Thanks for this web site looks good. I see it is also for Alberta Canada as well. Which is great. Thanks again.
Keeping Berries From Settling At Top Of Jam?
I have always tipped my jars up side down after canning and the berries are half way and to the bottom of the jar. My seal has never broke from doing this.
Plastic Toys Smell Like Smoke?
I would return them to ebay. You should not have to pay for something that smells to smoke. I feel this is horrible.
Advice For Organizing The Refrigerator?
I have the set of Rock and Serve from Tupperware they come in all sizes and they are square and stack beautifully. I have had this set for many years and I use them daily from left overs to freezing to microwave to fridge. They are dishwasher safe. They are...
Advice For Organizing The Refrigerator?
Here is a day time picture to show you better of the stacking Tupperware in my fridge. I have one milk taken out now. I always keep 2 milk jugs on the side of my door and now have been buying 3 so one goes on the shelf. With these containers I have room. If...
Making Large Pearl Tapioca?
Thank you for all your help I made this the other day. From recipes from internet to package and it turned out good. I soaked a double recipe of pearls in water over night,drained and rinsed in morning and warmed on stove with milk,eggs and pearls and put it...
Degreaser On Windows?
I would use spray nine as this will remove it and then rinse your glass and door well and use vinegar for your final touch.
Animal Crackers as a Cat Toy
My cat does not like bought toys either she loves to play with a twist tie or the seal from a milk jug. She will play for hours with this.:))
King Sized Bed in a Small Room?
Having no dresser for clothes you can buy drawers for under your bed to hold clothes. This works good.
Pre-soaking Beans for Later Use?
yes you can pre soak beans.I have cooked them and froze them for a quick meal for chilli. Worked good.
Removing Mold from Pushchair?
Home sells 946 mL Concrobium Mold Control Trigger Spray Bottle cleaner for under $10.00 and it works great on mold.I have used this cleaner for fridges that grew mold,and washing machines.Works great.I am sure it will work for you.
Dog Has Clear, Foamy Vomit?
I would say take your dog to the vet. This happened to my dog years ago and my dog was poisoned by hunters. My dog had foamy vomit too.
Hoover Vacuum Stinks When Used?
I have had this problem at a customers house and I would lightly spray the vacuum bag with a air freshener. This worked good for me.Then when it was time to replace the bag I had done it with the new bag too.
Where Can I Sell Handcrafted Items?
You could sell them at a farmers market or flee market in the area where you live.
Garbage Disposal Cleaner
I must say that Marys answer is correct. The one about when you have a septic system, do not try to add anything to help the system. It should take care of itself as long as excessive amounts of detergents, bleach, etc. are not used. .
Getting Rid of Canadian Thistle
When you use any kind of salt on the Canadian thistle they do not come back. You need to cut them off at ground level and pour salt on them works best if you can put the salt into the stem,like using a funnel,I used a box of salt that has the mental opening...
Homemade Slimfast Recipe?
I have always used slim fast or whey protein powder to make my meal replacements. I do not use this for weight lose I use it for my vitamins and minerals as I do not eat much food to get my nutrients. I have a favorite recipe which fills me up and gives me...
Pumpkin Carving Tips
The Dremel Pumpkin Carving kit is a lot of fun practice makes perfect pumpkins and I need practice:) I have always cut a lower slice off the bottom of the pumpkin so it stands up and makes it easy to carve then when it is time for the light in the pumpkin I...
Housecleaning Products I Swear By
I swear by the winning colors paint and stain remover. I am amazed how well this works on stains and paint. I do cleaning for a living and have used many cleaners in my life and have tried many as well. I have never came across any thing as wonderful as this...
Smoke Smell In Food Container?
I have used strong coffee to sit in my containers for a few days depending on how strong the smell is that I am trying to get rid of. I found that vinegar soaks into plastic and I have had then a vinegar smell to deal with. leftover coffee you can use. I only...