Use Every Bit Of Laundry Detergent
Good idea. I do that with ketchup,mustard,and mayo jars. Another thing is when you turn on your washng machine hold the bottle under the water if it isnt too big and fill about 1/4 full. Shake well and empty in machine. Sometimes I just add half and save the...
Uses for Clothespins
I dont have a clothes dryer I use clothes lines for hanging my clothes both inside and out. Over time some clothespins will break apart. I have tried putting them back together but they are weakened and will break again,so my husband puts them to great use...
Where Can I Buy Fels Naptha in Ontario Canada?
I get mine at, they have all sorts of products and some good sales as well.
Apple Spice Syrup
There is no vinegar in the recipe its good on pancakes and waffles and french toast. I too was looking for this recipe Thank you for posting it.
What is This Caterpillar?
We call them tomato cows here but they are hornworms. I have to cut the branch sometimes they are on cause they wont let go. I throw them to my chickens they love them. Check your plants often they can destroy a tomato plant in one day (I had it happen).
Making Old Tissue Paper Look Like New
This is such a great idea. I have been doing this for years and I do get teased but it is great to save things from the land fill. I also iron the heavy brown wrapping paper the same way(but only one layer and cover with kitchen towel. When my kids were little...
Advair Doll Chair
Wow this is great. I never would have thought of doing that. I use advair and I also use the rescue inhalers.Now I am wondering if something could be made from those. They are shaped like a boot.
Mrs. Buttersworth Valentine
I have done several different mrs buttersworth but not one like this. I love it!
Mrs. Buttersworth Valentine
I have done several different mrs buttersworth but not one like this. I love it!
Homemade Ketchup Came Out Watery?
Hi I have been making and canning my own ketchup for years. Regardless of whether you can it for later use or want to use it right away you have to use what the ingredients call for. Tomato paste is a thickener. Try adding some paste and cook it on low stirring...
Lace Toilet Tank Topper
Too darn pretty for the bathroom. I would use it on my coffee table or top of one of my dressers. Very nice.
Three Meals for $4.00
I copied this down; this helps a lot for an emergancy idea as well as a money saver when times get lean which has happened to us. Thankyou
Making a Soap Swan?
Thankyou Harlean, I am going to make a couple of these for a centerpiece. I can picture them now and know how the head was made, I honestly couldnt remember.One of those senior moments Thankyou again
Memory Garden Stepping Stones
Hi I was wondering do you put the cement inside the bucket or on top with the bucket upside down. If you pour it inside how do you get the cement out after it has hardened?
Sparkles the Cat
you were so right to take the cat that other person was letting the dogs use her as a chew toy. The poor thing threw upin fear. I am glad she is with you and leads a good life. You are a good person.
Remembering My Login?
Use a post it with your user names and passwords and stick it to the side of your computer or tape it to the side of your computer. If you dont want anyone else to see your passwords then tape the paper to the underside of your desk. Add new user new names...
Old Horror Film Name?
I believe you are thinking of Invaders from Mars. Made in the 50s; great movie. There was a remake in the late 80s but it was not as good.
Making a Candle Making Kit?
The library has great resourses for the things you mentioned above. There are books for all of these; ask the librarian to help you. You can also go to and type in candle making kits, or supplies neede to make candles, how to sew a simple pilow...
Depression Jelly Recipe?
I googled this and came up with several ways to make depression jam/jelly but they all started with tomatoes. I will post this and maybe someone else will find one without tomatoes.Apparently it tastes like regular jelly and not tomatoes. 4 cups sugar 4 fresh...
A Rice Cooker That Doesn't Have a Liner Made of Teflon or Aluminum?
I have a microwave rice cooker workes great. No metals of any kind, and comes with measuring spoons, cups, Got it at Walmart for under $10.00.
Working During Commercials
Oh yeah, when Lifetime Movie network has a movie on I can get my housework done during the commercials. Vacumming a room at a time,dusting, putting up laundry, etc. And best of all I dont miss any of my movie. Shows how many commercials networks show doesntr...
Duct Tape Purse and Clutch
Those are neat. Could you post directions on how to make them? I would like to try and do one.Thankyou
Solo Cup Doll Lamp with Instructions
Hi, this is very pretty. Would you mind sharing directions on how to put the doll lamp together? This would be a nice gift for my grandaughters. Thankyou Susan
Pay Attention to the Cooking
Oh I know about that. I had some eggs hardboiling and I totally forgot they were on the stove as I went back on the computer for what was suppose to be a quick reference that I was looking for, got involved and suddenly smelled sulfer! Agh! It smelled just...
Cleaning Deep Fryer Grease Off the Floor?
sprinkle salt all over the grease. Let it sit about 1 minute. Then sweep it up. Wash floor with a good detergent.Make sure the water is very warm, and rinse well with warm water. Use whatever you normally use especially if it is a no wax floor. Usually the...
Poll: How many pets do you have?
Many! We have a dog named Fred,5 indoor kitties:Gizmo,Skinny Minnie,Fat cat,Boo,and Artsey Fartsey.Here is a picture of 3of them sleeping inour sink one hot summers day. Outside, we are feeding about 15 strays. Some were dumped in our driveway(we ahve a 600...
Isopropyl Alcohol Stain on Wood Furniture?
Have you tried Olde English scratch remover and cover? It might cover up the stain, probably wont remove it but it should hide it pretty well. You will just have to touch it up from time to time. I covered a waterstain on walnut this way. Every few weeks I...
Store Brands That Are Better Than Name Brand Products?
Hi, I like the store brands better than most of the name brands. I also live in Georgia and shop at Save a Lot and Family Dollar stores. The items at Save a Lot I find to be very good. Now I happen to make my own laundry detergent and I have to use name brands...
The Giant Panda
Hi I live in Georgia too. Is this taken at the zoo in Atlanta? We havent been for ages. Pandas are pretty,but they can be just as mean as a Grizzly if they want too! Have you been to the Aquiriam yet? I hope we can go next fall.
Make Your Own Relief Pillow
I made these and they are great for aches and pains as well. If you have a sore foot or ankle you can drape the heated rice sock over the sore area.I have Rhumatoid arthritis,and sometimes myhands really hurt and I just hold the sock over them it feels so soothing...
Uses for Plastic Vitamin Bottles?
Here are 2 links that I found very useful: and
Uses for Used Canning Lids?
Hi, do a lot of canning also and have bunches of used lids in a box along with some rims that are fine on the outside but have rust spots on the inside. For fun, I made some mobiles/windchimes out of them. Just strung them on different lengths of sturdy string...