Decluttering Tips?
I put a laundry basket in each room of our house, yes even the kitchen, and once a day go through and pick up, at the end of the day everything is sorted and put away. Not sure if you have kids, but we have 2 boys in the same room and a tall laundry basket...
Use Aloe Vera To Make Eyebrow Gel
Why not buy a plant, and then use it to suit your needs, it is great with everything, and mixed with tea for sunburn really heals it.
Cleaning Upholstered Chairs?
Hand held steam cleaner is what I have used on a chair that I found. Remember though you have to blot the spot after you run the steamer over it.
Review of Dollar Tree Inkjet Refills?
Not tried the dollar tree ones, but know that the refill kits and cartriges are a waste of money.I only got 2 color pics and about 5 black and white pages from it. I did put my printer on both quick print and high quailiy and got the same results from the refills...
Gas or Electric Fireplace?
I have a small electric fireplace in my basement and love it, it is cool to the touch and it is safe for someone with children. It keeps my basement warm which is around 900 sq ft.
Ziplock Zip 'n Steam For Microwave Cooking
I love this product. But I normally add an extra min to the cooking time for softer veggies.
Direct Foam Refills?
I put 1/3 cup vinagar, 1/4 cup dawn and the rest water in the pump. It works the same as the full strength stuff.
Making a Plastic Grocery Bag Holder
I have found that you can use a potato bag, what you do is cut a slit in the top part that you did not open. You then put a rubber band on the open end. You can put a ribbon or a clothes hanger at the top of the bag to hold it onto your wall.
Using It Up - Beauty Items?
Streaching your burts bees products. I love berts bees, and have discovered how to get a great night cream from their products. I buy the small samples packs that are $ 11 and they have a small ammount of each product. I mix a small ammount of the night cream...