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4 Posts | 5 Comments | Active Since 2007
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Recipe for Sticky Buns Using Rich's Roll Dough?
Hi! I have this recipe. 1 pkg. frozen rolls 1 cube butter melted and poured over top of rolls 1 small pkg. butterscotch pudding 1/2 c. brown sugar Pour butterscotch pudding over buttered rolls. Sprinkle brown sugar over that. Cover and set overnight. In the...


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Canning Bath Not Long Enough?
Ive recently been canning tomatoes too, so I can completely understand your concern. I looked in my Ball Blue Book of canning, and I couldnt find anything about reprocessing the food if it wasnt in long enough. It does say this however; If a lid does not seal...


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Starting a Butterfly Garden?
I have recently planted a butterfly garden and have done quite a bit of research on what kinds of flowers they like. Here are a few of the best ones: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia Spp) Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea Blazing Star (Liatris Spp) Black-eyed Susan...


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Homemade Wet Tissues?
I dont know if this will work for your cold, but I have a recipe for homemade baby wipes. They are safe and gentle, and may help with your chapped nose. Here it is: 1/2 a roll of Bounty select-a-size paper towels 2 Cups water 2 Tbsp. Baby Wash 1 Tbsp. Baby...


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How do hydrangeas get their color?
I think I read somewhere that they get their color based on how acidic the soil is. If the soil is more acidic, the flowers are more pink in color. If its more basic they are more purple in color. I think I read about it in Better Homes & Gardens. They have...


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