Embroidery Hoop Pumpkins
These are so cute! Love this idea! Got me to thinking something similar for Christmas--bright Christmas fabric on a loop, similar to an ornament. Getting started on this today!
Chihuly Glass Art at the Denver Botanic Gardens
Absolutely gorgeous! Im adding this place to my bucket list! Thank you for sharing!
Dog's Bottom Always Smells?
Ask your vet to express the anal glands. Its a common practice and should solve the smelly problem. In my experience, it will need to be done regularly.
Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 22nd Birthday?
I did this for my sons 30th birthday... among the gifts: 30 quarters, $30 gift card, 30 first class stamps, a handmade gift certificate for 30 minutes of cleaning, and 30 mini-Kit-Kat bars (his favorite). Im sure youll come up with many others... think about...
Organizing Winter Clothing Without a Closet?
Buy, reuse or sew some large pillow shams to match or co-ordinate with your rooms decor...stuff the shams with the winter stuff....very luxurious!
Value of a 1877 Condensed American Encyclopedia Set?
Might there be a local historical society that could use them - donation. Rather than trash em. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that old ency. have little, if any, value. Good luck!
Music to Soothe Your Pets
My golden is stressed by high winds. {Our home is very old and drafty!} If I need to leave I alway turn on light classical music (on the cable radio). It seems to sooth her....
Value of Encyclopedia Britannica 1944?
In my limited experience, encyclopedia sets are worth very little, but contact a book appraiser for a professional opinion. The yearbooks are interesting, especially to someone born in a particular year. You might want to check with your local library, too...
Keeping Field Mice Out of a Camper?
I stuff mouse holes with dryer sheets, new or used and that has repelled mice in my shed for years. I have also stuffed dryer sheets around a too-large hole for indoor plumbing in my upstairs bath, no more mice!
Removing Vomit Odor from Carpet?
Try a product called Odo-Ban. It is used in nursing homes (among other places). Works really well!
Cutting heating Costs By Blocking Open Doorways?
One of the easiest way to block doorways of that size would be with flat sheets and tension rods. Just shirr the sheets on the properly sized rod (you might have to open the seam). I have been doing this for years. You could even double layer the rods and sheets...
Decorating Tips for Blue Couch and Espresso Brown Chair?
Try white or cream with brown and blue. Its a sophisticated color combo and currently very popular, and its not too girly nor too masculine! Have fun with it and good luck on your new venture!
Thawing a Frozen Septic Drain?
Thanks for your feedback. I was away for a week and when I got back the main drain to the septic system was frozen. The pros who thawed the drain opened the elbow cap, drained the standing water in the drains (since I had done the hot water thing for several...
Preparing for the First Frost
I live in gardening area 5b according to various maps. I live in a deep valley, so I prepare as if I am in a much colder area. Local tv gives a cold nighttime temp I subtract 8-10 degrees from that. For m6 garden!