Bin There Bin That
I have also been storing in bins, from A to Z including fabric sorted by season. My problem is no garage and closets are full. I keep working on some of them to empty just a slow continous project. Bins are great in that they do keep the bugs and small critters...
Upcycled Stool
Adorable. I found one at a garage sale for couple $$ and I have all the needed items to refinish. Its gonna be so much fun
Chicken Wire To Protect Garden From Animals
I have been growing watermelons this year and not knowing anything about how to or when to has been a learning experience. The first melon weighted 17 lbs, the second was 35 lbs. There have been others not as big but not many. Now there are still dozens on...
Save Fast Food Condiments
This is a great idea, am going to check it out. All the fast food/resturants just grab a handful and drop in the bags even when you say no
How To Reuse Ziploc Bags
I reuse mine all the time. If after the third wash I will store non perishable items like thread, buttons etc in mine.
Creative Clotheslines
I have a retractable clothes line on my deck from one corner to the other. I can hang clothes out all the time. Then when finished I unhook it on one side and retract, that way not in anyones way
Getting Your Fabric Organized
I have one room that has 3 walls of book shelves and they are filled with fabric on cardboard and similar markings. It does help so much, I have just run out of shelving and still many totes of fabric mostly yardage. I quilt and craft all the time and even...
Homemade Compost - The Natural Way To Green Gardening
I have been composting all the mentioned items for a long time. The newspaper have not because I was told the colored print was not safe to use.
The Thief In Your Closet and On Your Shelves
Truly enjoyed this article. Great advice, and am learning the math and even had a couple garage sales to down size many things. When I go shopping I ask myself do I really need that or put it in the basket and walk around the store then put it back. Works for...
Killing Tent Caterpillars
When you poke a hole in the webbing it allows birds to get in and will eat them also killing them.
English Paper Pieced Hexagons
I recently took a class of the same. I fell in love with it and has proven to help pass the time when I am waiting for someone at the hospital. Dont need a sewing machine just needle, thread and fabric scarps.
Grow Your Own Ginger
I have been growing ginger for several years and its great. This year we had snow, ice and freeze. I covered the ginger in the pot and am waiting to see if it made it or not....I had purchased several pieces at grocery and they sprouted and that was when I...
Juicing and Growing Your Own Pomegranates
I have a pomegranate tree and its full every year. I have not been able to tell when they are ripe. How long do they grow before picking or is there a set time. They arrange in all sizes and colors, the meat inside is white. I have gotten a few and juiced them...
Juicing and Growing Your Own Pomegranates
I have a pomegranate tree and the first year I had it produced like crazy and always has. My question is the fruit is white not red and not as sweet. This year not sure what will happen, we had a freeze and of course froze back. I am waiting to trim it just...
Blackberries Require Decision Making
I had attempted blackberries before and when I planted them in a new bed, they grew great only draw back is we have an abundance of wild lantana and that over took it and of course died. I have not tried them again, although I love blackberries, not sure how...
Identifying and Controlling Root Knot Nematodes
I have one pear tree that has the knots on the branches, someone had told me to just cut those limbs and that would take care of it, well needless to say NOPE didnt work. The tree has never produced fruit, it is several years old. I am now going to remove the...
Growing San Marzano Tomatoes from Cuttings
My grandfather taught me to pull the suckers on the tomato plants when I was young then we would plant them in smaller pots to get roots going and then transplant for more. We always had a huge crop of sucker plant tomatoes and couldnt tell the difference in...
My Garden Disaster
My garden was not a total disaster although the sweet banana peppers are doing good nothing else made it. Tomatoes are sizes of golf balls and hard. I keep on trying to save what there is on the idea that they will live until the heat brakes.
What Is This Houseplant?
I dont know the fancy name but Zebra plant is all I have ever known it to be.
Keep Bugs Away From Your Cabbage Plants
I am a little old fashion and NO I dont use tabacco. My grandfather always used a Beer just adding some to a lid and placing near the plants did wonders. We never had a problem. Using one beer was perfect.
Repurposing a Free Card Table
I too had found a square card table that had a small hole in the center. I got a sheet of scrap plywood I had and cut to fit, covered it all with a 50 cent vinyl table cloth now have a great table to do my cutting of quilt fabric patterns.
Chicken Amongst the Vegetables
My chickens did the same and was great. I dont have any now but my neighbor has/ had one as a pet. It decided it didnt like living at home so it now stays under my fig trees.
Adjusting to a New Life
I have been a widow for a long time and cooking for one is a new learning. I would buy the celery and dice the whole thing up and put in zip-lock bag and freeze and that way have it ready when I cooked and didnt waste any of it....and also did onions, bell...
Get Cash Back at Stores
You have to be careful of using your card also. I used to do that and noticed on the bill when it came in that one of the cards charged a fee for cash back.
Getting Rid of Slugs?
There are several different ways, I have tried most all but the easiest I found was taking jar lids or cut bottom off 16 oz. soda bottles and filling with beer, and placing at out of the way areas on the deck, and let them do the work and just throw the lid...
Donating Fabric?
Check with several churches and see if they have a quilting group or even a quilters guild. The local chamber of commerce might have a list that could use all that wonderful fabric. If I were closer, I would volunteer to get it for my quilting group, only Texas...
Fabric for Quilts for Cancer Patients?
Contact several of the local churches, they may have groups of ladies that sew lap quilts for donation to hospitals, DP offices, nursing homes, etc.
Adjusting the Tension on Sewing Machine?
I had that problem just a week ago. I had been sewing and changed stitches and filled the bobbin. Got back to sewing and it happened. I tried everything then took the thread out and got a different spool and it worked great. So you might try changing thread...
Donating Fabric?
Check with the local churches that have group of ladies that make quilts for kids, fabric stores may have a list or know of a quilting group and even the senior centers.
Easy Sashay Scarf
These are so easy to make. They make quick and nice thank you, Christmas, birthday or even thinking of you gifts.
Finding Wine Bottles for Project?
For wine bottles, check with a couple of restaurants that serve wine and see if they will save you several and be sure to explain what you are using they for and maybe showing a picture of finished product. They might even have the corks also.
Feeding a Cold
I have done this for years. I place an onion not only in my bedroom but living room or other areas of the house to kill the germs all over the house. This is only good part of the year. If you place on onion and all it does is dehydrate then there are no germs...
Refilling Glad Candle Holder?
I have taken and cut/dug out all the old wax and I have an old crock pot and put it in that and heat it on low until all melted and then add a new wick to holder and carefully pour, using and old cup dip and pour back into the holder to let set. Wick needs...
Chickens Save You Money
I also raise chickens. Its great, and yes, the feed is inexpensive just remember to add the vitamins. It is still less expensive than purchasing all the time. If you are near a rice storage and drying facility can usually purchase what is called sweepings to...
Don't Accumulate Stuff, Give It Away
After reading all the comments I have to strongly agree with everyone. I have been working on cleaning my home out, plus a storage bldg on the property. I am making totes for each of my 3 daughters and when done will give it to them. They can decide what they...
Painting Formica Countertops
Did you do the back splash before or after doing the counters in the kitchen? I have the ugly turquoise counters and the back splash was painted sunshine yellow. No, I didnt do it. It was here when I purchased the home.
Be Prepared For Lean Times
All of these are fanastic ideas and as I was reading I have been reminded of me doing the same thing. It is just myself and I figure my family will be showing up in trouble times and there is enough for all of us. I will take milk also skim or fat free and...
What is This Plant? (Chinese Evergreen)
Not remembering what the correct name is, I have always been told its a closet plant and low light is wonderful for it. I have several and are easy to care for. Pris
Weeds in a Veggie Garden?
I have used shredded newspaper ( black & white only) also broken down boxes that all with deteriate. Just lay in walk ways and shredded paper around the plants to hold moisture. All good for recycling instead of putting in land fills.
Bird Feeder
I did this for my great grand daughters for Christmas last year and they learned so much including the different kinds of birds. They are in pre K and Kindergarten.
The Great Room Swap
This is so wonderful, I am working on that myself. My daughter moved back home and brought all her things and 2 dogs. My home of 1500 sq ft was organized for one with multi crafts and projects. My sewing room/guest room/craft room were taken over by her so...
Sign Up for Local Freecycle
I also recycle as often as I can. I will find on side of road and even found real bargains at estate sales that can be re made. I at this time have found 6 cribs on roadside and taking apart to remold into other useful items
Finding Peace in the Valley
Carol, I do admire you and your husband with the faith that God gave all of us to always push on when it seems like all has fallen. My husband passed away, the children were grown and gone and the 5000 sq ft home also gone with cars, business. I had an old...
Help Out Your Grocery List
I know how you feel and have been there my self. My husband passed away and his company took everything and was bankrupt. The home we had was forclosed after 2 years so I did have a little time there. I got three jobs and was looking for another place when...
Starting Mango Seeds
Thanks for the advice, I have two and was wanting to plant them. Now I have directions to start. I live in South Texas, so humidity will help.
Using Leftover Candle Wax?
When my candles are all down and the wick is gone, then I put all the different scents into a crock pot and slowly melt them all together and either make more candles using containers, milk cartons with chunk ice or as a nice gift for friends that have fire...
Reusing Old Candles?
I will take the wax and put it in an old crock pot to melt down and either make new candles using pint jars with wick or tie string around a pinecone and dip in melted wax to use as fire starters or in the fire place to show the lovely colors it produces.
T-Shirt Rag Rug
The using of tee shirts can also be a memory rug from a loved one that has passed. What a wonderful gift it would make for the family.
Spending Money to Save Money
These are great ideas and I have done many myself. When my girls were small we went on walks to near by playgrounds and took our pb&js for a picnic and afternoon of fun. We lived in an area of pecan orchards and made arrangements with the owners to gather for...
Getting Rid of Web Worms on Pecan Trees?
I live in Texas and have had the same problem with webworms. They will decrease the pecan crop on your trees. I have found the easiest solution is it to take a long pole, head out in the evening, and poke holes in the webbing. Then the birds can get in and...
Saving Buttons
I have inherited my moms, 2 grandmothers, and numberous other family members button collection. All saved in tins from years and years ago. So interesting to just sit and look at
Decorative Cake Pan Stepping Stones
What a wonderful idea. Thanks so much, I will be looking for some different ideas too. Too cute, cute, cute.
Quilted Paper Plate Picnic Bag
Great way to use up some of that scrap fabric gathering in the corner...
Using Leftover Brewed Coffee on Plants?
I take what ever left over coffee and finish filling the pot with water and add directly to plants inside or out. The really thrive on it.
One-Seam Bath Towel Turban Craft
This is wonderful, and so easy to understand and make. Thanks so much.
Has Anyone Purchased Flower Seeds from Dollar Stores?
Yes, I use them every year. The flowers arrange in size and height. They are so bright and smell wonderful, brings the birds also. I mix them with my roses and such an array of colors. The veggie pkgs are great also and keep on growing For 20 cents a pkg gives...
Are Wild Onion Safe to Eat?
Some can be a bit strong. I use mine when I grill outside also, gives a great added flavor to meat.
Donating Free Fabric Samples?
I work with a church group that makes lap quilts for children that have been abused or that live in a shelter. We do over a thousand each year.
What is This Tree?
From the cluster of the leaves on the branch I believe it looks like a Cottonwood. Grows much bigger and is a wonderful shade tree. Should be able to take cuttings and with root stimulator can get it to grow. I have one that has been in my yard for over 50...
Recycle Buttons and Zippers From Clothing
I have been recycling buttons and adding them to tee shirt quilts I make. Even my friends give me buttons they find. Its so fantastic to see what different buttons do to the quilts.
Speed Up Tomato Growth with Tablecloths
I have found that the RED attack the birds so the RED tomatoes have peck marks in them or are half eaten....
Keeping Chickens Out of Flower Beds?
I was having the same problem with my neighbors chickens. I was reminded that my grandfather always used a couple rubber snakes and just re-arrange them every so often. I tried it and so far so good, the chickens stay away and the birds have not come to visit...
Flower Pot Snowman
I love that idea, I have the pots and was trying to figure out how to reuse them for winter decorations. Thanks for the great idea.
Make a Trivet From Tile and Wine Corks
This sounds perfect, for use of all the left over tiles from projects in the house. Would also be nice to see several pictures of finished craft.
Turning Up The Heat: Growing Hot Peppers
I grow hot peppers, yes do have to careful and always weat gloves with working with them. I usually have a good mixture from bell peppers to jalapeno, banana, etc combined they make a great jelly. This was great information. I have been told that ornamental...
Organizing Housework for the New Year
These are some great ideas and thanks so much for reminding me. I also use the month of January to organize and get my taxes ready so when all the W2s and 1099s come in its ready for the preparer. This being the 5th of January,2015 well now is the time to start...
Quilts from Thrift Store Fabrics
I have been collecting fabric scraps the same way and is wonderful, I have made two quilts for granddaughter and grandson that recently got married. I also check out resale shops for more just in case. Each quilt only cost about $25 plus my time.
Reuse Election Signs
When an election is over and there are signs left, I gather several and paint them a solid color, then can use in the garden to mark the rows. Also when eggs and produce are ready then a sign goes in my yard advertising the sale. When season is over I gather...
Freeze a Month of Dinners in One Afternoon
I enjoy doing this, I take Sunday afternoon and cook up meals for myself on a weekly basic. I work to many hours and most evenings come home tired and only have to tend to chores. With my lunch and evening meals already prepared saves not only money but so...
Scrap Fabric Wreath
What a perfect way to continue using up all the scraps. Thanks so much for giving me yet another great idea.
Saving Your Raise
I also do this, I have a budget and stick with it. When I get my paycheck bi weekly, if its $237.69 well I post it then only add the $230. to the working account and keep a note of the $7.69 as a cushion for emergency at the top of the check register. At the...
Twelve Ways to Get Rid of Your Old Books
Our town has a community sale twice and year and I have tables of books that I acquired and will give/sell just to pay for the booth.
Going Back to My Mama's Ways
I grew up the same way and also passed these meals on to my girls and we all still enjoy an all vegetable or beans and cornbread meal. Thanks for the wonderful reminders.
Patchwork Photo Album
You did a beautiful job. My daughter made me one and I still have it full of wonderful and fond memories. Thank you for reposting this and the instructions.
Preventing Moldy Cheese in the Refrigerator
Fantastic, that is a new usage for me, NO more mold on my cheese
Raising the Table for Fabric Cutting
I have a table that is not tall enough so I cut 2 4x4s and placed under the legs it raised it the right height for me and now can sew longer and not hurt.