Removing Melted J-Cloth on Glass Top Stove?
Hi Lynn, I dont have a glass top stove, but thought about trying steam iron cleaner. I buy it at our local fabric store. If it gets the gunk from ironing synthetic fabrics at too high a temperature off, maybe it will work on your stove - ?
Carpet Shampooer Recommendations?
We have a Hoover upright, but the thing that really works on stains: pet, food, ink, coffee , blood, grease, cosmetics, rust, even wine, is a product called Folex Instant Carpet Spot Remover. My husband got it at Lowes or Home Depot and it is great! You spray...
Dog Smells Even After a Bath?
First I would make sure its not an organic problem. Check with your vet to make sure there are no underlying medical issues such as disease, allergies, etc. If that is clear, examine your dogs diet. It may be something that you are feeding him is causing an...
Saying Goodbye to a Paradise: The...
Your story although sad, was rich in its descriptions and gave me many great mental pictures of the way of life of the people of Steinhatchee. You should consider a writing career. I will pray for these people and their town, just as I am praying for all who...