Healthy Chicken Dinner Foil Packets
Sorry Janet Seabolt...Im with Joan. Havent used aluminum in any food for years (cooking, soda cans, or deodorant). If you cover a casserole with acidic food, it will eat through the aluminum.
Cupcake Liner as a Drinks Cover
I like a filled water glass with a flexible straw at my bedside at night. Was trying to find a way to cover thr glass as it sat during the night. Am going to try this. Thanks.
Pants Too Long?
Glad Im not the only one shishi..Im befuddled also. This post is not very clear. Hope someone answers our question soon.( I sometime forget to check my comments on here) ;-)
Solar Lights for Camping
It says I won this contest yet no one has contacted me. How do we get the $25 or is this a scam? Sent an email to the website & so far have heard nothing. Hmm! (b)Editors Note:(/b) No scam here. This will be addressed soon. Sorry for the delay.
Rash On Tops of Feet?
I had a mysterious itchy rash on my lower legs (not my feet). Used chilled Bragg organic apple cider vinegar 3 or 4 x a day for about 4 days & it helped. Told a friend who had the same problem & it worked for her also. I think any brand apple cider vinegar...
What is This Plant?
It is also called Creeping Charlie or Gills-Over-The-Ground. Believe its in the mint family and is very invasive. My stressed lawn, after a long drought, is full of it.
Freeze Individual Servings
Dont like the idea of freezing food in disposable plastic cups w/all the bad publicity about our so-called safe plastic. Would think a better idea to freeze in ice cube trays & then transfer to freezer bags. Just a suggestion but might be a healthier way to...
Meatloaf Parmesan
What a good idea! Its like making spaghetti and meatballs but easier-no wasting time making the little round balls.
Extending Mascara
I understand everyones concern about bacteria issues. I have contact lenses which have to be cleaned every day with a good multi-purpose solution that also disinfects. Ive been putting a drop or two in my mascara whenever needed for years & have not had a problem...
Extending Mascara
This contest contender appears to be posted on 11/02/2010. Its a little confusing here. I see feedback on this post that dates back to 2009 & 2008. How can that be?
Rinse and Reuse Coffee Filters
The natural brown coffee filters are more expensive than the bleached but I feel makes your coffee taste better. Some people go through a lot of these in a week. Why toss them if they can be safely reused? A penny saved is a penny earned.
Saving Money on Baking Soda
It also works great for deodorant but dont use immediately after shaving or it will burn!
Use Ziplock Bags With Your Handi-Vac
Im one of those people-how do you use it with regular ziploc bags?
Drying Freezer Bags
Its not good to reuse freezer bags that have already been used for freezing. They are recyclable & therefore release toxins as they age. Better to reuse for all types of storage but just not food. Thought everyone knew this by now-its old news!
No More Burned Soups and Vegetables
Be very careful if your steamer basket is aluminum-I read that metals can leech into our bodies through cooking. I got rid of all my aluminum cookware.
What to do About Armpit Odor?
Plain old baking soda works for me. You cannot use it right after shaving! It will definitely burn like hell.
Animals and Plants Together
Where did you get the landscaping blocks? They are very unusual-I like them.