Recycle Old Coffee Cans?
Cut out the bottom and use them as a fire starter in your grill. Place the can in the grill bottom, raise one side slightly using a small stick, put in crumpled up newspaper, add charcoal, put a little starter fluid on the charcoal, and light from the bottom...
Uses for CDs?
I gave several thousand to a friend for a theme party. She used them as coasters, put holes in them and strung them like a bead curtain (as a backdrop to the buffet table, and used them as reflectors for outdoor Christmas lights. Hope this give some fresh ideas...
Smelly Mouth Guard?
Have you tried a denture cleaner? They clean and deordorize dentures. Perhaps they would do a good job on your mouthguard. If they dont work for your mouthguard, you can always use them to clean your toliet bowl.