Use Doctor's Office Masks With Care
I hate when parents dont parent. Those kids were old enough to know better. I agree that was disgusting. Great idea to bring your own. Maybe another good idea is to have the staff have the only access to the masks and hand them out themselves. That way, they...
Remove White Lint with Velcro
I got white lint pills on my husbands black socks. He wanted to throw them away, but I told him I could fix it. I tried tape, vinegar, tooth brushes...nothing was working. Then, I saw your idea, and WOW, IT WORKS! BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU
A Bouquet of Edibles
That was such a sweet comment, and absolutely true. Your gift to write that is as beautiful as this flower artists gift to create the bouquet.
Decorative Jewelry Organizer
That is beautiful. I did something very similar with a frame from a mirror Id inherited from one of my aunts. The glass shattered in an earthquake, so I used hard plastic canvas in its place. The result: a beautiful place for all my hook earrings. It doesnt...
Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft
THESE ARE FANTASTIC TIPS WE ALL SHOULD BE DOING. However, sometimes, despite our best efforts, identity theft happens anyway. Incase it does, it is smart to have a restoration plan to step in and fix the problem. I have been blessed to have access to one that...
Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft
Thats definitely a pickle. Maybe you can talk to your DMV about it?