Child Support Advice for the Noncustodial Parent?
Got talk to Social Security and ask them what is going on.
Collecting Other Income and Benefits While On Social Security?
On SSD you are allowed to earn up to a certain amount. The Social Security Office usually sends out a pamphlet letting you know what your amount is and how to go through the process of getting work while on SSD. You really should go to your Social Security...
Driver's License Suspended for Back Support?
Probably not. Child support is constant until 1) the child dies 2) the child becomes a legal adult 3) a judge says otherwise. He needs to talk to a lawyer or at least the DMV and get the whole thing worked out because it doesnt sound like she knows what she...
SSI and Child Support?
Go to your local Social Security office and ask them. They would know without question or doubt.
14th Birthday Party Ideas?
If you are having swimming why not get water pistols and have a water battle? Everyone puts on suits for the battle and then go swimming after when everyone is already wet.
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
I remember my cousin wanted a small get together for her birthday and she invited me and three of her friends to go roller skating. Her mom paid for everyone and a pizza she put candles on. She also purchased drinks and some other little thing from the snack...
How to Cut Tires?
If you are talking car tires you are in for some work. Xar tires have steel going through them so you are not just cutting rubber, you are cutting steel. If you had a big enough pair of steel shears that might work, if you are strong enough, but you are probably...
Middle School Melee - Getting a Boy to Read?
Part of your success will be to know what his interests are. Or even better... his passion. Once you know that, you get him a book he just has to read because it fits his passion. Instead of a book it could be a magazine subscription. That way he is attempting...
Water from Fridge Tastes Bad?
An open box of baking soda will help eliminate flavors from your water. Works good in the freezer as well for ice cream.
Welbilt Bread Machine Owner's Manual?
Here are other sites that might help. You also may be able to download the manual from the manufacturer website.
Contact Manufacturer For Lost Appliance Manuals
And if the manufacturer cant help you try one of these websites:
Manual for Ice Tea Maker?
Try these websites:
List Emergency Numbers in Cell as ICE
If you put a listing as HOME this will also give someone a number to call if your phone is found. I came across a phone and called a listing of DAD to find the owner of the phone. There was nothing else that looked like it would have helped. And it worked out...
Tecnu Spray for Treating Poison Ivy Rash
Tecnu is awesome and worth every penny. You can also put it on your body before messing with the various poison plants and then take a shower. The poisons wash off your body like you never messed with anything.
Pages Too Big for Computer Screen?
Not exactly sure what setting you modified to make your desktop the way you are describing but I may have a solution for you. Right click on your desktop and select Properties, it may be Graphic Properties. Look for Display Settings, specifically the word Resolution...
Game Ideas for Call of Duty Themed Party?
Watch Minute to Win It and youll get all kinds of ideas. You may be able to go to the website and get the names and descriptions of all the games as well. They do say during the show you can practice the games at home so they have to be some where. Anyway, the...
Package Lost by the Post Office?
If the package was being sent to you it is the responsibility of the sender. They should have had tracking on the package so it could be tracked down. If it was something you sent the only way you can find it is if you had a tracking number. The exception to...
Hummingbird Nesting Information?
Hummingbird eggs are really small. Like smaller than a peanut. And they make the smallest nests as you said, in the crux of tree branches. So I would say something else made it to your bird house and had the eggs. And you are probably right, they were left...
Welbilt ABM 2200-220 Manual? One of these sites should have a manual or one close to your model.
Removing Superglue from Glasses Lens?
Fingernail polish remover. Dont get it all over the lens though,. It will leave an oily surface that may take a while to clean off but it wont make any scratches. I would recommend you use a toothpick to put drops on the super glue. Let it soak before trying...
Buying a Window Mount Hummingbird Feeder?
Your best bet is going to be ordering one off the internet. Another option may be Lowes or Home Depot. An alternative to the indow mounted type is buy a flower pot hanger. Either the type that goes in the ground that comes up with a hook. You can turn it to...
Child Support and SSI?
You are responsible for child support. If you went on disability after child support was initially granted to your husband you are still responsible for child support BUT.... did you tell Social Security you were paying child support? When I went on disability...
Finding Cartons for Freezing Juice?
I would just use soda bottles. Clean them out real good with hot water, fill them 2/3 with orange juice and put them on an angle in the freezer to freeze. When youre ready to drink one let it thaw most of the way, give it a good shake to remix it and get pulp...
Hiring Someone to Do Laundry?
Not sure what the going rate would be but what I would do is stop at a local laundry mat that offers to wash clothes and find out what they charge. Use that amount as a high price. I do have suggestions on where to find someone to do the laundry though: Stop...
Manual for Welbilt Bread Machine #ABM- 100-2?
Try these websites:
Nailing Sign to Stone Wall?
Depending on what it is, I would use a cinder block nail. Your best bet is to take the sign and go to Lowes or Homedepot and ask someone there. Show them the sign you want to hang, explain to them the wall you want to hang it on and ask for suggestions. I actually...
Transferring Data from Old to New Computer?
Data is usually documents, pictures and music. There are a few different options depending on what you have available. Understand that music is usually the data that creates the largest files. Even archived they dont shrink much. You may have to ditch some...
Outlet Making Crackling Popping Noise?
Its a fire waiting to happen. That crackling noise is a type of sparking. It hasnt happened yet but the socket will probably blow and if you are lucky all it will do is burn out the socket. If youre not lucky it could start a fire behind your wall which could...
Keeping Bananas From Turning Black?
I cant really explain the why they turn black. I would guess that is a bananas first steps in the rotting process. As for preventing that I dont think you can but you can slow it down. At least we do. We put the bananas in two bags. One white (or clear) and...
Child Support and Social Security?
If you were awarded child support in a court of law he is obligated to pay the amount until your child is no longer a child (usually when they turn 18). If he wants to get the amount lowered he has to go back to court and have the court change his amount. In...
Buying and Downloading Games from the Internet?
If it is something you can see entirely on your screen you can hold down your shift key and press the Prt Scr button (usually up on the right. This is your print screen butto and the whole screen will be sent to your default printer. If you cant see the whole...
Manual for Hitachi HB D102 Automatic Breadmaker?
Try one of these sites.
Manual for Welbilt Bread Machine?
A couple websites you can check out for a manual.
Educational Opportunities On Line?
It really depends on what you might want to do as a career. There are many sites to help you but you have to be specific. If you want to be a programmer you need to pick a language, do a Google or Bing search, download the required software and get started...
Inexpensive Ideas for Driveway?
There is a stone you can put down that make a good driveway base. I cant think of what they call it but if you ask at a quarry or maybe even a Lowes or Home Depot. It pacts down when it gets wet and kind of hardens but can still be broken up with a shovel if...
Computer Doesn't Start When it is Cold?
Computers actually thrive in cool dry environments. Heat is a computers worse enemy. And moisture to that and it has a chance of shorting out. Humidity builds inside on the circuits (they sweat) and that is when the damage happens. As for why your PC isnt running...
Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?
Would it be possible your child is teething? If so, get some Baby Orajel (I think that is the name of it) and put a dab on your finger then rub it on the childs gums.
Late Christmas Help for Children?
Talk to your church. Or better yet talk to their church. You should be able to get some assistance.
Selling Encyclopedias?
Well, best of luck trying to sell them. I would start first with Craigs List. Then I would try a pawn shop (which is iffy). Your best bet might be trading them in at a used bookstore for store credit. The store may buy them for a lesser value than what the...
Pre-lit Christmas Tree Assembly Instructions?
Try the Reclaimit site and if that doesnt work go to, put reclaimit. com in the search window and it will show you other sites that may be able to help.
Using a Tablet with No Internet Service?
Where I live the best I can do is dial up... which sucks at best. When I really want some quality time I go to McDonalds or KFC. Almost all McDs have WiFi and many KFC restaurants do also. I purchased a WiFi detector to check places out before asking if the...
Convection Oven Manual?
Try one of these websites: I have had the best luck with Retrevo in the past but it looks like they may have changed their site.
Purchasing a Notebook or Laptop?
The choice really depends on what you want to be able to do. The main drawbacks to notebooks are their screens are small in detail, they have no outputs (USB, printer ports, many dont have audio in/out puts), hard drives are limited in size and there is some...
Locked Out of Yahoo Mail?
You can try contacting Yahoo and ask for assistance. They might give you access if you can provide the old alternate email address. All you can do is ask. If and when you do get into your account you should have another account on another free site like Mail...
Getting Rid of Opossums in Yard?
The cats are probably staying away from the opossum and they arent messin with the cats because the kitties are staying away from them. Your best bet is to get (possibly borrow) a live catch trap, catch the critters and take them somewhere far away and let...
Changing the Display Size on Computer Screen?
This could also be a resolution issue. You can experiment with your display resolution to find the display that suits you best. Right click on your desktop. On the menu that pops up select PROPERTIES. I dont know what Operating System you are using but it is...
Making Labels on the Computer?
The easiest way to make labels is with a program like Microsoft Word, might be able to do it with MS Excel as well. I always use word. Anyway, go to Walmart or a stationary store and by blank label if you want ones that already have adhesive. If you just want...
Favorite Books?
I never read fiction, per say, growing up I read a lot of fantasy and one book that was hard to set down was Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn. It was written by several authors of the time. Each author wrote a short story about a different character. The link was...
Setting the Timing on a Sewing Machine?
If you have the manual it may tell you what to do. If you dont have a manual you can try / or
Finding Inexpensive or Free Furniture?
I would start at a Good Will and/or Salvation Army. Actually I would start with yard sales but it is too late in the year for most areas, yard sale season is over.
Canning Fruits and Vegetables?
Get yourself a Ball Blue Book. It is the canners bible. It wil tell you how to can with a hot water bath and with a pressure cooker and what fruits and vegetables are appropriate for each type.
Christmas Assistance in Pennsylvania?
Talk to someone in your church. They may know a place that will help. There is a place in our town that has donations for sale but anyone in need can have anything they have in stock.
Choosing an Apartment Locator?
I dont know much about an apartment locator but I can give you advice on how to determine an area you would consider living in. You said you are not familiar with the city you are moving to but I am sure you are familiar with how you like to live. Consider...
Cook in Bulk And Freeze
Another option that fits this idea is to cook different food that you can freeze and heat for later meals. Slow cooker: cook chicken (without bones) and freeze. Later the chicken can be thawed and microwaved (heated) for chicken salad, Sweet and Sour Chicken...
Other Uses for Deodorants/Antiperspirants?
It may seem disgusting but you might be able to give them away. A homeless shelter may take them or if you know an area where some homeless people hang out you could give them out directly. I was trying to think if you could leave one open in a room as a light...
Wedding Gift Money Amount?
If you had gone to the wedding how much would you have been willing to spend on a gift? Send the cash instead. If you have no idea what you may have purchased send them $40 or $50. My recommendation, especially if you are going to add your gift to a card, ask...
Asking a Guy to Preference?
Just walk up to the guy and ask him. If you are uncomfortable asking him before or after the class you share try to find out if you have the same lunch break or find out where his locker is and meet him there after last class and ask him. You dont have to do...
Pouring From a Large Bottle
Good advice. Another suggestion for your oil is to pour some in an old pump type spray bottle. You never need to buy Pam again.
Stuffed Green Peppers?
I dont know about blanching but I do know that when your pepper is prepared you stuff them with your already cooked stuffing and freeze them. Last time my mom and I froze green peppers we put them in individual sandwich bags and then a Velvetta cheese box. Closed...
Adjusting a Computer Monitor Screen?
When you right click on your desktop you get a menu and usually the bottom option is Properties or Graphic Properties. Select that. The next window that opens can have numerous possibilities but you are mainly looking for Display Options. I tested it with the...
Looking for Photo of Terra Doodle Dog?
I did a Google image search and found Terra dogs and Doodle dogs but no Terrar Doodle Dogs. I think the cutest is the Golden Doodle.
Canning Tomatoes?
You need to get a BALL canning book. It is like the Bible of canning. It will give you the details of just about every canning process that exists from hot water bath to pressure cooker. My mom cans and has like three of these books (she misplaces them alot...
Gluing Buttons to Back of Hand Mirror?
If you are asking if you should paint the buttons or the mirror first I would say yes on both unless you want the buttons the same color as the mirror. In that case paint all of it at the same time. You could use elmers glue, a hot glue gun or super glue. All...
Applying for a Patent?
Im not sure about patents but I once heard about a poor mans copyright. You may be able to do the same thing for a patent. The idea behind a poor mans copyright is you right down everything in detail and I will add (because of the new technology since I was...
Freezing Bell Peppers?
My mother cuts them in half, cores them, puts them in a ziplock bag and tosses them in the freezer. As simple as that. We grow our own peppers and have them all year long with the freezing process. When you thaw them out they can be a bit soft but the still...
Do Mosquitoes Breed in Moving Water?
I am no expert onmosquitos but I seem to remember they only breed in still water. That is why it is recommended to make sure you have nothing that collects water around your house.
Using Internet Bidding Sites to Shop?
It has been a while since I have looked at Bidz but if I remember right you have to purchase bids for lack of a better term. Each bid allows you to make a bid on an item no matter how much you are putting in as a bid. For example, an item is at $10 and you...
Home Remedy to Help Get to Sleep?
I was going to mention warm milk helps some but if you dont like milk (or are lactose intolerant) you could drink hot cocoa. Or... I think there is a type of tea that helps you sleep. If you like hot tea you might look into that or ask a tea drinker they might...
Value of a Vintage Jukebox?
You might find some info on Google about what they are selling for, but I believe you are talking about a Jukebox. If it is a machine that takes coins and plays selected music then yeah.. it is a jukebox.
How is Hail Formed?
Well it has been a while since I have thought about it but the basics are this: when it rains and the upper atmosphere is below freezing the rain drops freeze, the more cloud they pass thru the more moisture these ice drops pass through more moisture and they...
Saving Pictures to Your Computer
It is not a common practice for someone to save a picture for a one time use. would recommend a Temp folder in your pictures folder. Store pictures that you believe you will only need once in that folder. At the end or beginning of a month you can delete everything...
Consignment and Thrift Stores?
I utilize the to find consignment shops, Goodwills, thrift stores and Salvation army stores. It is a good search engine for finding businesses in a particular area. AND it usually gives you options for store types you may not have thought of...
Scanning Software for Organizing Household Papers?
Well the first thing I thought of when I read you scanner was the NeatDesk Organiser Ive seen advertised on TV Then I read an article that said for the money you are better...
Cleaning a Smelly Washing Machine?
Foxum41 had a good idea with the vinegar. I was thinking baking soda. Again, with no clothes as Foxum41 had said. Another thought I just had was you need to make sure the smell is from the machine and not from the drain the machine uses. Take the exhaust hose...
Free Tree Removal?
First I would ask some people you know (neighbors, coworkers, church members) if they can recommend anyone. Second I would check your Yellow Pages for someone who knows how to do this. Dont let an inexperienced person attempt this if it is a large tree as you...
Children of Varying Ages Sharing a Bedroom?
My opinion is you would be better off letting the toddler and newborn share a room and let the tweens stay where they are. The tweens are getting to the age they want boundaries and their own stuff and would not like to be invaded by another. The toddler is...
Repelling Mosquitoes?
Well the trick I grew up with was Skin So SOft by Avon. It was a skin softening lotion that the little buggers just didnt like and it was safe for kids (and kids liked it). I dont know if Avons Skin So Soft is still made the same was because Avon decided to...
Solar Powered Dog Collar?
Here are a couple links for collars that may interest you
Name Ideas for an Online Women's Jewelry and Accessories Business?
Cleopatra Accents Cleopatra Accessories Cleopatras Cleopatras Closet The Ladies Lounge Queen For A Day Essencial Extras The House of Class
What is This?
I printed the picture and showed it to my parents. My dad in particular has seen stuff over the years that you would never expect. Anyway, he said it looked like a funeral urn for holding someones ashes. Especially because of the lid. But he was not absolutely...
Amount of Hamburger Needed for 100 People?
It really depends on a few factors. How lean is your beef? If you have really good beef (80/20 or better) you can figure to get 5 or 6 good size burgers out of each pound. Another factor is how many of these people eat burgers and how many of them EAT burgers...
Gifts and Prizes for 40th High School Reunion?
If it is a 40 year reunion get prizes that would have been reflective of 40 years ago. Maybe a 1972 greatest Hits CD. DVDs of greatest movies of 1972. Or books for that matter. Was there anything special that happened in that year in your city (besides the...
Finding a Replacement Music Box for Stuffed Animal?
In the past I have noticed some of the more prominent craft stores have a variety of music boxes of different size and tune. If you have one near by check a Michaels or a Hobby Lobby. You can also order music boxes online from craft type websites.
Squirrels Eating My Apricots?
I dont know if it would work for all the critters but it would cut down on some of them (especially the birds). Add bells to your branches. Dont hang them from the limbs on strings tie them directly to the branch. This way when a critter goes on the branch...
Freezing Cakes or Cupcakes?
You can, my mother froze banana bread muffins with icing. She wrapped them in wax paper and froze them in a rubber made type bowl. Obviously you really cant wrap something with a thick icing but you could put them in an air tight bowl and freeze them. Use a...
Asking a Guy to a Dance?
Just walk up to him and say, Hey... have you found someone to take to the dance? If he says yes just respond,Good, Ill see you there. and start thinking of other guys. If he says NO respond, Good, will you take me? See were that gets you.
Making a Craft to Give to Patients in a Nursing Home?
Is this something you want to make for the residents or something you want to help the residents make? My first thought was a hand fan. You could use paper plates and popsickle sticks (tongue depressors are larger and would be easier for them to handle) and...
Asking an Older Guy to Prom?
Just ask him. Guys dont care for cutesy ways of doing things or something being hinted at. They prefer a gal to be straight forward and tell them what they want or ask them what they want.
Plastic Canvas Patterns?
Good luck. My mother does plastic canvas. On a rare occasion she finds patterns at some of the craft stores: Hobby Lobby and Michaels have a few sometimes. I have also been lucky at finding her patterns in book form at used book stores.
Writing a Speech for Winning a Writing Competition?
If you are giving a speech at a banquet in which you are being recognized for your essay you will want to thank everyone (or the judges) for choosing your essay, mention when you heard of the essay contest what convinced you to participate, mention what encouraged...
Alternative Uses for Photo Albums?
You can use a photo album for collections: stamps, baseball cards, post cards, leaves...just to name a few.
Finding Someone to Remove Trees in Exchange for the Wood?
You can post on Craigslist for your area in the FREE section. If you arent familiar with Craigslist it is and you narrow down to the closest area nearest you on the right. I would be careful though, if the trees can fall on anything that could...
Storing Toilet Tissue?
If you dont have one you can go to a yard sale and buy a metal sugar/flour can that is big enough for a roll of toilet paper. You can put this on top of your tank for decoration or on the floor under the tank for emergency.