Remove And Destroy Hard Drives
Rather than destroying your old hard drive, save it! External hard drives are expensive. You can get a case for a hard drive for around $20, and with about 5 minutes of work, you have a new external hard drive good for backing up files!
Use Cardboard Beverage Cartons
I did something similar for my kids art supplies. I found that the plastic frozen juice can are a perfect fit. I filled an empty six-pack bottle carton with juice cans and put my kids markers and colored pencils in it to make a perfect portable art caddy.
Bored Bag For Road Trips
I would like to add the little bottles of bubbles like you get for party favors. It kept my 7 year old and 20 month old entertained on a recent trip, and theyre small enough that they dont make a mess.
Use Old Clothes for Camp and Outdoors
I have done this on vacations as well. It leaves more room for souvenirs in the suitcases and it gets rid of the ratty stuffyhat really should go. Camilla
Reusing Tins
I do this as well, for a very practical reason. Since the cat was banished outside (due to allergies), weve had a mouse problem. They cant get into the metal tins!
Preventing Static Cling
Swipe staticky clothes with a dryer sheet to stop the static. One dryer sheet lasts a long time, and its good for those clothes that need to be air-dried. They tend to be the ones that collect static the worst anyway (like knits, acrylic & chenille sweaters...
Treating a Baby's Dry Skin?
DS#3 went throught the same thing. I was getting so frustrated with it, that I was about ready to take him to a pediatric dermatologist. Our dr ordered us a prescription Eucerin compound that helped some, then triamcinolone cream which really helped. What made...
Use a Post-it to Keep Your Place in a Crochet Pattern
I just started doing this because I kept getting interrupted while doing a pattern that requires careful counting on the rows. I use one of the long skinny bookmark post-its. Works great, thanks for posting it!
Keeping Recipes at Eye Level and Clean
I do something similar. I use a strong magnet to stick the recipe to the edge of my range hood. For cookbooks, I have a bar stool that sits up high and I can pull right beside me while Im cooking.
Save on Remodeling With a Commercial Account
You can also do something similar if you are having someone do work for you. The contractor can charge supplies to your account, but you have to approve the purchases (so they dont tack on extra stuff like soda). We did this when we had some work done on our...
Chore Incentives for Kids and Adults
I have started something similar. I have a dry-erase goal chart for the kids chores, but I still got a lot of complaining, especially about pick-up time. To motivate them to get their chores done, I set up a pair of incentives. If they do all their chores for...
Too Many Unfinished Craft Projects?
One of the crafting email groups Im on had a Stuff Project that had very simple rules--work on your project for 5 minutes every other night. It doesnt seem like much, but I found that once I got going, I could easily do more than 5 minutes. And it kept me from...
Other Uses for Pierced Earrings?
You can use stud-type earrings for pushpins - a lot prettier than the plastic pushpins. Some of the fancier earrings may have parts you can cannibalize to make new jewelry. The easiest things are rings or pendants. You can find plain ring blanks at craft stores...
Ways to Use Up Leftovers
Yes, you do scramble the pasta and eggs together. I guess Ive been making this for so long, I dont think about the specific steps. Sorry! Camilla
Using Paper Pulp in a Mold?
I made snowflake ornaments just like that one Christmas. You want to drain some of the water out--you dont want soup. I had added glitter glue to the pulp mixture to help bind it some, and to add some sparkle. For snowflakes, use white copy-type paper, without...
Free Stained Glass Patterns
Thanks for the link! I think Ill try and adapt some of these for cross-stitch (would work well with embroidery too, I think).
Travel Tips for Kansas City, KS?
We live about 45 minutes from Kansas City and have visited frequently since I was in college. Here are our recommendations: The Kansas City Zoo is also fun for kids, but not necessarily cheap--it costs $30 for me, my husband and 2 kids (2 & 4) and double stroller...
Recipes Using Frozen Fruit?
When I was in college, I used to pack a little butter tub of frozen mixed fruit to eat at lunch time or for a snack. (The mixed fruit I had was honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon and red grapes.) The frozen fruit was very refreshing on a hot day when I had to...
Watch Those Wholesale Club Prices
We generally only get stuff at our Sams Club that we would buy anyway, like brand-name laundry detergent, generic baby wipes and pull-ups, and bottled water (I get it for work). What has really saved us money with the membership has been the hotel discounts...
Keeping Track of Medical Information
I work in an outpatient department at a hospital, and believe me, it saves so much headache on the part of the patient if they have something like this. I wish more people would do this! The only thing I would add is dates with the surgeries and any major health...
Making Cookies for People With Allergies?
Rice flour doesnt always act the same as wheat flour. There isnt any one alternative flour that acts exactly like wheat flour. You can find books on wheat-free baking (the Gluten-Free Gourmet series is a good one) in some better bookstores or online. It may...
Halloween Bowling Game
I did something similar one year for an indoor Safe Trick or Treat. I didnt get that crafty, though--those look great! I just put some candy corn in the bottom of the pop bottles (made sure they were dry first) and used a foam ball for the bowling ball. It...
Morning Sickness Remedies?
I had (i)terrible(/i) morning sickness with my first--I was so sick, I couldnt even go to my college classes or work. What finally helped was Sea-Bands. Theyre stretchy bands with a little button. You put them on your wrists and the button presses on an acupressure...
Tips for Applying Makeup
Having been trained in cosmetics and makeovers, I have to object to a couple of these tips. First, I would never put mascara on the night before. Inevitably youll rub your eyes at some point during the night and end up with raccoon eyes in the morning. (Also...
Fire Extinguiser In A Car?
I keep a fire extinguisher in the back seat of my car and Ive had no problems. Camilla
How to Cook with Dried Beans?
My mom, who makes wonderful ham and beans, told me to never, ever add salt or anything that might contain salt until the beans are cooked through. I think the salt stops the water absorption, and you end up with crunchy beans. She also told me 2 ways you can...
"Books I Have Read in My Lifetime"
Ive been doing something similar with a spreadsheet on my computer since about 2000. I keep track of the title, author(s) and date read. I hadnt thought about keeping comments with it. It is interesting to see how my reading habits have changed. For instance...
Butterfly Birthday Cake
Neat idea, very pretty, and easy. Plus you get an extra treat for making it! What more could you want out of a cake? Camilla
Recipes Using Instant Oatmeal?
I used to get the variety packs of instant oatmeal, but nobody would eat the plain packets. I used them in cookies in place of quick-cooking oats and they turned out fine. The flavored ones would probably work too, and add an interesting flavor to the cookies...
Packing Materials for Glass Items
We used dish towels, dishcloths, tablecloths, even bath towels and sheets to wrap our glassware and plates when we moved. Youve gotta pack it anyway, so you might as well put it to use! Camilla
Hair Nightmare!
I feel for you. I decided one time to try the salon in my neighborhood and ended up with a girl fresh out of beauty school. I wanted auburn hair too and ended up with burgundy. I hated it, but everyone I worked with said they liked it. I agree with the other...
Frugal Weight Loss?
When I was breastfeeding my son, he developed many food allergies, including milk and soy, which eliminated formula. I had to change my diet so he wouldnt get sick. I ended up losing a lot of weight because I couldnt have junk food--he was allergic to corn...
Creamed Tuna on Toast
We used to love this as kids. We thought of it as a treat (we didnt know it was dirt cheap). For breakfast, my mom would use the same recipe except she would use hard-boiled eggs instead of tuna--Creamed Eggs on Toast. Its still one of our favorites. Camilla
Visit from a Woodpecker
We had a woodpecker visit during our last snow. It was kind of funny to see him try to balance on the edge of the feeder! Camilla
Gadgets - Which Ones Are Worth It?
I have a Flip Fold, one of those things for folding shirts. It really does work well, for shirts. Theyre neatly folded now, actually neater than I can do it myself. I havent figured out how to fold anything else besides shirts, though. Its other big advantage...
Corky (Rat Terrier)
From the back, Tommie looks almost exactly like our cat, Piers! What wonderful pets!
Redecorating Room With a Dirt Bike Theme?
I think you can get chrome spray paint (if you dont find it in the hardware section, look in the automotive section). If you have lots of dirt bike spare parts, maybe you could make some furniture with them. Maybe a table or even a lamp (you can get the kits...
Milk for Cats
Good idea to use the lactose-free milk. Most cats are lactose-intolerant. If you give a cat too much regular milk, it has a tendency to cause diarrhea (at least it has in every cat Ive had). Camilla
Refilling Scented Oil Warmers?
Plug-in air fresheners starting a fire is an internet rumor. Here is a link to the official statement from SC Johnson, the makers of Glade Plug-Ins, the warmers most often associated with this myth.
Helping Someone Who Is Choking?
The best way to help someone choking is to know the Heimlich maneuver. Check for first aid training in your area. The Heimlich is usually included in the curriculum. DO NOT pat the choking victim on the back--it can actually lodge whatever theyre choking on...
Lady Bug Issues?
We live in Kansas and Im glad to know were not the only ones suffering from an overabundance of ladybugs. I guess theyre really just an annoyance until spring really does come. I just wish they wouldnt use my cream-colored carpet as their graveyard! Camilla
Keep The Essentials Close At Hand When Moving
Also make sure you have something for kids to play with, as well as their blankie or lovey. It will help them cope a little better with the change. Camilla
Mr. Friskie and Princess
Reminds me of my moms cats. She has a 14-year-old longhair and 2 kittens! Robin (the longhair) isnt wild about his new younger brothers either. Camilla
Mascara Tip
You might want to be careful doing this. Bacteria can build up in mascara (bacteria you (i)dont(/i) want near your eyes). By swapping brushes between mascaras, youre contaminating the new mascara with any bacteria that might have accumulated in the old. And...
Decorating a Tanning Salon (Mexican Theme)?
If you could find one of those big, colorful striped Mexican-style blankets, that would help pull the room together. You might even be able to find some that are washable.
Finding The Right Coffee Measurements?
I use a 1/2 tablespoon measuring spoon and use 1 spoonful (a little heaping) for every cup of water. I dont use the measuring spoon for anything else, so it stays in the coffee can. Also, the type of coffee will affect how strong it is; Colombian and French...
Children's Book Binding Repair?
If you just want to keep the books together and arent worried about preserving their collectability (that is, their value on the collectors market), clear packing tape works wonders. A roll is pretty cheap and will mend a lot of books. Plus, you can cut it...
Anti Aging Moisturizers?
I would ask your Mary Kay lady to explain the benefits of the product youre looking at, then go to the Oil of Olay website ( and click on Olay products. There you can check out the benefits of the different products. Theres also a tool...
Uses for Aluminum Pie Pans?
Tambourines: poke holes around the edges of two pie pans. Put some dried beans in one, then top with the other. Tie the two pans together with scraps of yarn, leaving a little extra at the end for fringe. Great fun for kids! Ive also used them as catch-pans...
More Fresh Grapes Than You Can Eat?
You can also freeze them. They make a great substitute for ice cream when you want a cold, sweet treat. Camilla
Make An Omelette with Leftovers
When I was growing up, the morning after we had spaghetti (especially Spaghetti Carbonara), my mom would make Shipwreck. She would scramble some eggs, add the leftover spaghetti and cook it like scrambled eggs. When I was in college, I would do the same thing...
Looking for Soy Milk Advice?
My son was allergic to milk for a while, and we tried all sorts of alternative milks. I would definitely try goat milk. It tastes the most like cow milk. You can even get evaporated goat milk for baking. Be forewarned, though, alternative milks dont behave...
Looking for Drain Board Solution?
I had a drainboard that wouldnt drain too. My solution? Put a board under the end of the drainboard. I used a small piece of 2x4 left over from remodeling. It isnt pretty, but it raises the end up enough for the drainboard to drain into the sink. Camilla
Uses for Rusty Or Old Muffin Tins?
Theyre great as sorting trays for beads, etc. My son uses them for counting practice. Theyre also good for holding change at garage sales.
Keeping Wedding Costs Down
When we got married, my husband and I were both just out of high school. His father was on disability and his mom was working less than full time. My mom was a single mom with two teenagers, so we had to do the wedding on the cheap. We made our own invitations...
Stretching Moisturizer
Be aware that if youre using a wrinkle cream or a cream for other benefits, you wont get the full benefit from it by stretching it. Im not sure, but it may also affect how much you benefit if your moisturizer has SPF.
Avon also is sponsoring a program to send care packages to troops overseas. Its $10, the troops get 5 products (no choice on the products), the USO gets a donation, and you can include a personal message. Contact your Avon representative for more information...
Quick Chicken Patty Pizza
Ive done a similar thing, topping a chicken patty with pizza or spaghetti sauce and mozzarella cheese, then putting it on the bottom of a bun. I broil it for a few minutes, so the cheese melts, or, if the chicken patty isnt cooked, I just bake the whole thing...
Saving Energy When Cooking
Dont use the biggest burner if youre just cooking something in a small pot.
Emergency Caulk for Holes in the Wall
White-out thats gotten too thick to use works well on white walls, too.
Homemade Pumpkin Mix from Scratch?
I wouldnt use carving pumpkins for things like pumpkin pie. The flesh is really too tasteless. The best for pumpkin pies, etc, is a sugar, or pie, pumpkin. Cut in half, scoop out the seeds and stringy bits and place cut-side down in a baking dish and bake at...
Making Decorative Magnets
You can also use old give-away magnets (like outdated calendar magnets) and double-sided tape.
Carpet Padding Uses?
We used to live in a house with hardwood floors--very cold in the winter. I used a bath mat beside my bed with a scrap of carpet padding underneath. It was nice to step out of bed onto a cushy rug!
Low Prices on Prom Dresses?
Watch the classifieds for people selling prom dresses. Check garage sale descriptions too. Some communities have prom dress swaps. Watch your paper for info. Or maybe you could start your own. Camilla
Spring Banquet Ideas?
Heres an idea for inexpensive individual nut or mint cup. Take the little dosing cups that come with cough syrup and Pepto-Bismol (wash them out well) and hot glue a little lace and a miniature fabric flower to it.
Ideas for Refilling for Bean Bag Chairs?
How about dried beans? Then you really would have a bean bag chair!
Thrifty Christmas Ornaments?
One thing we made as kids was a cardboard macaroni ornament. Cut a shape (we used stars) out of cardboard (cereal boxes work well). Put a thin line of glue along the edge and put macaroni in interesting shapes around the edge. When the glue is dry, spray paint...