Using Frozen Celery?
It is safe to use in your stew. I often freeze celery tops and leaves for this purpose. I, also, freeze diced onion in 1/2 cup portions.
Remembering Granny Rollins
Granny wasnt stingy... she was just getting along. This is so like my grandparents in the 40s and early 50s in southern Iowa. They scratched along for a living. They were very frugal but had everything they needed.. perhaps not wanted, but needed.
Happy Founder's Day
Congratulations for these many years of quality frugal tips and recipes. I key every recipe with TF that I copy from this site. So you may imagine there are hundreds of TF in my collection. I dont remember when I first joined .. I think very early on. I got...
Information on Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
If the childrens mother has custody of her children she needs the income to provide lifes necessities. The Social Security benefit is for their support. If their mother is able to save any for college or something else that would be great. But we all know how...
Name Ideas for a Child Care Business?
How about Kiddie Kollege?
Teeth Cleaning With Vinegar
I would be hesitant to do this as the vinegar is harmful to tooth enamel. Years ago I was taking apple cider vinegar for a stomach ailment and was advised to NOT let it wash over my teeth.
Christmas Help in Illinois?
You can sign up at a few stores ( Walmart, Kmart etc) for your child to receive a gift. Other customers provide the gifts. Your local food bank can help with holiday foods and treats. There is a ton of help out there. Good luck.
Cereal Bags for Kitchen Chores
I use them when I make crumbs with my rolling pin. I like these other ideas, too.
Save Money and Time With a Pressure Cooker
The old theory that aluminum pans cause Alzheimers has been debunked years ago, and still it lingers on.