Planning a Wedding?
Dont spend a big pile of money on the ceremony. Save it for your marriage. Money troubles are a huge reason why couples divorce. Dont start out in the hole.
What Is This Houseplant?
That is what we have always called a split leaf philodendren. I do not know if that is the correct name. It will get huge so be prepared.
Shopping on a Low-Income Budget
We also get our cleaning supplies at the dollar store. They work well and are much cheaper there. My husband and I do well on our small income but in the summer our two teenaged grandsons stay with us and we want to feed them well. So we start months in advance...
Ideas for "Old Timey" Themed Birthday Party?
Bonnets instead of party hats. Let them make straw brooms for a craft. Fresh squeezed lemonade to drink or you could make the ginger drink Half Pint brought to Pa in the hay field.
13th Birthday Ideas?
What 13 year old girl (or any girl for that matter ) does not love horses? Find a riding stable and take her and her friends for a lesson. She will never forget it.
Chickens Save You Money
I really miss my chickens. A skunk killed my flock. I hope to replace them soon. Having chickens is relaxing and very satisfying aside from the eggs.
Chickens Save You Money
I really miss my chickens. A skunk killed my flock. I hope to replace them soon. Having chickens is relaxing and very satisfying aside from the eggs.
Activities for Middle Aged Man in Nursing Facility?
A container garden on the patio or in his window sill. He could learn to play an instrument. Ukulele is easy to learn, small and portable, and very economical. Mine was a whopping $28. I play it in church. The other residents would so much appreciate hearing...
Cauliflower Turning Purple?
There is a variety of cauliflower that is purple. Mayhap that is what you have.