What is This Insect?
Looks like a California Laurel Borer. They do live in WA. http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?enlarge=0000+0000+1203+0313
What Kind of Snake is This?
Looks like a gray rat snake to me. http://srelherp.uga.edu/snakes/elaobs.htm
Applying for a Patent?
The information that Suntydt provided above is incorrect. Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_mans_copyright Your best bet is to get a lawyer and do it the proper way. If the idea is good enough to patent, its worth the investment. http://www.copyright...
Woodchuck (Litchfield County, CT)
Hes cute! In the south we call them Ground hogs. Some people call them Whistle Pigs.
Determining the Value of Old Encyclopedias?
If you look up the value at online book dealers, they are valued at less than $1 each with shipping of $2.95 per book. Encyclopedias have gone the way of hoop skirts and horse buggies. They are obsolete. Sorry.
Finding the Value of Older Encyclopedias?
Your best bet is to recycle them. No one can sell, give away, donate or dump-and-run a set of encyclopedias these days.
Can I Bread Cucumbers Before Freezing?
Can you even freeze cucumbers? Ive always heard that they turn into mush if frozen.
Uses for Cloth Diapers Other Than as Cleaning Cloths?
They make great cold compresses. Dampen them and place in the freezer for a little while. They are also great for cleaning eyeglasses (dont scratch), hot pads, lining for small pet beds, sew a couple together for seat cushions at the ball game (those bleachers...
Using On Line Pay Day Loan Services?
Dawn is correct. Please be careful. Payday loan companies are there to make money off of you. They really dont care about your circumstances. They will hit you with all the fees that they can! If you figure out the actual annual percentage rate, some companies...
Getting Rid of Bats?
Bats are great to have around for insect control. If I were you, Id let the bat stay. If you dont want it living under your umbrella, take the umbrella down when the bat is NOT roosting. Put it away for a few days. Place a bat box (http://www.watershedactivities...
What is This Plant? (Althea Zebrina)
Looks like some type of geranium to me. Its very pretty. Id like to have some of those myself :)
Uses for 10 Year Old Champagne?
Ten year old champagne may still be good. Most wine is aged. Pop open a bottle and taste it. If its still good, wonderful. If not, pour it into your compost bin. The sugar will help feed the compost. PS. Remember, the taste of aged wines is different than fresh...
Finding a Distributor for Homemade Pies?
If you are going to sell to the public, you will probably need a business license. You will also have to register with your local Health Department. In most states your kitchen will be considered a restaurant or a caterer and will have to be regularly inspected...
Why Does My Kitten Nibble on My Face?
Shes probably teething. Or it could be that she likes the taste of your makeup or lotion. When my kittens were teething, I purchased some small chew toys for them. When they bit something inappropriate, like me, I would tell them no and then encourage them...
Why are My Cucumbers Yellow and Bitter?
Cucumbers are not meant to get large. Allowing them to get too big makes them yellow and bitter. All cucumbers start out green from the time the blossom drops off the immature fruit. For the best flavor, you should pick them when they are 4 to 5 inches long...
What is Cutting Down My Squash Plants?
Squash Vine Borers, they destroy most of my crop each year. I always plant extra plants, knowing that they will get most of them. Sevin is supposed to kill them, but since they eat the plant stems from the inside, I havent found Sevin to be much help. Sorry...
Mower Cord Hard to Pull After Hitting Something?
Ours did the same thing. Turns out that the shaft was bent when we ran over something. Repair cost more than the mower was worth, so we had to get a new mower.
Feeding Woodpeckers?
I agree with Kaelle. Looks like a half eaten suet cake. If you google suet cakes there are some good recipes online or you can buy them pre-made from home improvement stores or any store that sells bird seed.
Does Rosacea Go Away?
Sadly, NO. There are treatments available by prescription, but they only reduce the inflammation and redness. Speaking from experience, rosacea is a lifelong battle. Ask your Dr. what you can do to reduce flareups, including medication and dietary changes.
Redheaded Lizards (Broad-Headed Skinks)
Broad-headed Skinks. Very common in the southeastern US. There was an excellent program on skink ancestors at last weeks Gray Fossil Site Symposium presented by Jim Mead and Blaine Schubert. Research suggests that the skink fossils found at the Gray Fossil...
Transferring a Picture to a Cup or Plate?
Any company that specializes in sublimation can do this for you. Unless you decoupage the item (which then means that it cannot be used for food/drink), you will probably need to have someone with a proper heat press and sublimation equipment do it for you...
Donating Free Fabric Samples?
Ask the art teacher at your local school. Ill bet they would love to have them.
Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?
Try a paste of baking soda and vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub with a soft toothbrush.
Could Blue Jay Have Attacked Cat?
While it is possible, I would find it hard to believe that a bird would do that much damage. Especially to a cat. Im sure that the cat would be moving away to defend itself. Its more likely that your vet is correct or your cat injured itself on something like...
Add Lights To Leash For Nighttime Walks
I purchased a pet safety light from Love-Tags.com. It clips to your pets collar or leash and serves the same purpose as your lighting system. It has different settings-continuous, blinking and strobe lighting. I like the blinking setting. It is highly visible...
Animal Shelter Chocolate Festival Centerpieces?
Depending on how much time you have before the event, Ive got an idea. Go to your local veterinarians, pet supply stores and groomers. Offer them the chance to provide a table decoration, advertising their services, showcasing their products, giving small gift...
Reducing the Cost of Feeding a Family
Along with using coupons, dont forget store brands. They are often the same quality as national brands and cost MUCH less. My sister used to work for a large packaging manufacturer, they sent name brand packaging and store brand packaging to the same food manufacturers...
Show Up REALLY Early at Garage Sales
Dont forget to take a sleeping bag just in case. It comes in handy if you want to camp outside of their garage door!
Thrifty Homemade Dog Toys?
I saw a toy in the pet store that should be very easy to make at home. It looked like a sock. You crushed a 20 oz. plastic soda bottle and inserted it into the sock and tied the top into a knot. It makes a noise when the dogs play with it and the sock protects...
Including Meat or Animal Products in Compost?
Such products also draw unwanted critters to paw through your compost pile, such as skunks, opossums, and rats.
Dealing with a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
Please leave! You are not only endangering yourself, but your children!!! As a mother, your first responsibility is to those girls. There are safe houses for battered women to stay when they leave a relationship. And whether you want to admit it or not-you...
Easy to Digest Meals for Someone with Stomach Problems?
Google Bland Diet for foods that are easy to digest and are recommended for people with stomach difficulties. Avoid foods that are spicy, high in fat and coarse fiber and caffeine.
Removing Rivets from Jeans Without Damaging Fabric?
You dont. The riveter has already made a hole in the fabric to insert the rivet.
Finding a Stick Pin End Closure?
You could try a pierced earring back. You know, the clear plastic kind that are used on the bent wire posts.
My Frugal Life: Learning on the Farm
Wonderful story! Im in my mid-40s and also remember growing up tending the garden and helping my mother and grandmothers can and preserve. I still raise my own vegetables and fruit even though I now live in a subdivision. My husband and I have always tried...
Robin's Thrifty Tips: Share With Your Friends
I also enjoy canning, freezing and making jelly/jam from our garden. There is nothing better on a cold winter day than food from your own garden, preserved by your own hand! Not only does it taste better than store bought, but you get a wonderful feeling of...
Reviews of "The Total Transformation" Behavior Therapy?
Total waste of $$$$. Didnt work worth squat! Dont fall for it; theyre out to prey on people who are at their wits end with difficult children.
Fleece Pet Blankets
There is a company called Mutt Matts that makes similar products. Just be sure that if you sell these, that you dont infringe on their copyright.
Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
You could always just tell the truth. How about saying Thank you for the offer. Im very flattered but Im going to have to decline. It would be very unkind to lie and give him false hope if you know that youre never going to change your mind. As far as having...
Recycled Christmas Card Gift Tags
My family has been doing this for years. I remember my grandmother doing this when I was a child. My kids do it now. My grandmother also ironed the used Christmas paper to reuse next year:)
Travel Tips for Women Traveling Alone?
I have a bra wallet specifically made for ladies who travel. It hooks to the bra straps in the front and rests between the breasts. Its great! Ive seen them on amazon.com as travel bra stash.
Inexpensive Christmas Gift Ideas For Children?
If he has all the toys in the world, why not get him practical things with his favorite characters on them. Things like Hulk underwear, Transformer pjs, car themed storybooks, etc. Also, if you want to start teaching financial responsibility, you could buy...
Easy Canning Instructions?
Check with your local extension office. They usually have booklets with canning/freezing instructions and recipes. These are easy to follow and free. Happy preserving!
What Kind of Snake is This?
Looks like a black rat snake. Its hard to tell because the photo is at such a distance. If it is a rat snake, they are very beneficial to have around! They are also non-poisonous.
What Do You Think of Facebook?
I love Facebook! It is a great way to keep up with friends, family and organizations that I belong to. Id be lost without it. If you set your site to private, ONLY people that you authorize to view your information can access your page. Ive never had any problems...
Pull Your Coupons Off Products Before Checkout
Careful about this! Sometimes the store will not honor a coupon unless the cashier removes it. I know that several of our local supermarkets offer discount coupons on produce or dairy that is close to the expiration. These coupons must be removed by the cashier...
Latex Paint Over Oil Based Primer?
There are some people who say that this can be done, dont listen to them. Sure you can paint the latex over the oil based paint and it will look okay for a week or so. Then the first thing that bumps the wall will peel it up like a sheet of saran wrap. Been...
Recycling Window Curtain Packaging?
When my young son went to camp, I used these smaller bags to hold shower supplies. They are great for carrying kid-sized shower flip flops, a travel sized shampoo and a small soap to the shower house. You can also make a get-ready-for-the-day bag with toothbrush...
Black and White Snake in Georgia?
It was probably a kingsnake or a rat snake. Both are harmless and good to have around to keep moles and mice away from your yard. Kingsnakes (see image below) also prey on venonous snakes. If you see any kind of snake that you cant identify, leave it alone...
Preventing Neighbors from Using Wifi?
Make sure that you enable the WEP or WPA encryption modes on your Linksys when you set it up. You should have been asked to set this up when you ran the original installation cd. If not, go back and reinstall the Linksys cd and check the box that sets up the...
Balancing Life's Demands?
Try joining a baby and me exercise class. Youll get to meet other Moms with small children. Youll get out of the house and the exercise will help to improve your disposition. Dont stay home and lock yourself away. That could lead to depression. Youre in a new...
Key Locks Differently
I dont think its a trust issue. Lynn just wants to make sure that people cant get in at inappropriate times. When I was house-sitting for a friend, I was expecting the family home Sunday night. Saturday evening, I went over late after I got home from work. I...
Panty Hose to Keep Ceiling Fan Clean
Not so sure that this a good idea. Fan blades are weighted and delicately balanced. If you put stockings, tights, etc. on the blades, you disturb that balance. This could wreak havoc with the ball bearings, electronics and other moving parts of the fan. Plus...
Catching Pet Mouse?
Robyn, this isnt any help right now, but may be in the future. As soon as I get a new mouse, I train it to come when I whistle. Just use food rewards and train as you would for any other trick. Whenever one of my babies has gotten out of its cage, I whistle...
Pets for Less: Save on Your Best Friend
Another good idea for all pets is to have an identification tag on your pets collar. We have been getting our tags at love-tags.com for many years. Custom engraved tags are $5 with free shipping. Customer service is great! I always get the brass tags, but they...
Finch Bird Feeder Advice?
No, just fill the feeder with niger (thistle) seed and once the finches find it, youll have a feeder full of goldfinches, house finches and purple finches. Make sure that you use either a thistle sock feeder or the thistle ports in your regular feeder. Otherwise...
What is This Plant?
Looks like some variety of Ironweed-a tall (up to 10 feet) straight wildflower with beautiful purple flowers. See http://2bnthewild.com/plants/H66.htm or http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=VEGI&photoID=vegi_002_avp.tif for additional info. readingiggits
Recycling Glass Jars?
I save those small jars all year. Each summer when I make jelly or jam, I fill several of these small jars with each flavor. The small jars go wonderfully in gift baskets for holidays/birthdays. Also, if someone is ill or there is a death in the family, most...
Carry an Empty Water Bottle Through Airport Security
Tried that. The security guy (LAX) said that the empty bottles werent allowed either and tossed mine and every one else who tried to carry one through. Thought Id put an empty in my carry-on and let it go through the x-ray. The security lady (ATL) stopped the...
Take Your Lunch in a Cloth Tote Bag
But how do you keep your lunch cold? Thats why I use a small cooler.
Getting Rid of a Kerosene Drum?
Call your local Solid Waste department and ask if and when they sponsor a hazardous waste disposal day. Our local department holds two such days per year, one in the spring, another in the fall. Their services are free of charge. They also accept old paint...
Feeding Cat People Foods?
I agree with Dede about consulting the vet. I guess that animals are like people, they all have different tastes. I dated a guy once whose cat loved green beans. They had a terrible problem because she would jump up on the counter and try to get the green beans...
Valentine Candy Bar 'Vase'
Thanks for the great idea. I took your idea and changed it to suit my family and they loved it. I used the single serving brownies that are wrapped in cellophane (Little Debbie) in place of the candy bars. Once I glued those together in the triangle, I cut...
Keeping a House With Pets Clean?
Hi N.O., Dont get discouraged. All of us pet owners have the same problem. We have five cats. One was ours, three were dumped here as tiny kittens and one was inherited when my MIL passed. Pets are like kids-they can be messy. The battle against pet hair is...
Toilet Adding Water by Itself?
Your flapper is leaking. The flapper is the little rubber thing inside the toilet tank that is attached to the flusher with a chain. It lifts up when you flush the toilet and allows the clean water to flow down into the bowl. They go bad with age. You need...
Watch School Closures for Discarded Treasures
Great idea! Also, keep an eye out at the end of the school year for trash treasures. Often retiring teachers will toss good school supplies. Sometimes there are old text books/reading books thrown away if the school is changing texts next year. These are great...
Getting Kids To Reuse Towels
Sorry, I believe in being conservative with water and I hate doing laundry as much as the next person, but this totally GROSSES me out! Yuck, getting someone elses used towels! Maybe you should color code the towels by child and reward the children that hang...
What Have You Done to Save a Penny?
I use coupons and sales flyers to plan my grocery shopping. This week my local market has canned fruit for $1.00 per can. I have coupons for $1.00 off 2 cans. On Wednesdays, the store doubles coupons up to $1.00 in value. Therefore I purchased two cans of fruit...
Uses For Broken Christmas Light Strands?
I take out all of the bulbs and use the wires in the garden for staking/tying up plants that tend to flop over. The green wire blends in with the plants and is not noticable. Since most Xmas lights have multiple strands of wire, you can weave some of the leaves...
Cookie Exchange For Angel Tree Packages
CraftyMommy is right. Homemade items are nice, but most charities and other organizations will not accept home-made goodies (including the Red Cross Angel Tree program). There are too many legal reasons for them to risk such donations. Cleanliness of the kitchen...
Finding Boxes for Packing Household Goods?
Im glad so many of you have had good luck finding boxes. I am packing up a relatives things to move her closer to us and cannot find an establishment that will part with a box. I tried the local beverage store as suggested and was told that we dont do that...
What is This Flower? (Autumn Joy Sedum)
Its a type of sedum. See Park Seed or Wayside gardening web sites for type. Park Seed Link http://www.parkseed.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10101&catalogId=10101&langId=-1&mainPage=prod2working&ItemId=42485&PrevMainPage=textsearchresults...
Saving Money Running a Motel
Hi Kelly, Sounds like you are doing great with saving water. One additional thing that you could try is to add some of those water grabber granules to the pansy bed the next time you plant flowers. You can get them from any garden supply store. They look like...
A Frugal Watch Tale
Actually replacing watch batteries isnt that difficult. I replace all of my own watch batteries and it is amazingly inexpensive to do. I check the back of the watch to determine what size battery is required. This is usually stamped on the back plate of the...
Remote Control Tips?
My M-I-L is bedridden and is always losing the remote. Also, when the phone rings, she has problems finding a pen and paper on her bedside table. I purchased an inexpensive binder-type day planner with a front pocket that usually holds your cell phone. I filled...
Getting Rid of Chirping Birds?
Why would you want to scare the birds away? Each day more and more of our native animals get pushed away to the forest across the street. What happens when that forest also becomes another un-needed WalMart? Where are the wild creatures supposed to go? Instead...