My Frugal Life: Beverly Hills on $30 a Day
WOW! That is awesome! You are absolutely right though about living on a budget the right way. My philosophy is when you start telling yourself you cant have it then you begin to lose your will to stay on your budget. You have solved that problem! Good for you...
Cleaning Garden Tools?
I have heard that WD40 will remove rust . also that after your tools are clean keep them in a bucket of sand ( plunged into the sand) to keep clean Anyone else heard of this? WD40 is a natural product.
Side Effects of Adderal?
Call the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist if that is a side effect of the drug. He or she can also give you some advice on the break out on your face.
One on One Activities for Parent and 14 Year Old?
Find out what interests him. Go to natural history museum, find out if you have an IMax/3D theater close by. Go see a sports game ie hockey or basketball game. College games can be lots of fun and have cheaper tickets. Teach him to play or do something unusual...
Wine Stain on Wool Blend Jacket?
Hey Melissa! There is a commercial product called Wine Away that will get it out. There are also other products that will remove it as well. or Using a sponge, blot the stain with club soda. If the stain is old, however, use suds and water to lift the stain...
Storing Firewood To Make It Last
To prevent termites from from infesting your home NEVER store firewood next to your house. Always store it away from your house by at least 10 ft.