Growing Plants In Florida?
I live in Fla and grow my veggies in Earth Boxes. Worth the cost. I use their complete kit. I place the boxes in full sun for tomatoes and peppers and make sure the water level stays high. Good soil is a must. Earth Box soil is good for 3 years, so a bit more...
Collecting and Using Product Samples
Hi all. Walmart has free samples about every week. Its hidden on the site, so put in a search for walmart free samples. Janet
Build And Sell Birdhouses From Found Lumber
Thanks for the great article. I am a 59 year old woman taking a carpentry class and will be making these for sale at Christmas time. In the spirit in which you freely share your information, I am going to donate two of them to the County Childrens thrift store...
Heartworm Shots?
Do a search on Google and look for companies in Australia. I buy all my pet meds from a company down under because I save, even including the shipping in the price of the item. I use Revolution because it gets fleas and protects against heartworms and the pet...