Ferrero Rocher Golden Snitch (Harry Potter)
If you use hot glue, remember to use the low temperature gun so it wont melt your candy.
Turmeric Morning Shot
There are so many conflicting comments here. What is the up shot after all this?
Tobias Nadler (Chipin)
What a cute little fur baby you brought home and hes a lucky pup. He looks a lot like my Reesie Rippo.
Sunken Gutters For Flower Border Containers
I think this is a wonderful article and project. Doug never claimed to be a writer, Charlotte. I really like this idea. We are moving back to NY State next month and I will be using this project so generously shared in our new residence.
Along Florida's Forgotten Coast
I love your photos, but whats the forgotten coast? Im not from Florida and dont know where youre referring to.
Homemade Soft Flatbread
This recipe sounds so good. I wonder if I could use sour cream instead of banana as my husband cant eat bananas for medical reasons.
Keeping Mice And Rats Away
Im sorry you had the rat problem, but your story is so enjoyable, I almost wished the boric acid didnt work. For your sake, Im glad it did work. You should write a book!
Five Minute Emergency Gift Wrap
My daughter makes cards, so this is a perfect idea as she has all the materials necessary, and Im a crafter. Ill keep this in mind for a gift in a flash.
Find the Biggest Savings on Amazon
Thank you for this great tip. I live on a fixed income and find it difficult to pay full price for things.
Zucchini/Squash Pancakes
Im 70 years old and have made these pancakes for 50 years. Theyre so delicious, even my son asked for the recipe when he got married and moved out of state.
Easy and Secure Password Management
Wow. That was very confusing for me, too. As far as password management, I keep two Rolodexes; one A-H, the second, I-Z. At the top of the Rolodex card, I write the website. Under that I write my sign on ID and under that, I write my password. Then any pin...
Recycled Pallet Window Cabinet
I would like it if you could post detailed instructions on how to make it. Its beautiful.
Smart Decorating with 10 Year Old Paint
Hes not buying border. Read it again. Hes just going with whats there.
Smart Decorating with 10 Year Old Paint
You did a great job with this room. I too hope you have found or will find a wonderful, respectful border, but where do you live that a gallon of paint costs $50.00?
Pack Travel Basics In Advance
I agree with most of whats on your list, but as far as the medical items, I wouldnt even know how to use most of them. If I were injured badly enough to need those items, I would go to a walk in clinic or emergency department. I wouldnt attempt to treat serious...