale and do not check your credit or anything. Also check in your area for dental schools. You might also check such sites as: www...
Problems Contacting Freecycle Moderator?
Freecycle is in need of moderators. It is all done for free. You probably arent getting an answer because there is no one in your area to answer it. I would go to the site( see if there is a national email or number you can call. I didnt see...
Ideas for Coed 12th Birthday Party?
What does she like? Celebrities, shows, places,games, etc. Is she a game player or a girl that likes to be on the cutting edge of whatever is going on? She might enjoy a pizza party at a video arcade or a costume/theme party. Depends on what type of a twelve...
Value of Ceramic Jar?
Here is a link to a site I found that looked promising:
Making a Wall Calendar?
If it is going to be a wall calendar why not do all the months on one page? With new technology you can make it any size you want. If you want pictures you do the calendar month on top of your chosen picture. Or have them around the outside border.
Pitting and Black Residue on Vintage Magnalite Cookware?
All I am finding regarding the black residue is that this happens when you lean acidic sauces and such in the pans too long. Here is a link to a very informative article on the cookware:
Value of Goldenvale Porcelain Doll?
I found two on eBay that were the same height and 1/2000. One was $35 and the other was $49.99. Neither were in the box. I think you could ask more because the one you have is in the box.
Removing Cat Urine Odor from Car Vent?
There are several things you can use. There is a product from Turtle Wax called Turtle Wax Power Out Odor X. You can also use white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spearmint or other mint oils with water sprayed around the car too will help eradicate the smell. If...
Cleaning a Washing Machine?
Here is what you will need and how much: Clorox makes a product for this too.
Value of Partial Set of Britannica Encyclopedias?
If you can find a collector of such things you might be able to sell these. Other than that they dont go for much. I see them at yard sales all the time.
Obtaining a Power of Attorney?
You can call some law offices and get free advice. Also go to the law library in your city or capitol. Some cities have places where you can do the filing and all on your own. These places tell you how to do it step by step. Law Shops. Google locally in your...
Removing Permanent Ink from Cloth Book Cover?
Check on They have all kinds of cleaning tips. Hope this is helpful to you.
Cleaning Dirt and Mud from Work Clothes?
Have you tried Oxi-Clean? I would try it and see if that doesnt do the trick.
Value of 1922-27 Compton's Picture Encyclopedia?
As said previously these are old and complete set You could be looking at a good amount on these. I would call an antique store in your area and get some numbers and/or names of old and rare book buyers. Antiques arent as popular as they were about fifteen...
Poppy Seed Cake with Custard Filling Recipe?
Here is a link to a recipe as you described it:
Buying Liquid Starch in Alberta Canada?
How about this idea? Make your own! I have a recipe for you that I found. If they wont ship to you why not just make your own?
Flower Astrology?
Here is a site with a long list of flowers and their astrology info:
Effect of Freezing on Vitamin C in Carrots?
Actually carrots are a good choice for freezing. Those and leafy vegetables and broccoli. The fat-soluble nutrients (like vitamin a and carotenoids are more stable during their processing in these foods. Cooking with little or no water is best to hold in the...
Uses For Orange Zest?
Cookies, breads, etc. We will be going into fall soon and with Halloween, and Christmas coming up you could use the zest in zucchini bread, sugar cookies, and bread.
Banana Crepes
These sound great. I used to make banana bread out of the ripe bananas. THis looks even easier.
Information on Eclipse Reel Mower?
I found an entire list of these mowers and some very nice prices on many of them. Of course the ones that are better condition will fetch a higher price. This list also has paperwork on the old models too. Here is the link:
Discontinued Bainbridge Wallpaper?
I found two sites that showed it listed. Here are the links: Hope these are of use to you.
Removing Spray Paint from a Faux Leather Bag?
Check on They have all kinds of cleaning tips on there. Check it out. Hope this is of help to you. Good luck!
Asking Dad's Permission to Wear a Crop Top?
Kids now days are growing up fast and are very smart. And, the world does have some bad elements out there. Hes just trying to keep you safe and respectable. I think your dad does sound a bit strict but I hope you also try to see this from his viewpoint. If...
Getting Rid of Aphids on Roses?
I used to have a nice collection of roses in the back yard. I used a pepper concoction to get rid of the aphids if they appeared. Here is the recipe for it:
Discount Grocery Suppliers in Orlando Florida?
I googled it and found about 30 in that area. Here is the list:
Building a Turtle Home in Your Garden
Great instructions and good story. Really enjoy your posts here.
Naya (German Shepherd Rottweiler...
I dont like Rottweillers at all but I do love German Shepards. They are great dogs. I have had them before. This is a handsome animal and I hope you win the monthly contest. Best of luck!
What Breed Is My Dog?
Looks like it could be part terrier. My mom had a terrier and when he was this age looked much the same.
Finding Free Baby Yarn for Charity Project?
You should check with the second hand stores in your area. Salvation Army and whatever stores like this that you might have in your area. Good luck to you.
Activities for Deaf and Blind Parent?
Have you checked with the local senior center? They may know of some activities or things going on in the community. Lions Club International may also be a place to check out. Here is their link:
Activities for Deaf and Blind Parent?
Sorry-the link I gave you for the Lions Club should have been:
Selling Pop Can Taps?
I dont know of any. But, I found this interesting article about the pull tabs on Snopes. Now this article is about dialysis machines but the article also includes information about pop pull tabs that might be of interest to you. Here is the link: http://www...
Free Yarn and Knitting Needles for Charity Projects?
I dont know of any places that would give away free yarn but, many places like Salvation Army and such have bins of yarns for next to nothing. My daughter gets it a lot from these type places.
Outings for Profoundly Disabled Blind Adults?
Take them anywhere. Tell them you are taking them to a secret location and they have to figure out where they are. Ice rink, art gallery-- NY is full of them. Let them listen for a period of time. Maybe have some fun little gift for the one who figures it out...
Activities for Ill Older Person?
Certainly there is a senior center in her community. She might be depressed. Being around children might help and animals. Take her to the park and let her set on a bench near where the childrens playground is located. Not for long the first time or two because...
Laptops for Students?
You might try Computer For Kids Organization. The website is: Hope this is of help to you. Or you could try the University of Phoenix.
Stretching My Meager Dollars
I am 71 and learned so much from my mom who fed 4 of us for $15 a week. This was back in the 60s but she saved in other ways too. Your tips are great. I use grocery bags for garbage too. A little thing like this can help a lot.
Rules for Tic Card Game?
Here is the instruction for the game: