Cleaning a Film on Pyrex?
Have you got a water softner? Years ago I remember talking to a lady and she asked if we had a water softener. She said something about the salt from the softner etches the dishes. We dont have a softenr anymore and my new measuring cups are fine.
Storing Homemade Bread?
Tupperware makes a nice container. We are only 2 so when I bake bread I cut the loaf in half, slice it and store it in the freezer. Slices unthaw quickly.
Out-of-this-World Pecan Bars
The recipe sounds great and I want to try it. From Canada - our icing sugar comes in plastic bags here and we are metric. How much icing sugar is in a box? Thanks
Easy Homemade Bagels Using Dough Cycle on Bread Machine
Just read your recipe. Sounds good. Your prices must be very high where you live. I can get bagels here from our Tim Hortons for $4.95 for a dozen. Wish I could pass you some. They are really good.
Use Bathwater for Cleaning
We live in the country and the well water is really bad so we haul all of our water for the house. I keep a small pail in the bathroom and bail the water from the tub into the toilet tank. I also have a small pail in the kitchen in which I catch water when...
Swollen Feet and Ankles?
Thanks for all the concern. I have seen a doctor. My feet only swell in the summer when the temperature reaches about 30C (90F). Been going on for years. Mostly just uncomfortable. I have used a product called KB from a health food store and extra potassium...
Recipe For Hot Dog Relish?
Im looking for a recipe using cucumbers, dry mustard and has a bit of kick to it. Thanks for all the ideas.
Reusing Ziploc Freezer Bags?
I also wash my bags and hang them up by a clothespin to air dry. I freeze a lot of vegetables and I use zipper sandwach bags - put in about 1 1l2 cups each and then put 4 - 5 of these bags in a larger freezer bag. They are double bagged and I dont feel quite...
Strawberry Milk
Good idea. My husband used to like the strawberry milk and one time when we were out I made my own syrup - used 1 pkg of strawberry kool-aid and 1 cup sugar (here you could adjust the sugar) and then added 1 cup boiling water. Tastes great and a lot cheaper...
Alphabetize Your Spices
Ive done this for several years. The first time my sister saw it she figured I had too much time on my hands. I didnt want to argue but I dont think she realizes how much time it does save. Glad to hear someone else does it too!
Patterns for Crocheted Turbans?
Try this site - they have a lot of hat patterns:
Recipe to Make Bisquick Mix
When my daughter was in high school she came home with a biscuit recipe we really liked. It used much less fat than the Bisquick recipes so I thought I would try it as a subsitute and so far it seems to work great. Use my food processor and usually double or...