What Breed Is My Dog?
Thank you she is a cute little thing she was sold to me as a Italian mastiff but Im Sure its a lie since they lied about her health also but shes doing alot better now gaining weight 2lbs in one week my husband think she looks like a staffy Ill post more body...
What Breed Is My Dog?
She is a cute little ball of energy she has gained 2 lbs in one week she was sold as a Italian mastiff but Im. Sure they lied since they lied about her health but shes doing well eating and gaining weight my husband and vet thought she looked mixed with staffy...
What Breed Is My Dog?
She sure is a surprise I got her from someone who told me she was Italian mastiff but I just dont believe them shes only 7 lbs now and 8 weeks but she sure looks like a Pitt to me
What Breed Is My Dog?
Here are some updated picture of her she has gained 9 lbs in 3 weeks what do you think
What Breed Is My Dog?
Thats a Pit bull all day !! But what breed exactly you would have to have papers to knw exactly what type since there so many different pit breeds did u get to see mom and dad ?