Feeding a Puppy That Can't Eat Dry Food Yet?
My family raised 21 puppies totally by hand from the time they were two weeks old. The vets office gave me a recipe consisting of evaporated milk, boiled water, white corn syrup, and infant vitamins instead of suggesting I buy the prepared formula (he knew...
Saving Money on SOS Pads
I keep a plastic cup in my freezer for storing used pads. As soon as Im finished with a pad, I shake it out a bit and put it in the cup. Ive had some pads last for over a year, and I end up using the pads before they ever rust. Terry from ChilliOH
Saving Energy (& Money) in the Kitchen
Whenever I can, I use the microwave or my crockpot for cooking at least a portion of the meal. Often, you can microwave for part of the time, then switch the food to the stovetop or the oven. For things like pizza rolls, egg rolls, etc, I use the toaster oven...
Removing Lint from Sweaters?
I had something similar happen to me. I had to use a single-edge razor blade, held at an angle so it wouldnt cut into the garment, and it worked great.
Rebates for Prescription Drugs?
I do a google search for the drug by name. Name brand drugs often have a website, and if there is a rebate, thats where youll find that information. Ive done it with three drugs (all name brand), and Ive found rebates on all of them. I doubt that youll find...
Puppy Chow (Not for Dogs)
OK, everyone, try this - it is absolutely delicious, and extremely easy to make. It makes a good take-to-work-to-share snack. Terry from ChilliOH
Wrapping Your Hot Water Heater?
I had considered wrapping mine, since its in an unheated basement, but the water heater itself has a warning in big, bold letters not to use one. Are they maybe hoping my heating element burns itself out trying to keep the water warm or what? TerryfromChilliOH
Are Wolf Hybrid Dogs Safe?
I cant believe a shelter would even have a wolf hybrid! I used to have a dog/coyote mix, and she was wonderful, but I really advise against any of these hybrids, especially with young children. We cannot even assume our pet dogs wont bite or attack, let alone...
Mail Order Prescriptions
Excellent idea. I have forgotten mine and had to get more expensive 30-day supplies until I got my refill. Fortunately, my mail-order pharm has started calling customers when their refills are due; however, they dont tell who or what prescription needs filled...
Moving and Leaving The Cockroaches Behind?
When I moved from a place that was crawling with cockroaches, I sprayed an ant and roach killer along the sides on the inside of the boxes, then packed them. I made sure that all my food was placed in plastic containers, and I didnt spray the boxes it was going...
Store Brand vs. Brand Name Products
I used to use a certain brand vegetable only, because it was always the best (IMHO); however, when i started finding stems and unknown objects mixed in with these expensive, hardly-ever-on-sale veggies, I decided to try some store brands. I was wonderfully...
Joke - Raising Boys - 24 Key Points to Ponder
Im expecting my first grandson September 1, and I sent this along to my daughter-in-law as soon as I read it. How true, how funny and how it takes me back! TerryfromChilliOH
Ideas for Hanging Clothes?
My husband and I hung some really nice-looking chains from the ceiling and put S-hooks on them. We then attached a long dowel rod to the hooks. Believe it or not, it looked fine, and it was definitely different. We used really shiny chains which helped the...
Home With Iron In The Water?
I finally broke down and got a water softener/rust remover, but it took me a couple of years of aggravation to get that far (I had an extreme iron problem). For your toilets, bathtubs and sinks I recommend The Works toilet cleaner and their bathtub/sink cleaner...
Ants on Porch?
I had a terrible problem in my bathroom, and I bought some cheap ant baits (TAT brand, either at Dollar General or Family Dollar) to put out where they were coming in. Within a couple of weeks I saw no more ants. I normally dont kill bugs, but these things...
Ralto Autoshift Crockpot Advice?
From what I understand, autoshift will cook your food on high for a couple of hours, then automatically shift to low. How one would cook something that requires cooking on low for the duration, I dont know. With most recipes, I imagine a couple of hours on...
The Many Uses For Vinegar?
I like to use a mix of vinegar and baking soda to clean my drains. It can often unclog them (found this out in a clogged bath tub drain). I also use vinegar and water to clean my ceramic-top stove (leaves it with a nice shine). Vinegar and water clean my car...
Smelly Down Comforter?
I used to have one, and Id take it to the laundry to clean it in one of their big washers. The ladies there told me the machines would never get it dry enough, and Id have to take it home and hang it on the line. Id follow Lindas advice about the vinegar soak...
Sayings for an Ordination Cake?
Dis idea is excellent. Congratulations to you and your son. TerryfromChilliOH
Shaving Your Legs - Tips?
Make sure the water you use isnt too hot for the same reason. TerryfromChilliOH
Benefits of Getting a New Furnace
I agree, although I would add a caveat: Make sure you know all about the differences in fuel if you switch your heat source (e.g. replacing a fuel oil furnace with propane). Last winter we had a propane furnace installed to replace a (at least) 25-year-old...
Clothing Washing Machine Repairs?
I have another hint about this: Make sure what you think is a water leak from under the washer really is a water leak. Last week while I was putting clothes in my washer while it was filling, some water splashed back into the area above the tub where the water...
Alternative to Water Guns
Although I have no problem with guns, either toy or otherwise, I prefer the bottles because: 1) theyre free; 2) theyre easier for little hands to fill; 3) they dont wear out; 4) they put out a lot more water than those squirt guns (even the big ones); 5) its...
Depth Gauge for Drilling
I always just eyeballed it (guessed, in other words), but I really like your idea! Thanx. TerryfromChilliOH
Softball Jersey Quilt
What a loving, thoughtful, wonderful idea. You must be a much-loved grandma! TerryfromChilliOH
Uses for Unwanted Shampoo
Shampoo (for oily hair, especially) is really good for washing dishes if you run out of dish detergent. You can also use it to wash the dog (or cat, if you can!). If you cant think of any other uses for it you could put it with a collection of other little...
Recycling Aluminum
One of the recycling centers where I live will give you two cents more per pound if you place a bumper sticker on your car that lets everyone know where you recycle. If you do recycle you may want to check with your recycling center to see if they have any...
A Shaker of Baking Soda in the Kitchen
I also like to keep a shaker with flour in it for when I have to flour a piece of meat, a piece of dough or make gravy. TerryfromChilliOH
Homemade Drinkable Yogurt
Wonderful idea! Healthy and scrumptious at the same time - what a deal! TerryfromChilliOH
Handwash Stained White Mark on Shirt?
Ive gotten bleach on some of my clothes, and sorry to say, once the color is bleached out of something, you cant get it back. The only thing you can do (for a permanent fix) is to dye it. One other thing I have done with a shirt that has just a small bleach...
Plates for Candles
I, too, use plates, but I only use candles when the lights go out - not for decorative purposes. If this is the case with anyone else, put foil, shiny side up, on the plate to reflect more of the candles light and place the candle by a mirror if possible. TerryfromChilliOH
Paper or Plastic?
When youre moving and run out of boxes you can fill the bags so that you can fold over the top and tape them shut. Theyre sturdy and lightweight, making excellent box replacements. Theyre good grease absorbers, as pointed out, and I use them in the bottom of...
Rust Stains On Jeans?
Iron Out powder is an excellent rust remover. Before I got a water softener/rust remover, I used it for every load of whites I did and never had a rust problem (and my water was full of iron). I just added 1/2 cup of powder to a full load of whites and they...
Control Pests, Don't Eradicate Them
Bless you! I live in the middle of nowhere (1/2 mile back off the road, surrounded by big hills, cant see the house from any direction). In the eight years Ive lived here Ive seen more different kinds of animals and other critters than Id seen living anywhere...
Colic Remedies - Tip for Colicky Babies
This really works. I used it 26 years ago for my extremely colicky son. Something else that helps is wrapping a babys belly snugly with a receiving blanket or anything thats about that size and holding him against you. I learned this from a friend who takes...
Grease Stain On Fabric Purse?
I agree with the dry cleaner. I always use either lighter fluid (the cheaper choice, but I cant stand the smell) or GooGone for grease stains, and its always worked without leaving a stain of its own. Ive not had any problem with either one, but one lady who...
Cure for Loose Screws on Sunglasses
...and, if its too late and youve already lost the screw, a piece of wire from bread ties, etc. works very well in its place. Make sure you strip the paper or plastic from the very thin wire inside, put the wire through the holes where the screw was, and tighten...
Removing Duct Tape From Carpet?
If Lestoil doesnt work (thanks for that bit of info, by the way, chima, I didnt know about that), try lighter fluid or GooGone. Lighter fluid is cheaper, but GooGone smells much better (I use orange scented). Ive yet to find a sticky residue GooGone couldnt...
Save Money on Cat Litter
Note to editor: Its funny you should say that about your cats - mine did exactly that! Hed just been neutered, and the vet told me to use shredded newspaper for 10 days instead of litter. I came into the room where I had some newspaper ready to shred, and he...
Relieving Headaches
This may sound really strange (although it has a physiological basis), but when I awake with a migraine, I sit up straight and tilt my head back as far as it can go and just sit like that until the meds Ive taken kick in. It takes the headache almost completely...
Removing Odor from Hands
After peeling onions or garlic, I pour table salt into the palm of one hand and rub my hands together under running water. Its not failed me yet, and it doesnt take much salt. Terry from ChilliOH
Anti-Fogging Glass Spray
I use my hand to spread shaving cream (not gel) on my husbands in-the-shower shaving mirror, then wipe it off with a towel or paper towel, and it works great - no fog. I have to do this about once a month. I never thought to try it for the windows in my house...
Keeping Cats Off My Fence?
Poor pooch! Id try spraying the fence with straight vinegar, but first find out if this will hurt the wisteria. If not, soak the fence, lavishing attention on the top rail. Most, if not all, cats hate vinegar. The smell will dissipate, so you will have to do...
Identity Theft Tip - When Ordering Checks
Cheryl, I never thought of that. What a great idea! Next time I have my checks made, Ill do that.
Freezing Tortillas?
Im going to try it Harleans way because its much simpler, but before now, I just expelled as much air as possible from the bag they came in, rolled them up, then wrapped the bunch in aluminum foil and put them in the freezer. Ive never had any problems with...
Cheap Tortilla Dessert
Another great, cheap dessert using tortillas and leftover fruit pie filling: Place some pie filling on a tortilla and roll it up. Deep fry it (I use a wok for this, since its not too deep) until golden (1-3 minutes). You may sprinkle with powdered sugar if...
Dollar Menus at Fast Food Restaurants?
I have only one caveat about ordering from the dollar menu - make sure you actually look at the menu, even if youve been to that restaurant many times. At the McDonalds where I live they have taken most things of any value off their dollar menu. Boy, am I glad...
Sticker Goo From Name Tags On Shirts?
I had the same problem a while back, only with a pair of soft cotton knit pants. I figured that Id use my Goo-Gone to get the stuff off, and if it messed up the pants, it didnt matter since I wouldnt wear them the way they were. The Goo-Gone worked great and...
Getting Rid of Cat Urine Smell for Future Cats?
This happened over 10 years ago. My cat (male, unneutered) had only been gone a year when we got a new one, and I had used an enzymatic cleaner on our carpet where he and another cat had a who can pee here last contest :) The smell was completely gone, apparently...
Buying Cleaning Supplies At Dollar Tree
Amen! My husband wanted a jump rope, so I looked in another store, but the price was almost $5. Since Dollar Tree was across the street, I decided to check there and got the same exact brand, style, etc. jump rope for about 1/5 the price. I found 10 Christmas...
Clean Out the Dryer's Lint Trap
The lint trap is not the only place lint can cause a fire. Aside from the obvious vent hose, the inside of the back of your dryer can accumulate a lot of lint, even if your lint filter is inside the door of your dryer. I learned this when our dryer caught fire...
New Ideas For Church Fundraising?
My children attend a Christian school with less than 40 students. The school is poor because most of the parents are not that well-to-do, but weve made a fairly good profit having an outdoor carnival in a county of 80,000, most of whom live way out in the boonies...
Egg Shell Seed Starters
What a simple, fantastic, environmentally-friendly recycling idea! Please let us know how it works and if theres anything to watch out for. terry
Spray Pre-soak Stain Remover
I use the same pre-spotter as Lisa, but in slightly different amounts - 1 cup Dawn (excellent grease-cutter), 1 cup non-sudsing ammonia and 2 cups water - and I have to say its at least as good as anything you can buy. My only caveat is to use it right before...
Credit Card Interest You DIDN'T See Coming
This is not the only dirty trick cc companies play. If they think youre becoming a credit risk because of too much outstanding debt, they may also raise your rates. If they cant make money off you, personally (say you pay your charges in full and you have no...
Candle Soot On Walls?
The first thing I try for wall and ceiling stains is a (generic brand) Mr. Clean-type eraser. Its not failed me yet.
Help with Stray Cats?
Ive never known a cat that likes mothballs, and only one that can tolerate the smell of vinegar. You might consider spraying the porch and surrounds with undiluted vinegar. Youll have to redo every day or two for a while (or if it rains), but its better than...
Reusing Laundry Containers
The bleach bottles make good funnels for various fluids we have to put into our autos once you cut the bottom off to the depth you need. Also, you can cut the bottoms out of detergent and bleach bottles at an angle to use as scoops for various things (dog food...
Smoke Smell In Food Container?
Thats the first time Ive ever heard of such a thing (sorry, but I had to laugh)! When I have smells I cant get out of my plastics, I use either white vinegar or baking soda mixed with water (let it sit overnight). When I store these, I put a little baking soda...
Crystal Lite Containers for Crochet Hooks
Good idea. I use them to mix my protein drinks when the blender is otherwise in use.
Keeping Tea Fresh
I buy teabags 10 boxes at a time when I find them at a very good price. I store all but one box in the freezer. One box fills up a canister, with the remainder of the box going into the fridge. Just make sure not to spill anything on or around them.
Soap for Fleas
Thanx so much for this info! Never heard of it, but you can believe Ill try it when the time comes (and its coming soon). This is for Tuey: You used to be able to find fels-naphtha in the drugstore. If its not available there, Id try Lowes or some place like...