Removing Smoke Smell from Clothing?
There was a family in my church whose house burned and they used Tide with Febreze to wash their clothes after trying other things and said that the Tide with Febreze seemed to work better than anything and really recommended it. You might try that.
What Do You Think of Facebook?
I have not had any problems. As others have said, you can make your profile private and none can see it except those on your friends list. You dont have to play the games and if you choose not to, and dont want friends sending you gifts and stuff from them...
Cross Breeding Dogs?
I would say they would be min-pin/chihuahua mix. We have a chi-a-poo (3/4 chihuahua, 1/4 poodle). She was bred with a full bred chihuahua and her puppies are also considered chi-a-poos because of the poodle in the mother. Renee in TN
Disguising Smoke Detectors?
Please keep in mind that, if you cover them up, it could make them less effective for the job they were made for.
Window Treatment for Sliding Doors?
When we took our vertical blinds down, I had wanted to put up a curtain. I wanted a curtain that would block light in addition to looking nice. I was tired of the vertical blind look. Curtains made for patio doors started at about $130.00 and went way up from...
Reusing Plastic Tool Storage Boxes?
Are these the flat-type plastic cases like cordless drills come in? If so, we have converted them into first aid kits...spray painted it white, then spray paint a red cross on it. They could also make a good lap desk, with space inside for paper, pencils, pens...
Looking To Buy An Iced Tea Maker?
I also use my coffee maker to make my tea. For one gallon of tea, I use 3 family size tea bags and fill the maker with water. I put the sugar in my tea jug, fill with the hot tea and then add ice and water. Renee in TN
Can I Soak an Embroidered Pillow Case in White Vinegar?
I agree that vinegar will be safe for your needlework. Just make sure its white vinegar and not apple cider vinegar or some other colored would probably stain it. Renee in TN
Removing Smell from Wooden Trash Can?
If the essential oil doesnt work, you could try the same thing with charcoal. It absorbs odors. Renee in TN
Crock Pot Stuffing Recipe?
I personally dont like stuffing (or what I call dressing) made with *bread*...I like to use cornbread....much tastier! Renee in TN
Stretch Your Canned Soup
Great idea! You could also just add some bullion with the extra water or potato flakes. Potato flakes also help to thicken soup thats too thin for your taste. Renee in TN
Uses for Plastic Protein Powder Jugs?
If you want to make canisters out of them, try those rub-on graphics you can get in the craft dept. at Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby. I wanted canisters with roosters on them. I couldnt find any I could afford or that I liked, so I bought plain white canisters and...
Uncovering Wicks In Pillar Candles
I have used a long piece of dry spaghetti to light candles that I could no longer reach the wick with a lighter or match. Just hold the end of it in a flame until its lit. Renee
Smoke Odors from a House Fire on Clothing?
A lady at my church had a house fire and said that Tide with Febreze helped save a lot of her clothing that would otherwise have been ruined because of the smoke smell. Maybe you could try that. Renee in TN
Do you have high speed or dial up internet service?
Unfortunately, I have dial up internet. DSL just isnt available where I live, although Ive been told by my ISP that they are working to make it available to everyone by the end of the year. Renee in TN
Fundraising Ideas for Our Rescue Group?
Thanks for the ideas. We actually did have a huge rummage sale about a month ago. Everything was donated (via newspaper advertising) and we made about $700. We plan to make it an annual sale. As for serving a meal, we do plan to do that later on...our main...
Fireman Decor
That looks great! My husband is also a volunteer fireman...we live in West TN. He has what I like to call an I love me wall! LOL He has his certificates hanging there and in the center of them is The Firemans Prayer I cross-stitched for him. I would like to...
Buying Used Washers and Dryers
I agree about Kenmore. I have a set that is about 15 years old and still going strong.
Tip for Bathing Smaller Dogs
When I bathe my poodle, I just try to keep my hand on her long as I do, she doesnt shake. Then, when Im done, I pull the shower curtain closed fast and let her shake.
Giving Medicine to a Cat?
We had to give our dog pills once when shed had surgery. We crushed the pill and put it on a piece of cheese and mushed the cheese up all around it to make a ball. She practically inhaled it.
Paying Your Bills on Time and Saving on Postage
Another option would be to take advantage of your banks online billpay service. My bank charges $5.95/month for this, but when you think of all the stamps youre saving, plus gas to get them, gas you might use to actually go pay some bills, AND the cost of checks...
How do I hem tracksuit pants legs?
Im not a seamstress, but would it be feasible to cut out a section above the zipper and sew the leg bottoms back on to keep from having to mess with the zipper at all? Just a thought. Renee in TN
Pump Your Own Gas
There are still full serve stations here in West Tn., but usually they are small family-owned ones. Most stations here are all self-serve. Renee in TN
Puzzles as Wall Decorations
Ive done this before. I was lucky enough to find a poster frame at Wal-Mart that fit. It took a little work to get the sides of the frame over the edges of the puzzle, but it worked and it was only $6.97. Renee in TN
Dogs and Tile Floors?
I agree with a cage at night. We bought a wire kennel at Wal-Mart for about $35 usually they wont soil where they sleep, so its great! Renee in TN
Duncan (Scotty) Chillin' in the Pool
Adorable! We have a Scottie named Duncan as well! Hes about 12 years old. Renee in TN
Quicker Tea
Ive been making our tea this way for years! My 11 year old son can even do this easily without the risk of burning himself. Much easier and I didnt have to buy one of those expensive tea makers! :) Renee in TN
Washing Couch Pillows?
Do you mean the big cushions that come on the couch or throw pillows? I have thrown my throw pillows in the washer before, then into the dryer for a few minutes to fluff them and then lay them out on our trampoline or deck to finish drying. Renee in TN
New Car with Bad Smell?
Baking soda or you can put some charcoal like you grill out with in the car. They both absorb odors. Renee in TN
Using It Up - Old Pantyhose and Nylons?
My husband uses old pantyhose scraps to wrap his fishing bait in when he uses chicken livers. It keeps the bait from falling apart and off the hook and also keeps the fish from just nibbling it off the hook and swimming off. Renee in TN
Sharpie Marker On Door?
If the Magic Eraser wont work, try a product called Goof Off. I got mine at Target and Im sure it is available at Wal-Mart or Kmart as well. Renee
Uses for Glad Press'n Seal Wrap?
My brother in Iraq told me a friend of his uses the Pressn Seal Wrap on his laptop keyboard to keep sand out. Renee
Permanent Marker on Hard Maple Stairway?
I agree with the Mr. Clean magic eraser...I have used it on permanent marker with success. If it does happen not to work, there is a product called Goof Off that will work. Use it carefully maybe with a q-tip to keep from damaging the finish. I bought mine...
Cheapest Way To Develop Film?
I agree with taking them to Wal-Mart and viewing them before paying to discard prints you may not want...also, maybe only have 2 or 3 rolls developed at a time. For example, if you get paid every week, have a couple of rolls developed per week, or whenever...
Removing Mold Smell From Mobile Home and Clothing?
A friend had a dead mouse in the walls of her home and it smelled terrible until an exterminator told her to soak several cotton balls in sweet oil and place them all around. It is supposed to absorb the odor somehow. Worth a try! Renee in TN
Use a Timer for Christmas Tree Lighting
Very cool idea! We have the extension cord for the tree lights plugged into an outlet that is controlled by the light switch by the front door. When I go to bed, I just flip the switch!
Can't Find Matching Bedspread and Sheets?
What about buying a good quality comforter in white and stamping it with designs you like in your colors? You could do the same thing with curtains to make it all matching! Renee