Cleaning Service Pricing Advice?
First of all, the bureau of labor statistics quotes $10-12/ hr. For housekeepers. Just because it is a window and if you just spray and dust, takes time a little elbow grease. Your rate is about hours unless you bring professional products, use and personally...
Is Stepparent Responsible for Child Support?
You should not be held accountable. If the mother, custodial parent, is voluntarily unemployed, the judge should use her spouses income for calculation. Judges and lawyers do what they want. Good luck.
Determining the Price for Housecleaning?
$28.00 divided by three equals $9.33/hr. Most people provide product and I worked commuting and no one paid for my bus or train, ever. So the true number is $15.00/hr. If you worked only PT, 20 hrs. Per week, that equals $300/week and then 52 weeks a year; that...
Determining the Price for Housecleaning?
You are not describing your cleaning. Some people just use water and others really clean with elbow grease. This is the difference. Using a mop on the floor .... Not worth $35.00/hr. Sorry.
Determining the Price for Housecleaning?
You must use a lot of gas at $7.00 a client. Here in NJ, supreme is approx. $3.50/gallon. Since when did an employer pay an employee to go to work. I have worked over 35 years and not one place of business paid my commute.
Average Cost for House Cleaning and Doing Laundry?
Did you pay your own social security and medical? Most employers do not pay their cleaning service employees this. If you can only work five hours, you can only orl five hrs. No one should pay you more. This is life! Does a fireman, policeman, nurse or doctor...
House Cleaning Fee Advice?
In Northern NJ ... any employment one has, they pay to use mass transit, otherwise, their choice. It can be $250.00 per month. NO employer pays an employee to come to work. You want the job .... pay your own way. Part II: it is an employees choice not to eat...
House Cleaning Fee Advice?
Does not matter how long. Are you getting cash which means not paying taxes so one can claim welfare benefits. That is what it is as long as the worker has one child by the age of 6. Must be nice and then services charge over and guess what $50/hr. To spray...