Keeping Neighbor's Dog Out of the Yard?
I had a neighbors two large dogs digging under the fence and coming into my yard ruining my plants. They dug so much I could see the pipes to my sprinkler system. My little dog still doesnt want to go in the back to do his thing; he heads to the front door...
Use Calculator to Get the Best Price
You really cant be sure of the weight of a bag of produce at a warehouse club. They dont have scales to weigh them. I used to work at one of the clubs. When the sign says 5 lbs, etc. may be 5 lbs and maybe not. The produce associate at the club I worked at...
Wipe Down Library Books
I dont worry about such things or Id be spraying everything that comes in the house.
Concerns About Unsupervised Activities for Young Teens?
I say No Way. I think the parents stating that their young teen is responsible is not facing reality. I dont know how many parents have made that statement and they have no idea how their teen would react to a predator. I cant see any teen that age able to...
Sharing Living Expenses With an Abusive Partner?
I didnt even get past the first paragraph of your post. Wake up and get out. Being divorced myself from a verbally abusive husband you WILL SURVIVE and be a better/happier woman in the end. Married 19 years and called every name in the book. Only way youre...
Family Members Visit Without Being Invited?
Youll have to speak up as I did but the relationship will change. I have a Brother who used to call me saying were on vacation and well be coming for a visit. That was him, his wife and two kids. Their visit was for several days; they didnt pick up after themselves...
Remedy for Nightly Leg Cramps?
What has seemed to help rid of legs of cramps is riding my recumbent bike.
Homemade Coffee Body Scrub
Be very careful when doing this in the shower or you could slip and fall. I rinsed conditioner off my hair in the shower; it was slick and I nearly fell. Now I rinse in the kitchen sink.
Social Security Death Benefits?
If you Daughter is a minor, yes. My Dad passed away at the young age of 44. My Mother received benefits for herself and children until the last child reached 18.
Social Security Death Benefits?
One more thought....if your wife (after your death) remarries she will no longer receive benefits but the minor child or children will. When my Dad died my Mothers benefits stopped when she remarried my step-father but she continued to get benefits for my brother...
SSI Benefits for Home Schooled Child?
I dont quite understand. If your son is disabled he will continue to get his checks whether he is home schooled are not unless hes in a state facility who receives his check on his behalf. My 18 year old Grandson receives SSI; he has aspergers syndrome. He...
Help With Home Repairs?
Replacing broken window panes is a fairly easy thing to fix if you can come up with the money to buy the glass. Check out habitat for humanity. Home Depot has all kinds of free classes on home repairs. I feel for your situation but with home ownership we have...
Child's Survivors Benefits Reduced?
Like someone else said you probably should be getting something too. My Mother received checks for herself and my two Brothers until my last Brother turned 18.
Buying Shower Power?
What is Shower Power? (b)Editors Note:(/b) Bathroom cleaner and soap scum remover.
Securing Throw Rugs on Hardwood Floors?
I have wood laminate and use the carpet pads you put under the rugs. Works for me.
Social Security Benefits?
Go to the Social Security website and in the search box type in common law marriage. It discusses the topic. I didnt read it all but since he is dead it may be too late. But go there and see what you can find. Hope this helps.
Home Repair for Low Income Families?
If she is on disability she may be able to sell her house and get into a government subsidized, section 8 apartment. Depending on how much money she gets out of the house she may not quality though. She may not want to sell her house but you need to try to...
Easy and Secure Password Management
Maybe Im just dense but I could not figure this out. Random salt, etc. what is that?
Making Room for the New Baby?
I agree with the previous post in that you should be asking the fathers of your children for help, rather than asking a stranger to sacrifice his time and money.
Price for Cleaning Apartment?
Depends on a lot of things. Are there a lot of mirrors and glass topped furniture and a lot of artwork and pictures hanging on the wall? All these have to be dusted. How many people are in the house? Will you be picking up after children? Will you be washing...
Organizing a Small Bedroom?
Only advise I can give you is get rid of stuff. In reality we dont need a whole lot to get buy. Two pair of jeans is all I need. I dont work and dont have the type of social life that requires anything other than casual wear. The more stuff we accumulate the...
Installing Laminate Flooring?
I have this type flooring in my home; it was here when I bought it. Only thing I can tell you is Id rather have carpet. The floor is beautiful but shows everything. I could get by with vacuuming once a week when I had carpet but every day Ive having to sweep...
Compressed Air for Dusting
This doesnt get rid of the dust; it just moves it around and if you have allergies not such a good idea.
Transferring VHS to DVD?
I dont where you can buy this but I do know places like Best Buy can do it for you but it gets expensive if you have a lot. I had a lot of my Grandsons and my deceased Mother transferred to disk. This was several years ago and I think it was best buy. You may...
Don't Take Free Items Beyond What You Need
I used to work in one of the club warehouses handing out samples and greedy people came in there stating they were there for lunch. What they didnt understand was we hand a limit and dollar amount of food we could hand out. We were told not to refuse anyone...
Back Scratcher for Reaching Top Shelf
What a great idea. Ive been using mine for my back only. Im going to buy another one for my bathroom. Thanks so much for the tip!
Cleaning Laminate Floors
Ill check this one out; Ill a little leary of the alcohol on my wood laminate floors. Ive been using water and vinegar only.
Adult Child Distancing Himself from Mother?
Ive noticed that the less I call my out-of-town Daughter the more she calls me. Oftentimes Ive called her and she wont answer or return my call or will say Im busy Ill call you back but wont for days. Ive had the habit of jumping every time she calls so Ive...
Borax for Cleaning Floors
I love this tip! Never thought of using borax on floors but borax never hurt anything. Was just getting ready to mop after reading my mail. Tip came at the right time. Thanks.
Getting Rid of Termites Naturally?
I dont think there is a way to rid of them naturally. Think it requires chemicals.
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Gosh NO. Social Security Administration is not in the business of confirming ones DNA. If the Fathers name is on the birth certificate thats what they will go with.
Sharing a House With My Boyfriend?
I can see why youd be uncomfortable but personally, I would not be on a mortgage with someone Im not married to. If his attitude is if this doesnt work out is a red sign and he has his doubts. Blended marriages with children posses a lot of potential problems...
Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?
If thats all you know about him, then I dont think its appropriate to give him a gift at all. He may think youre rushing things a bit.
Home Remedy for Kidney Stones?
Maybe nothing, depending upon where the stone is located in your kidney. I have 2 stones that Ive had for about 15 years. They dont move, I have no pain and no symptoms. Ive never passed one. Dont get dehydrated.
Hard Water Leaves Hair Waxy Feeling?
Try rinsing your hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water. 50/50
New Outlets Don't Work?
Call Home Depot and ask to talk to someone in the electrical dept. Those people at Home Depot have helped me out many times.
Energy Usage of a Dryer Not in Use?
A dryer thats not running doesnt use any energy. The things that use energy are things with a continual light like electric clocks, anything with a timer. etc.
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
If the father didnt pay into social security the son is not eligible. None gets social security unless they pay in.
Getting Hair Back to Natural Color?
There is no way you can get your hair back to its natural color. As we age the hair looses it pigment. I dont like my grey hair either so I color it.
Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Do I understand you correctly? The Father was a teen when he got you pregnant and died at 15 years old? In any case social security has to have been paid in for your son to receive benefits. So if the sons Father never worked and never paid in your son is not...
Removing Acrylic Nails?
Take a pain med and dont do that again! If its swollen wrap it in ice. Watch it to make sure it doesnt get infected.
Disability Aid Ideas
Good points. I just replaced both my bathroom toilets with higher ones but my bathroom doors are so narrow there is no way I could get in there with a wheel hair if I had to.
Treating Stuffy Sinuses?
A Neti Pot does wonders. In case you dont know what they are, do a google search. You can find them at drugstores and probably Walmart carries them too. They are around $10. You can probably go to YouTube and see how theyre used. Cleaning out your sinuses a...
Kitchen Sink and Washer Back Up Into Toilet?
I would call your city sewer department and they will come out and check the main line leading to your house. They wont charge you anything. That may not be the problem but I would give it a dry.
Reporting Child Support Income to IRS?
Do a Google search for is child support received taxable income?. Click on and youll find the answer. You dont need to contact an attorney for this.
Non Custodial Parent Receives Disability Benefits?
No question on this site is a dumb question. Were all just trying to find answers to lifes questions the best way we know how. Hang in there girl.
Who is Responsible for Funeral Expenses?
Bodies can be donated to a university for research. But I dont think anyone can be held financially responsible for anothers fineral expenses. I could be wrong. I dont have a whole lot of friends, only one sibling left so Ive told my two children, no funeral...
Designing a Laundry Cupboard?
Wish I could help but I, probably like most people, dont know what the mm measurements are. I would not know how to convert the mms to feet, yard, etc.
Use Hair Color to Combat Head Lice
That was smart. I raised only two children. My best friend raised 5 and she has taught me so much. Im always asking her where she learned something or how did you think of that, what can I use so and so far. Her comment was always when you raised 5 kids you...
Relieving Heel Spur Pain?
Go to U-Tube, there are pictures there. Its not easy to do it yourself. Ive tried.
Alternative to Paper Towels
This puts too much grease down the drain. I drain my grease on junk mail and/or newspaper then into the trash.
Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?
Situations like this ruin relationships and you have so much to loose if you marry this man. Love does not solve all problems but problems sure can kill love. Research shows that the main reasons for divorce is money. Like someone else said what kind of message...
Power of Attorney for an Elderly Parent?
No she does not have to stay with her. I have POA for someone living in a different but nearby city.
Getting Rid of Tiny Ants?
Cinnamon will deter ants. In the past when Ive had them I sprinkled cinnamon on my kitchen counter tops behind small appliances like my toaster. I sprinkled it inside my kitchen cabinets near the back walls and in the floor of the pantry. Worked for me.
Free or Inexpensive Living Room Furniture?
Think outside the box. If you dont have anything to sit on try an inexpensive lawn chair. If you cant find a sofa at the thrift store why not a chair or recliner. When you cant afford to buy you take whats available. Try freecycle but like someone said you...
Child Support and Social Security?
Dont try to get even for something that possibly happened in the past. Are you disabled yourself? If not Id say give him some slack!
Using Oil in Dog's Food for Flaky Skin?
My vet recommended fish oil. I puncture a capsule and put it on his dry food every morning.
Surprise Gift for a Friend?
This is so sad. I wonder what went wrong between you and your Mother. Search your heart and ask yourself what part you played in the relationship. I was angry with my Mother for several years but when I had children of my own I came to understand the sacrifices...
How Do I Find Someone to Tie a Quilt?
Call the Senior center in you area. Those ladies do quilting and all sorts of crafts and needlework. They may not even charge you or they can show you how to do it yourself.
Cleaning A Smooth Top Stove Surface
Ive tried a number of things and the best and easiest thing Ive found is baking soda contrary to what another person said. If the service is dirty and not cleaned up perfectly before putting another pot on its much harder to clean up. Ill never have another...
Relief for Lower Back Pain?
Ive been having back pain now for weeks and just recently did an online search for exercises to strengthen the back. I dont know how old you are but I found a site that has exercises Im going to be doing. Its
The Three Amigos (Dachshunds)
Every time I see another cute picture of dachshunds, its all can do to keep from going out and getting another one.
Dealing with a Spouse Who Drives Drunk?
Talk to him when hes sober! It sounds like that person has never lived with an alcoholic. Until they want to change and admit they have a problem, you cant talk to them about their drinking when theyre sober, or stone drunk. The alcoholic can turn the conversation...
Splitting Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
Im wondering the gender of KLS. Those views seems to be quite different from the other posts. I too, believe you are being taken advantage of and being used. I certainly hope you end this relationship before he does because when and if you tell him youll pay...
Getting a POA for a Deceased Parent?
Sounds to me like youre getting the run around. You are their next of kin. Did you present them with death certificates?
Changing Terms of a Divorce?
This doesnt make sense. Did you read the so called divorce papers you signed? Have these divorce papers been recording in the county in which you live? Are you even sure youre divorced. I dont think you can believe anything he says. Furthermore, he cant set...
Changing Terms of a Divorce?
When you allow him to humiliate you in front of your kids, what youre doing is teaching your son how to treat women. Do you want that for your son? Take my advice, been there, done that. Its not too late. You are a doormat and your husband doesnt respect you...
Itchy Ears and Throat?
Have your taken your temperature? Sounds like you may have an infection. If thats the case the only one that can help is a doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic. So many people dont have health insurance. Id call a walk in clinic and ask about seeing a doctor...
Mr. Whiskers (Wirehaired Dachshund)
He is so cute. My favorite breed of dog as I have a short haired one that six years old. But Whiskers is just precious.
Small Room Lots of Stuff?
This is what my daughter did one time. She hung a couple cute tot bags on hooks hung on the wall. She filled them with things because she didnt have enough space in her dresser drawers. But you could store most anything in them. I have a couple hanging in my...
Asking Mom to Shave?
My Daughter is grown now and I dont remember when she started shaving her legs. She never asked me just did it and I remember being shocked but I figured it wasnt worth fighting over. My Daughter was strong willed and had a mind of her own. Traits that have...
Ants in the Kitchen?
You didnt say what kind of ants but I had those little things and I sprinkled cinnamon on my counter tops behind canisters, etc. Also sprinkled it inside my cabinet, under the kitchen sink, and some along the outside of the backdoor. Believe me, it works.
Ants in the Kitchen?
I dont think poor housekeeping has anything to do with it. I keep a clean house. Not to say poor housekeeping doesnt make it worse. I think it probably has something to do with the weather.
Borax and Honey Ant Trap for Counter
Cinnamon works. I just sprinkle in on the counter top behind appliances, canisters, etc.
Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
Your daughter thinks youve taken sides; shes right. Your daughter has had to leave her home and youre still with her abuser. I feel sorry for the young girl. Get your priorities in order before its too late. I know its hard but you have no other choice or you...
Self Employment Ideas for Young Adults?
Mowing grass, cleaning houses, handyman jobs for senior citizens.
Returning Defective Sewing Machines?
You didnt have how long youve had them. If you cant return them to the place you bought them Id go up the ladder (President, CEO, Etc) withing the company and Id complain big time until I got a replacement.
Washing Machine Not Spinning?
Now sure I understand about the button thing but I do know that my washing machine wont spin if I have the lid open.
Verbally Abusive Spouse Wants Me to Move Out?
I would seek advice of any attorney and pull his bluff. I would not leave but I would put him out if any way possible. If youve been married 29 years thats your home as much as his Id think.
Remedies for Post-op Nerve Pain?
Maybe Im wrong but I thought the only thing pain management doctors could do was prescribe and monitor pain medications. And I dont think they know or deal with anything natural and most mds dont believe in chiropractic remedies.