Identifying a Houseplant?
bring your pictures to a gardern center or flower shop-they should be able to answer in 2 secs
Fabric Left Stain on American Girl Doll?
how about a dampened towel with dishwashing liquid? why not experiment on the fabric and not the doll?
Previously House Trained Dog Going Inside?
he probably is jealous of the new dog and this is his way of getting your attention. try and play more with both of them together as much as possible, favoring him over her a little and see if that helps
Main Ingredient in Potato Pancakes?
this explains the discrepancies better than i could.personally i think a potato pancake is made from leftover mashed potatoes,a latke from raw
Getting Rid of Black Crows?
depending where u are-shotgun. just watched an episode of andy griffith with a crow-shooting contest!
Determining a Reasonable Cleaning Rate?
You are underpaid-if she is legally blind if you were her onthebooks caregiver you would be getting more per hour. depending howmany hours you work it might be worth going through the system. you can get approved thru charities, etc.
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
where did you get her? that doesnt look like a classic pit nose to me-too short
Keeping Grilled Chicken Warm After Cooking?
it should be kept under foil for nomore than 10-15 minutes. after (or better yet, before that) on the cool zone of the grill
Understanding Legal Disposition Codes?
it all depends what state or territory youre in. unless it is federal court, all state laws are different
Responsibilities of the Renter When Moving Out?
it depends what city and/or state you live in as to vagaries in the law, but after 5 years with no professional replacement or cleaning by the landlord its not your responsibility. you should have asked them to clean it at the 2yr mark, since they didnt have...
Getting Back to Natural Hair Color After Dyeing?
since its that long and fading you obviously did it a long time ago-you can safely use a semi-permanent that washes out over time with no prep. try clairol natural instincts in a light brown or however dark u want to go-do it a week b4 and youll be good to...
Dye Transferred to Cotton Shirt in Wash?
nothing will bring it back to the original colors. you could dye it darker with pink, so you might end up with pink and purple
Snapper Mower Stopped Running?
it probably has trash in it that you missed before stopping. take it apart and look
Identifying Houseplants?
that is a cool looking cactus! i would suggest you send these pictures to a farm extension or university by you and ask. my best guess about the top one is a dieffenbachia, which is fatal to cats that chew on them.
Caring for Puppies with Parvo?
some vets say they can, and will, get parvo again, just not as severely. with viruses mutating all the time why take a chance? keep them separated a few more weeks.
Understanding Resident Cat's Behavior with New Kitten?
Have you taken the little one to the vet yet? I found my dearly departed angel in the rain almost twenty years ago and at approx 4 weeks we had NO IDEA what sex she was. So u could have a female. who could arouse even a neutered male. something is definitely...
Understanding Resident Cat's Behavior with New Kitten?
i just reread your post-gaining balance should not be an issue-please get him to a vet
Getting Rid of Mallow Weeds?
unless you want your horse to colic talk to your vet about whatever you do. this wet spring is killing a lot of horses.
Asking Mom to Shave My Legs?
wow-someone else asked this just a few weeks ago! most answers said to just tell your mom it was time for you to start shaving like your classmates-i went a step further and suggested you bring it up in the context of summer----hey mom, since last summer i...
Cleaning Burned Sugar Off Glass Stove Top?
get it hot while boiling a pot of water. turn it off and with gloves spoon boiling water onto it while rubbing it with a damp towel.
Selling Trees for Lumber?
what kind of trees are they? how much someone would pay depends on their age and condition.
Donating Fabric, Sewing Supplies, and Yarn?
just put an ad on craigslist-youll have takers. or there is hunters creek nursing and rehab or parks healthcare and rehab
Neighbor's Cat Left Alone in Garage?
a garage is a lot different then a car, there is surely some air getting in there. i wouldnt involve the authorities unless you see the cat panting, stumbling or walking in circles. those are all signs of distress.
House Training a 4 Year Old Pit Bull?
i would make sure she has no physical issues. just because your other dog is healthy doesnt mean she is.
Living Room and Entry Paint Color Advice?
you definitely need a light color-a would go with a very pale blue/grey
Dyeing Hair After Using a Stripper?
the product most likely did exactly what it was supposed to-wait at least two weeks and follow the directions EXACTLY and call the companys 800# before using it
Father Comes Over Unannounced?
lock your doors-tell him if the door is locked he should not come in without being invited. if he doesnt comply, change the locks.
House Training a Dog?
is this a puppy or an older dog with abuse issues? it could be some doggy prozac will help him
Incubating Duck Eggs?
i would leave them be-you could call your local humane society and ask a vets opinion
Talking to Mom About Shaving Legs?
I would just tell her you need to start shaving because its almost summer!
Softening Hard Granulated Sugar?
once you have gotten it soft put it in a sealed, airtight container in a cool dry place
Boyfriend Gave Me a Cold Sore?
there is a blood test which can tell if you have type 1 or 2, either or both. a cold sore could give you genital herpes type 1. i wouldnt be too mad about it, but i would remember his lack of smarts in future situations
Glaze Not Sticking to Candles?
make sure your bare hands arent touching it before dipping because the oil from your hands will stop adhersion. hold it by the wick
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
where does she usually see these friends, school? I really think the party should come to her, but i guess a bowling party could be fun
Finding Free Furniture?
it is prime moving season, watch for people moving out and check around their trash. if you are truly poor ask local places of worship
Getting Rid of a Hornet Infestation?
i would hire a professional efore they find their way into your attic
Toning Down Dyed Hair?
i think it would be a disaster, and what you have looks great! if you want to see what might happen try using a spray over it first
Skin Peeling on Face from Sunburn?
no it wont. shadows probably stopped you from burning as badly there.
Dyed Hair Came Out Bright Orange?
you obviously have to wait before you dye it again, your hair is telling you to leave it alone. use spray products for awhile
Basket of Encouragement for Cancer Patient?
actually i would try to help him with his treatment-links to research trials and things about targeted chemo. unfortunately sometimes the cure is worse than the disease...if you dont want to be maudlin, include some dvds and/or cds
Hair Color Did Not Take?
did you use natural instincts? theyve changed the formula recently and depending how old your box was they say to put on dry hair instead of wet-its a big change
Value of Encyclopedia Britannica?
it seems there are hundreds of thousands of people with old encyclopedias, my roommate included. trust me,get rid of them because they are worth nothing and probably have more bugs and mold in them than anything else
Uses for Small Folger's Coffee Jars?
coins. and vases. perfect for outdoor events where glass can be a hassle
Several Appliances Not Working After Power Interruption?
call the gas company-besides the ac you could have a gas problem
Removing the Smell of Dog Urine in a Home?
you must drench the spots with water and then put enough dawn on them to make a foam when scrubbed. then you must blot and rinse til all the soap is gone. forget the onions, but i read you cut a brow onion in half and put it cut-side up in a bowl of water that...
Remedy for Burnt Brittle Hair?
wow-this is VERY serious-if you paid for this procedure you need to go back there asap so they can treat it professionally and then explain what you will need to do for the next 6 months while it grows out. it will be worth the time and effort
How Parvo Is Transmitted?
parvo lasts even more than a year. once you have an animal die from it you are taking a risk with even a vaccinated animal for the next two years. you should pour bleach over every inch of the yard the deceased dog touched.
Identifying a Houseplant? (Corn Plant)
i can almost guarantee this is not a corn plant because the leaves are uniformly dark
Identifying a Houseplant? (Corn Plant)
i think its a tropical plant-schefflera-as such it needs humidity and lots of water
Repairing a 1986 Coleman Sunvalley Popup Camper?
its all connected-at the least youll need to replace the crank-shaft
Removing VapoRub from a Plastic Bowl?
soak overnight covered in 1/4cup vinegar to each gallon of water-then wash as usual
Value of 1924 World Book Encyclopedia?
this question seems to come up a lot. since they are valueless go through them and find some pictures to frame of things you like-trains, birds, monkeys etc
Washing Machine Not Spinning at Right Speed?
make sure it hasnt been recalled. some people have reported only one speed working after the recall fix too.
Removing a Flea from Kitten's Eye?
there is NO home remedy for this, if in fact it is a flea there. im not sure how you even know thats what it is. if you refuse to take her to the vet my eye doctor suggests dunking my whole face into water when something is in my eye. good luck getting that...
Starting a Red Hat Society?
I guess you would have to be the queen bee and ladies would join as supporters, but a dues-paying sorority doesnt seem right for a nursing home imo. I would see if theres an established group near you that your members might join instead.
House Trained Dog Started Peeing Inside?
what you can do on your own is not blame the dog for your mistakes. If you didnt have time to find a trainer you probably saw this coming and had problems before the move too. stress in the household affects animals, especially nervous little ones. he obviously...
Best Glue for Sticking Rocks to Glass Aquarium?
check out They even have different color glues for all your aquarium needs.
Help for Homeless House Fire Victim?
im guessing you would have to get assistance in mass since thats where the fire was. were you a legal tenant in the place that burned? u should have been offered temporary housing at the time. if you had a lease or owned insurance should cover your reletting...
Using Self Adhesive Tile Paper on Plaster Walls?
go for it. if your plan is to rip it all up in the future anyway it doesnt matter how bad a job you do. it will stick.
Donating Beautiful Old Greeting Cards?
I would ask on craigslist if any artists or teachers want them
Value of 1936 Blue Book of Knowledge?
the pictures are worth more than the books. frame some and enjoy them.
House Training a Year Old Pomeranian?
Do you walk him on any sort of schedule? if not you should start. praise him when he goes outside and be with him, dont just let him out where you cant praise him right away
Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?
shes probably not done laying yet. once she is she will stay on all of the eggs
14th Birthday Ideas?
if youre inviting only girls how about a spa day at your house? give each other facials, paint each others nails, maybe soak your feet in an outdoor kiddie pool filled with epsom salts
Duck Abandoned Nest?
keep your cat inside. it takes 25-29 days to hatch after incubating has begun, so these eggs have 11-15 days left. if you are certain she is not returning (2 or 3 days of no return) contact your state wildlife agency because disturbing the eggs is against the...
15th Birthday Ideas?
do you like horses? the Kentucky derby is Saturday the 6th. everyone could dress up with fancy hats and bow ties like at the derby.
12th Birthday Party Ideas?
how about taking everyone horseback riding? just make sure parents sign waivers and chip in for each participant.