Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?
Each person reacts differently when they quit. I got E.N. about two weeks into my quit. Swelling and very painful nodules on the shins. Weird to say the least. Gone now. Headaches, tired, feeling sick are all symptoms. If you are concerned, see the doctor just...
J-Cloths For Removing Nail Polish
The cloth is very thin, yet quite absorbent. Rayon fibre. Try it, what can you loose?
Removing Permanent Ink from Coat?
Supersaturate it with hair spray. Then wash as normal. It may take two or three washings, but for certain the ink will come out. Karyn
Removing Tar Stains from a Car Seat?
My husband would use brake cleaning fluid. (spray can). Works well on tar, oil and grease. This is a mechanics secret. Karyn
Choosing the Right Indoor Plants?
Your best bet is to go to your local garden centre and ask these questions. They can give you great suggestions regarding care, sunlight required, and so much more. I always ask these questions and normally my plants all do well. Best of luck. Also do a search...
Function of Top Left Key on a Gateway Keyboard?
Some keyboards have the shut down function. I know mine is like that. At the end of the day, I just use the keyboard shortcut to shut down the computer, then manually shut down the screen.
Dogs Digging In My Flower Garden?
Just place moth crystals in your garden area in a small tin. Animals hate the smell and will not bother going into the area. I used this method with Porcupines in my trees. Placed moth crystals around the base of the tree, and voila, no more Porcupines. Works...
How Can I Get Rid of Sumac Bushes?
My husband cut them back at the ground and then each time he mowed the lawn, would cut the area where the sumac would start to grow again. He did this thoughtout the summer and by the end of the summer, no more sumac.
Can I Safely Eat the Fruit of the Wonder Egg Plant?
The wonder egg or the Easter Egg plant egg is not edible. This is where the seeds are for your next crop. It is only an ornamental plant.
Can I Use Ammonia in My Dishwasher to Wash Dishes?
I dont know about ammonia, but try this trick for super clean dishes. Use your regular dish washing detergent and add about 1/4 to 1/2 cup vinegar to each load. In Canada all phosphates have been removed from detergents and I found that the dishes always came...
Which Knifty Knitter Loom Should I Buy for Scarves and Blankets?
I have both sets and find that i used the round set more often than the long ones. Mitts, hats, scarfs, leg warmers and even socks. Lots of variety in your projects. Karyn
Homemade Glass and Window Cleaners?
Plain old vinegar. Works wonders. Also use a lint free cloth and good to go. Karyn
FAQ - How Can I Save Tips and Recipes On ThriftyFun?
Or if you want, you can also get a second e-mail using google, yahoo or any other. Anything you want to keep, send it as an e-mail to this external e-mail address. Always available and never a worry about losing them. I have been doing this for years using...
Keeping Dogs from Peeing on Hardwood Floor?
My dog use to always pee in the same place on the hardwood floors. Yet since I take her out every night for a long walk, she now does all her business outside. Just leaving the dog out in the back yard or on a leash is not enough.
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones?
Just read a book that says that visualization works great. First count backwards from 100 to 1. Then start to visualize the stones in your body and the white blood cells attacking them. See the stones getting smaller and smaller with each attack. Now you can...
Growing an Easter Egg Plant?
I have three Easter egg plants that I started in my Areo Grow. I used three seeds per pod and all three grew, yet I kept the strongest of the three and they are doing well. I have since planted one of the plants in a flower pot with soil. It too is doing well...
How Do I Clean a Moldy Bathroom Before Painting?
I just had my home professionally painted. I had mold in my bathroom. They cleaned it with a mixture of water and bleach. Since the paint job, there has been no further mold and the paint job is great.
Can You Reuse Potting Soil?
I always use the soil on my lawn to fill in holes that may have developed. Works great when added with some grass seed.
Creating Your Own Diet Plan?
If you do a search on the GI diet online, you can find a large number of lists of foods that you can eat and those that you cant. Basically you have to find bread that has 3 grams of fibre or more per slice, cereal with 10 grams of fibre or more per serving...
Preventing Bed Bugs from Moving Too?
Do not thow out your mattress. Buy full mattress covers. The covers will stop the bugs from biting you and it will also kill them as they have no way of getting food. Bought at your local pharmacy. Any items that cannot be washed in hot water in the washing...
Transitioning to a Healthier Diet
What I like to do with my family is when I make spagetti I always add any type of bean to the mix. I mash them up really well and everyone thinks it is just the ground beef. When I make chili, hubby does not like a lot of beans, so I put about 1/4 of the can...
Keeping Cool at Night
Actually I never thought of that. In the morning I always find the sheet to be dry, and with the fan running all night, it probably keeps the bed dry too.
Making Gourd Bird Houses?
Chcek out this site or read below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Making Gourd Birdhouses takes a little patience, but can be well worth the time and effort. Watching...
Trouble Loading Software on Computer?
THe CD/DVD drive may be toast. If the device is not found, think about how old the drive is. It may be as easy as spending a few bucks to get a new one.
Add Small Amount of Bleach to Dish Water
Doing this practice also ensures that your dish cloths or sponges are always clean as well and you will also notice less stains on them. My mother-in-law has been doing this for years, and got me started too.
Sleeping Better Without Medications?
When I cant sleep at night due to too much on my mind or just a rough night, I normally take a gravol pill. It is to stop upset stomach, yet works very well on those odd nights when I really need my sleep. Also works great with my beagle when we have to go...
Calla Lily Blooms Not Standing Up?
When I needed information about the Calla Lily, this is the site I used. Lots of useful info. Hope this helps. Karyn
How To Keep Deer and Rabbits From Eating Your Plants?
Just purchase some moth crystals. Crystals and not the moth balls. Both smell the same yet the crystals can be used outdoors and dont break down as quickly as the moth balls. Place them around your garden, trees or any area you dont want the animals to touch...
Using Centerpieces as Prizes?
I went to a seminar and the table was decorated with a clear glass plate and clear glass bowl. Both matched. On the plate the bowl was placed and around the bowl was placed potpourri. In the bowl was water, sparkles and a floating candle. It was beautiful and...
Sticking to a Weight Loss Program?
Write down your goals and read them each and every day. Also journal your thoughts and feelings each day. If you keep yourself motivated enough to write down everything pertaining to your weight loss, you will remain focused enough to remain on track.
Managing Time as a Working Woman?
I agree with Carol in PA. Flylady rocks. I have been involved with her and her website since near the beginning. I am not the best homemaker, but am much better off than I use to be. Try it out and then you can FLY. (Finally Love Yourself) Karyn
Does Estroven Reduce Hot Flashes?
My mother used Dong Quai when she first started having hot flashes. She says it took them away completely. She had used the supplement bought at the local herbal store for over 4 years until it was taken off the Canadian market. There after she was placed back...
Keeping Dogs from Jumping Fence?
My dog can be put in the back yard for a few minutes and she goes directly to the area of the fence that she can climb over. I have since fixed the fence, but it does not stop her from trying. No matter how much excercise she gets, she still wants to be out...
Peanut Butter Cravings?
I just finished reading the book I can make you thin, by Paul McKenna. If there is any book available out there to help you with cravings it is this one. Another thought too is to check him out on and he can show you how to loose weight and keep...
Dusting Ceramic Flowers?
Put them in a paper bag with salt. Shake the bag and salt will loosen the dust. Wash after to ensure all salt and dust is removed. Works on any type of artifical flower.
Diet Plan After Gallbladder Surgery?
I had my gallbladder removed last year due a large number of gall stone attacks. I had been hospitalized 9 times prior to them performing the surgery. Prior to the removal, I could hardly eat anything, but after the surgery, I could eat most of everything I...
What is a Knifty Knitter?
I have both the round set and the long sets of knitters. I have made socks, scarfs, hats, and even a rug. The last item I just finished was a small pillow for the couch. The ideas are endless and using the knifty knitters are easy to learn. Try it, you may...
Using Cat Litter for a Rabbit?
My friend used regular cat litter for her rabbit and it worked really well. Dont use the clumping or scented litter.
Love Bug
I love it. Thanks for the great idea. I would love to do this with my daughter and then give them away at work to my co-workers. Everyone needs to have fun. Karyn
Bathroom Ceiling is Peeling?
I suggest that you put in an exhaust fan but go bigger than the recommendations. I too have this problem and was told to use a much bigger fan than what is recommended for the size of the bathroom. Karyn
Hand Out Snack Bags to the Homeless
My work invoives dealing with the homeless. The one thing I realized after all these years is with any dealings with these people, always treat them with respect. They are people too. Yes they have drug and alcohol addictions, yes they have mental health issues...
Saving Emails to Disks?
The way to do this is to open the e-mail, go to edit and select all. Then back to edit and copy. Then go to a word processing program (MS Word or Notepad) and edit paste the page from your email to the program. Save as and you now have the full document in...
Knitting a Hat on an Oblong Loom?
I have been using looms for a bit now and almost all the info I have found on the net came from youtube. I find it much easier to see how things are done rather than trying to figure out the directions. In my seach on loom patterns and such, I have not yet...
Farewell Party Cake for an Irish Priest
You did a wonderful job. Did not even think that cake decorating could be learned from a dummies book. Will have to look that one up myself. Thank for sharing.
Shooting Pain in Neck?
My brother had this problem for years and to the point that he had severe headaches. He had seen numerous doctors and specialists over the years with no diagnoses. Until one day after over 20 years they said he had a pinched nerve. He started to see a chiropractor...
Making a Barbie Sized Toilet?
Shape styrofoam to resemble a toilet with tank complete. Add a small piece of foil for the handle, and shape a piece specifically for the toilet seat so it sit on top. I did this years ago when I built a house for a class. Had to furnish it so... imagination...
Paying Off Mortgages Quickly?
When we bought our house, we had it in mind to have it paid off in 5 years. No one thought we could do it. Ha - we paid it off in four. First when we found a bank to do our mortgage, we made sure we could pay back extra each pay day without getting penialized...
12 Year Old Learning to Use a Sewing Machine?
Thank you all for your wealth of information. There is a lady in town that offers sewing classes, so will have to find out more. I think I will wait till the summer time as she will have more time then to take the classes and have the time to practice. I am...
12 Year Old Learning to Use a Sewing Machine?
My daugher is in Pathfinders. She did some basic sewing by hand in Brownies. I love the idea of making a pillow. Easy and fun to do at the same time. We are lucky here too, the Walmart in my area still has the material and sewing supplies. All others in the...
12 Year Old Learning to Use a Sewing Machine?
Thank you all for the feedback. It is very much appreciated. I have since purchased a used sewing machine from a friend at work. We tried it out by following the instruction booklet and even had a chance to sew an old cloth napkin I had on hand. I have since...
Using the Knifty Knitter?
Hi Donna; Looks like you and I are Neighbours. I live in Ottawa. I just purchased the Knifty Knitter. I am currently in the process of making a scarf. I have searched this site with the words Knifty Knitter and there is a wealth of information. My next project...
Use A Cookie Scoop And Parchment Paper For Cookies
What I like to use is a small ice cream scoop. I even use this for meatballs and it works great.
Round Plastic Knitting Looms?
Interesting to see this post as I just bought the knitting looms yesterday. It says only that you can make hats, but I am certain I can make more than just hats. Any ideas? Karyn
Using Oils in Homemade Heat Packs?
Yes you can use oil with your heat packs. What I did was use lavendar essential oils and poured just a drop of two directly on the rice. The scent lasted a long time and was more pronounced when placed in the microwave for warming. Remember, women who are pregnant...
Making a Big Litterbox from a Storage Container
I love the idea. My cat loves making a mess all over. With this litter box, less mess and a happy me. Karyn
Surprising Someone with a Beach Vacation?
How about printing up a fake winning ticket for the vacation. You can just say that you won the grand prize for an all expenses trip to ____ for two. This way it will be a great suprise for the both of you. You can tell him when you get there the whole truth...
Transplanting Orchids?
Are your Orchids in a pot? If so, what I had done with my own was to use potting soil. I just uprooted the orchid, cleaned up the old soil, and then transplanted into the bigger pot. Yes it was still in bloom and yet the flowers remained beautiful for about...
Make a "What To Do" List for Idle Moments
Excellent ideas. One great idea for commercial time is to sort your sock basket. Thanks for the idea about exercise during the commercials. Add a few jumping jacks, or use the stepper for the whole time frame. I love it. Thank you. Karyh
Backpack Vs. Sling?
Recently I purchased a new lunch bag that looks like a designer purse actuallly. Everyone thinks I carry two purses. What I like to do is place my lunch bag in a cloth bag that I can just put over my shoulder and my hands are free. My regular purse is small...
Archiving Saved Greeting Cards?
How about scanning each card and then placing them in a power point presentation. Add who the cards were from, and a bit about that person to make it more personal. You can add so much to the presentation using music, personal pictures, and your own touch. Karyn
Homemade Remedies For Common Ailments?
When I was a child, I had a bad earache. Since the family was camping, they did not want to go back to town and the hospital. What was done is urine was placed in both my ears for a few minutes and within 1/2 and hour, the pain was gone. The best thing was...
Plants That Are Safe for Cats?
How about a hanging spider plant. If the cat reaches it though be prepared for a number of bites from the leaves. They love these plants and sometimes I just take a leaf off and leave it for my cat to chew on. These plants look beautiful and help to clean the...
Does My Water Heater Need To Be Replaced?
Yes I agree that the water heater needs to be replaced. I too have to replace my own. Rather than go out and buy a new one, we had decided to buy the tankless water heater instead. Takes up much less room, it heats the water on demand, and is cost efficient...
Video Game Review: Mysteryville
Thank you. Just from your review, and knowing what the game is all about, I am certain my daughter would love it. Karyn
Ralph (Marimo Ball)
Some aquarium stores have them or you could order them online from E-Bay. It is a very interesting talk piece in my home with company, and lots of fun for my daughter Amanda. I did have him at work for a period of time, and my co-workers thought I was nuts...
Spot (Beagle)
Yes Jake will outgrow the chewing and most of everything else. Spot is the first dog I have ever owned. I think Spot will be the last dog I ever own too. She has mellowed considerably in the years since we got her and is a pretty good pet now a days. She loves...
Molly (Beagle Mix)
Wow, this looks like a picture of my own beagle. Way cool. Thanks for posting. Karyn
Renew Renuzit With Sea Salt And Lavender Oil
Love this idea. I would take it one step further and just place a small dish with sea salt and EOs. Thanks for the idea. Karyn
Handling An Out Of Control Child With New Baby?
When my own daughter had her set of tantrums, I dealt with them right away. I would pick her up, and put her in her room. If she tried to come out, I would lock the door. Just holding it closed. When she would calm down, I would go into her room and explain...
Rosie The Cat
Rosie loves to chase Spot the beagle around the house. And when she gets in the moods, she attacks her too. She loves to sink her teeth in Spots soft spot at the neck. It is so much fun watching the two of them together. Spot was raised with a guinea pig, so...
Food Sticking to Cast Iron?
Sometimes when I go camping, I bring my cast iron pans with me and throw them in the the camp fire. Anything that is burnt on the bottom of the pan will burn right off and you are left with a clean pan. Leave it in the fire till the following morning. Wash...
Fixing a Blow Up Pool?
I would go to a pool store and buy a patch kit for pools and waterbeds. I know from experience how well it worked because by the time we got rid of our old waterbed, we had 19 patches. The patches always held, we just found new holes. Karyn
Safe Candles for Power Outages?
How about those rechargable flashlights? Those are the ones you have to shake to get the light to come on. The charge on a few shakes lasts a long time. What about those lattern type candle holders? You place the candle inside the glass enclosed lattern. The...
Cabinets With Too Much Paint?
Use a heat gun to strip the paint on the cabinets, and then do a light sanding to ensure all paint is removed. Paint as desired. Also to clean the hinges, just soak in a gel paint remover.
Using Leftover Cement? How about making Hypertufa rocks or other items of interest to decorate your garden and yard. Attached is the web site for just that purpose.
Drop Donuts
Once taken from the freezer, just let them thaw for a few minutes and all is well. For chocolate, just add some frys cocoa, but not sure how much you should use. We never made them in chocolate. Karyn
Removing Odor From Dish Sponge?
To ensure clean and pleasant smelling cloths and sponges, do what my mother in law taught me. Add a small amount of bleach to your dish water when washing the dishes. Of course make sure you rinse the dishes after you wash them. You cloths stay nice and clean...
Alternatives To Baby Oil For Dry Skin?
Drinking lots of water will hydrate your skin and keep it smooth and soft. When I notice my face start to get dry, I know I need to up my water intake. Karyn
Origami LED Light Embellishments
This is a great idea. When I was a kid, we use to make water bombs this way. Once opened fill with water. Oh what fun we had. Karyn
No Bake Coconut Cookies
I would love to try these cookies, yet dont know how much a stick of margarine is. Can you tell me in cups or tbsps. Thank you. Karyn Editors Note A stick of margarine is equal to 1/2 cup.
Encourage Your Kids With Their Own Cookbooks
Excellent idea and would be a great gift to give at any time of year. Thanks so much for the great idea. Karyn
Getting A Dog's Coat Shiny?
I have a beagle and she has a beautiful coat. What I do is always buy cat food that has either salmon, tuna or other mixes of fish. (Canned food). The cats get their fill from the small can, and the dog then begs for the rest. Normally there is over a half...
Toothbrushes for a Cleaning Tool
I like to use my old tooth brushes on the kitchen faucets to give them a good shine and to get all the dirt out. They are also good for auto detailing when cleaning your car. The brush will get into smaller places better than any cloth you might have. There...
Dealing with Dust
How about using a ostrich feather duster. It holds the dust in, has a long handle, and are so much fun to use. It does not have to be a chore to dust, and using this duster, it surely is a breeze. When they get too much dust in them, wash them with baby shampoo...
Review of Indoor Water Fountains?
I have a type of mist water fountain and I use it at work. It is on legs, and looks like an open flower that is pink. When it is on, the mist it makes changes colours with the lights on the fountain. I get extra moisture in the air, and it looks beautiful too...
Adult With Severe Fear Of Dentists?
My husband had a fear of dentists and just did not go. It got to the point that he really had to have extensive dental work done so he called the local dentist, explained his fear, and was given a very small prescription of valium. He was to take one pill 1...
Scrapbooking Certificates And Awards?
Here is a great idea for you regarding scrapbooking or a photo album. Take a digital scrapbooking class for free at the web site below. I took a number of online courses through HP and have learned a lot too. Have fun and learn a new craft. http://h30240.www3...
Homemade Ice and Heat Packs Using Rice?
I made these with my Brownie Pack and the girls loved them. We then sold them and they were a hit. Remember to use long grain rice and not minute rice or any fast cooking rice. You can also add a drop of essential oil to the rice to give it a very pleasing...
Cleaning and Organizing My Room?
Just go to and she will help you. It is a free service. I have been involved with this site for over 5 yrs and love the tips, ideas and support that is offered. The most important tip in my opinion is to keep your running shoes on in the house...
Have Confidence To Face The World
I had a great thing happen to me one day years ago when I was pregnant. I was having a bad hair day, I was huge, and my whole day was just not going too good. Well that was the day the girls at work had my baby shower. A few weeks later, I received the pictures...