Keeping an Old Cat from Constantly Scratching Her Ear?
Is there some type of mild anti-anxiety med you could use until the ear heals ? On the tv show My Cat From Hell they sometimes use calming meds in certain situations. Just a thought.
Built in Spoon Rest
Also if you pull the utensil out too quickly you run the risk of spilling the hot contents of the pot everywhere including on yourself!!
Using Up Unwanted Shampoo/Body Wash
Have you ever bought (or inherited) a bottle of liquid soap or body wash that was just too thin? There is a fix for this. Pour approx. 1 cup in a bowl (not metal) & add a small amt. of salt, perhaps 1/2 tsp. stirring well. In most cases,(not all) the soap will...
Dog Toy from Old Dish Towels
Please do not allow your pet to play with this unattended!! I had a co-worker whose dog chewed up & swallowed part of a towel (unbeknown to the owner at the time). By the time the very sick dog was finally diagnosed it was too late & the dog couldnt be saved...
Lighting Candles with Matches Safely
You can also use a piece of dry spaghetti to light a candle, light it with a regular match or a stove burner if you happen to be cooking at the moment. Long enough to light more than 1 candle at a time, too!
Removing Rotten Meat Smell from Freezer?
A large bag of charcoal, tear open down the side, spread open, place in bottom of freezer, close lid & allow to sit undisturbed about a week. Worked for me !
Finding Help After a Fire?
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I had words to take the pain away. Please know that there are caring people on this site who are praying for you. The only thing I can think of at the time is to visit a church in your area, tell them of your dilemma, & ask...
Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees?
If you can locate the holes they are going into, spray wd-40 into the hole using the attached straw, then step back! The female will fall out & be dead when it hits the ground. 2 years ago I sprayed & killed almost 40 of them. The following year there were...
Saving Money on Pet Medications and Treats
Several years ago my brother gave a beef bone to his dog, who managed to chew it down in size & swallowed it. It cost him $ 600.00 to have it removed ( emergency surgery ). Because of that, I quit giving bones to my dogs, only chews & treats that can be digested...
Brush Your Dog's Teeth For A Healthier Dog
I have an older rescue dog with bad teeth. The vet said to keep his teeth brushed, but he fought me every time I tried. In desperation I bought a childs battery operated toothbrush at a dollar store & he likes it! No more wrestling matches while brushing his...
Shop Around For Checks
Be very careful when ordering checks from ads in the Sunday newspaper! I recently did just that, & after the checks arrived they sent me an ADDITIONAL bill for almost 50.00! They claimed I was not a first time customer because I had ordered checks from them...