Help for Low Income Family With Roof Repairs?
Sometime your local City or County Community Service will help you or have someone who will do it cheap, my Husband was working part time as a Roofer for Mobile Homes and ran into a trailer Park of Elderly people that needed their Roofs patched. He didnt hesitate...
Keeping Horse Flies Off?
we had Burros in the Desert and the Horse Flies would nearly carry them off there were sooo many on the poor things,I felt so sorry for them.I was bound and determined to stop the crazy things so my Husband had ordered some oil from Avon ,I cant remember the...
Shelling Hickory Nuts?
Elaine I was born and raised in Arkansas and we had tons of Hickory trees around our house. We use to pick them up in 5 Gallon buckets and put them in my Fathers garage for Winter time. Wed crack them on a brick with our hammer and flatten the point of a med...
Shelf Life of Swanson Chicken Broth in Cartons?
Im sure they could be frozen because the broth is no different than plain water.however,I would place the carton into a shopping bag to keep the carton from making contact with the Ice in the freezer or other packages you have in there.they could be kept up...
Looking for Wedding Cake Recipes and Tips?
Moemoe, when I make a wedding cake and have been doing this for many years, I add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise to my mix. It gives me a moist cake and it should not crack. Mine never does and yours shouldnt. If youve not over baked them. Dryness causes a cake...
Keeping Fast Food Warm or Reheating It Without It Drying Out?
I usually sprinkle a little water on Fries and place them in a paper bag. Reheat on low for about 5 seconds, twice or if theyre hot after the first 5, theres no need to reheat any longer. The water keeps then from drying out. You could probably rinse them in...
Getting Rid of Mole, Voles, or Gophers?
I have read so many postings for people wanting to get rid of gophers etc and here is my solution,it really works. Buy the traffic flares. Light it and stick it in the hole-then cover it up. Your gopher cant stand the heat or the smell of sulphur. We were gopher...
Product Review: Lipozene Fat Burner
I have read the ads and it plainly says that there will only be a few pounds difference between the real weight lost and a placebo and its only 4 lbs some ounces. You can lose that much running a couple days a week. Why send a bunch of money for something you...
Preservatives for Canning Soup?
As the other feedback says,you need a pressure cooker but you will also need to add a teaspoon of salt to each jar of soup. That is a preservative in its self. Look up and ask for their blue book. It tells you what you need to know about canning. Be...
Grannie's Peach Dumplings
I think Connie means to do the dough like a cinnamon roll and cut the dough into rolls for the top.pouring the syrup over the circles? Not sure, help us out here Connie.
Preventing Honey From Crystallizing
Charley, Ive been using this remedy for about 50 years and it hasnt failed me yet. Add some clear Karo to your honey and it wont turn back to sugar. If it has already chrystallized, put it in the micro wave for a little while until its running again. [Be Sure...