Choosing Colors to Coordinate With Gold Curtains?
Gold will go with many colors, but my favorite would be a navy blue.
Headless Bride Costume
So creative! I love how you came up with a plan to hold the top of the dress and and make it appear truly headless! What an overall excellent costume.
Frugal Camping Tips
What an impressive post, you covered everything, very thought out and thorough! Makes me want to go camping. I used to go camping very often in California at the dessert not far away. That had been about 15 years ago, I live in another state and have not camped...
DIY Turntable Cake
Looks like a professional baker did this beautiful cake, not only did you do a beyond grand job making this creation, but the instructions you provided are very detailed. I love your end result. The only bad thing- cutting into it!- too pretty. Linda H. Omaha...
Spiffing Up a Balcony for Under $45
That is a wonderful job you did on a dime, I like it! What fun to get creative. Thanks for all the pictures along the journey.
Selling a House on Craig's List?
Craigslist can bring some unsavory people to your door, I would go a different route.
Washing a Handmade Texas Quilt?
I personally do not know, but think a good idea is to call a local quilting shop and I think they may have the answer. Linda H.
Decorative Bulletin Boards
Very cute that she made it special and not just ordinary....mine is very ugly and disorganized.
Orange Pentas
I love Pentas, I have had the red and the pink, the hummingbirds love them too. Sadly here in Nebraska they die after the season, I had 2 I brought in one year under a grow light and they did well another season, but no more after that.
Plastic Shoe Boxes for Beautiful Bettas
I have had Bettas in my life: Mr. Bubbles, Wade and Gil.....I thought all cute names for these fish. Nowaday I have a 10 gallon and 29 gallon aquarium with fantail guppies, and 1 large angelfish, who keeps the baby population down.
Plastic Shoe Boxes for Beautiful Bettas
I keep the most beautiful guppies in another tank, Petco takes about 100 babies from me every 2 months, without the angel fish in the other tank it would be population explosion! The angel fish I got only 4 months ago and his diet has made him huge.
Reusing Plastic Containers for Craft...
That is a simple clever idea, like that the lid snaps shut. How convenient having compartments as well, it is a win win!
Corral Those Plastic Bags
Good tip. I use tons of plastic bags when I empty the cat litter boxes, I have 2 hangers holding open a large plastic bag to put the smaller ones in, but I like the hamper idea better than what I was doing, thanks!
Healthy Greek Yogurt Parfait
Sounds great! Thanks for sharing how to save $ and make it at home, I love yogurt and love to save $! It`s a win win!
Great Beef Stew
I missed out!, never heard of Oscar, he he he, He should win a Oscar! Sounds amazing.
Curtain Color Advice?
I am thinking brown since the wall are gray the curtains would mesh with the couch, and I would try to get as close to the brown color to match as possible. Linda H.
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
I had a husband like that, if he was on the couch reading and I walked by he would throw his book at me, I asked him if my breathing and walking bothered him and he said yes. I divorced him and left the state, he called me within the week saying he was walking...
Water Bottle Barricade
Pretty lucky here, both sides of my kitchen have cafe doors, I just shut them after I mop, but I like your idea if I did not have cafe doors! Linda Hagelstien
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
I don`t have a specific color answer, but if it was me I would paint it the color that will suit my needs later so when the kitchen gets redone you won`t have to paint again. Even with pink counter tops a tidy kitchen will be pleasing to the eye for now, I...
Storing Appliances in a Tiny Kitchen
Here is a picture. Had one with original post, it disappeared too.
Egg Shell Uses
I keep a jar on the kitchen counter and after I rinse the shells and let them dry a day on the windowsill I put them in the jar and use the thick end of a butter knife to smash them up, after it is getting full I put some in our compost, some in my roses, and...
Storing Appliances in a Tiny Kitchen
Kind of funny, my other house was 960 sq. feet upstairs, but had a big kitchen. Our house we live in now is twice as large but the kitchen tiny, but we went ahead and bought it because it has a large dining room. If there was not a dining room, I could not...
In Memory of Rubin (Cat)
What a adorable picture! So nice to have pictures for the memories, I make collages of my deceased pets and hang where I can see them everyday!(I also include a tuft of fur) In January it will be 2 years since Freedom Belle passed, she had kidney disease but...
Using Herb Scissors
Looks handy! I have heard about using a pizza cutter wheel to cut herbs easily but have never tried it myself.
Keep Toothbrush In Cabinet
After I posted this I realized you can do this in a metal cabinet as well with metal magnetized cup hooks you can find at any hardware store.
No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?
My first husband was physically abusive to me, then he started on the kids. My sister helped me leave the state. I stayed in that marriage too long, you are young, your baby is young, the baby can escape without lifelong emotional damage. It is very heart-beating...
Slogan for Daycare Center?
We have only just begun, wee ones come join the fun! Linda H. Bellevue, N.E
I like these pretty flowers too. In the area I planted them they really took over more than I wanted, so I collected as many seeds as possible in hopes of it re-seeding as much, tossed all the seeds in the front in a gully where I have other wildflowers growing...
Feeding a Cat Tuna Pet Food?
If it is a manufactured as a ingredient in a regular can of cat food it is fine, they add taurine and other needed nutrients. If it is cans of tuna not of a pet food variety it is not such a good idea for 2 reasons: #1 cats need taurine for eye health and #2...
Feeding a Cat Tuna Pet Food?
No, is not good to feed human grade tuna real often, cats need taurine for eye health, and also tuna fed often depletes vitamin E out of their body. As a treat once in awhile is ok. If it is tuna as a manufactured pet food it is fine.
Housetrained Dog Going Inside Again?
My brother has luck with putting disposable baby diapers on his dogs, he said they do urinate in the diaper but wont do the other. Maybe your dog would take to the disposable pee pee pads.
Mice in the House?
Do you know anyone with cats? If so get some of their litterbox; litter that has urine smell and put it around the outside areas.
Getting Rid of Flies Outside?
Simple to at least try this tip I heard, flies hate prism lights their eyes can`t deal with it, hang up shiny cds at point of entry or a clear platic bag of water with pennies in it, the sun reflects all these items. Linda H. Bellevue, N.E
What is This Plant?
Guest was absolutely correct, turns out it is Mexican Evening Primrose. Funny how I finally found out for sure, I recalled I had saved all the plastic tabs that come w/ the plants when I planted last year. I tell you, if you have a huge area and want a long...
Tipsy Flower Pots (The Path Garden)
I am waiting to see if I get one. The elderly lady next door passed away and family have been hauling stuff away and on the patio among her pots is a topsy turvy and I asked one of the family members if I could buy it unless of course it held sentimental value...
Buy and Store Larger Sized Food Packages
There is not any food I buy in bulk, but I do buy a lot of cat litter at one time, I buy 6 bags of 25 LB non scoopable at Tractor Supply because I found out it is cheaper than Dollar General! If there is a fantastic buy on paper goods I do stock up, same with...
Shoe Keeper for Stuffed Animals
I have one on my bathroom door since I have no cabinet space, it holds razors, soap, q tips and the like, and one in the basement which hold pet supplies like flea drop treatments, pet brushes etc. So I agree, we sure can find good uses for them and they don...
Store Bread Bags in Tissue Box
Great idea! I now can utilize this tip as mine are all tossed in a kitchen drawer, and your tip makes it tidy and easy to access, thanks! Linda H. Omaha, N.E
Funeral Savings And Other Tidbits
Thank you for all the input, it was very well written from A-Z and I appreciate the time that you took to share all the info here with us. Also, condolences in the loss of your loved ones. I am going to be cremated and my urn is going in a small vault next...
Breath RX For Bad Breath
Luana, I did a bit of research, you can get it by mail from or Yes, it works great because the spray kills the bacteria then gets scraped away whereas just brushing the tongue moves bacteria around and the odor remains.
Reviews of Dyson Digital Slim Vacuum?
I also did research, you can read TONS of reviews if you go to and type it in like you are looking to buy one and read from those that have bought and used.
Keeping Garden Flag on Holder
I use those clips that are for holding papers together, it clamps on and off easily.
Place Kitchen Table in Corner
When I first did a walk through to buy this house the blue kind of shocked me. Then the wheels in my head started to turn with a idea, I already had a collection of cups, plates, vases in the blue and white willow pattern, so I bought a white bookcase and it...
Lulu (Cat)
She is very loyal to me, so so with hubby though. She is very smart. I adore her. My thoughts also about being abandoned in a carrier told me the person who did that did care and likely drove by checking to make sure it was taken. It likely broke their heart...
How Gardeners Can Help Monarch Butterflies
When I lived in southern, C.A I saw (what I assume was migration) there were hundreds of Monarchs flying along, when the traffic light changed I drove ever so slowly (wanted to just sit there until they got by) I now live in Omaha, N.E and have several nectar...
Hanging Bottle Decoration
I really like that, great idea you came up with and very nice to look at, what fun! Thanks for sharing, now I want to do this as well!
Uses for Shredded Paper
Did not think my cats would take to it, but I tried it out in one of my 3 litter boxes. I have 3 cats, and 1 cat uses it all the time, the other 2 do not, but even so it helps me save some money on cat litter. I attached a photo of Mya, the one who uses it...
Use Netflix for DVDs
More plus tips, saves me gas money, saves me time, I don`t have to stand there and take time to select a movie, now they are all in a list at Netflix just ready to ship to me, and I only have to go to my mailbox on a cold snowy day to get or return my movie...
What is This Plant? (Nigella/Love in a Mist)
Thank You! I checked out your info and that is what these cute flowers are! Linda
Thrifty Aquarium Tips
I have had aquariums for years, love the hobby. I read a great tip one time (and yes! yours are great too) about a turkey baster for a quick simple clean up when you don`t want to do the gravel siphon task, I use a turkey baster to easily get up the trails...
Use Clear Drinking Straws in Your African Violet's Pot
African Violets like things a certain way, such as where they are placed and the nourishment provided. If you Google African Viloet care you will get great tips. One I heard is insert a rusty nail in the soil. Mine are blooming and reblooming quite often. Linda...
Garden: Double Knockout Rose
I bought one of these this Spring, has bloomed constantly. And the tag on it said it will up until the frost! Linda J.
Alternatives To Manufacturer's Hardwood Floor Cleaner?
I agree with the tea tip. I have used it on my wood floors and furniture for years. I brew a bag or two, depending on how dark the wood is, let the tea cool, dip in a rag and clean, then use another cloth to dry....I just wring the rag out good when doing the...
American Gas Prices 1996-2008
A man told me he is going to solely save his tax infusion check that is coming to help the economy and set it aside in a special account to use only for gas.
Nativity Made From Medicine Bottles
What a wonderful idea! Very adorable. You have a creative mind to look at a medicine bottle and come up with this idea. Linda Jonson
Pencil Jar As Gift
How creatively cute this idea is! I love it so much I shared it with another tip group, did not think you would mind, I figured there are many deserving teachers out there.
Coffee Can Bird House
Absolutely love your clever idea, made me chuckle too, a cat`s mouth for the birds, how cute. Bet you could make more and sell them as well. Linda Jonson
What is this plant? (Phlox)
Thanks for all the responses! Seems the majority has recognized Phlox, so now I know. Next year I plan on some trellis support for them.
Wintering Annuals?
I overwinter annual geraniums and plumbagos in my garage and they stay dormant, no watering or fussing all winter and after frost, fertilize and they are as good as new - hope that helps ( I got this off Garden Forums, it is not my own personal experience. But...
What causes a videocassette tape to wear out?
The forwarding and rewinding he said will tighten the tape, sometimes it works I discovered and sometimes not. Also I have discovered some brands of tapes are better than others, I dislike Sony and like Maxell. Also when stores have a deal like 99 cents for...
Liberty Belle (DSH Tortie)
Well, the problem is she is 15 pounds and her sides bulge and her tummy drags, I watch her food consumption but hubby underminds everyhing I do, I do take excellent care of her, she eats only premium foods and I watch her weight because they can get diabetes...
Dryer Balls Reviews
i put a already dry bathtowel in with the damp load and it makes drying time less.
Buying a Manufactured Home?
We live in a family mobile home park and are under rent control, but every July the rent goes up about $7 so the 7 years we have been here it is $49 more a month for space rent! If we were not under rent control I cannot imagine how much more it could tally...
Adding Fennel to Spaghetti Sauce?
I use to watch my ex Italian MIL make sauce and see her use cinnamon and was told it brings all the flavors together, I am not familiar with the Fennel but thought it may be of intrest to you to know what the cinnamon can do.
What is corn gluten?
I do Nutro pet food demos and one of the ingredients is corn gluten meal and I was told it was just the best white part of the corn, no yellow which is hard to digest.
Growing Alyssum
I never even planted any of this, but it is growing like mad! The birds must of seeded it? Anyway they are growing in all my stones with barely any dirt at all! Also the wind has blown more seed and more by other rocks! And also all the strawberry plants, and...
Easing Stress
I cannot tell you how many times I worried about something and it turns out to have been a waste of time because it was resolved easily. I like another idea too about the worrier who thinks of things and keeps them awake, keep a notepad and light by the bed...
Airplane Themed Birthday Party?
don`t know why I show up as guest post, I replied with the way to decorate the cake w/ toy airplanes and a candy runway. Linda J. Oceanside, Ca.
Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?
It is a proven fact that Nutro Natural Choice dog food has more linoleic content than others and has drastically cured dry itchy skin. I use to part time do demos and had to learn about the product and had all the literature about this. I feed this brand to...
Bead and Sequin Ornaments (Grandma...
My tree has about 80% satin balls I decorated with sequines and pearls, I just made a huge bag of them to hand out as gifts at work.You can sit and watch tv and make them! I have loved to make these for years. My bags of sequenes I bought years ago at Walmart...
White Spot on Antique Table from a Hot Cup Coffee?
The previous reply I have heard about ashes, too. But also I have heard of mayonaisse, let it set over night on the stain and have heard it several times on the web. Did you let it set overnight?
Cleaning Up a Broken Egg from the Floor
I think what it must do is surround the edges and consolidate it and keeps it in place for easier cleanup.
Liberty Belle and Freedom Belle...
Thanks for all the wonderful words! I really find comfort and love from these two precious cats.
Bugs Eating My Roses?
I had bugs eating holes in my roses leaves to the point it looked like lace! Never has it happened again, I went to Walmart and bought a blue jug of Bayer for roses, a systemic that goes in the dirt and keeps pests off and is effective for 6 months.
Flowers Without a Yard
thanks for the compliments! Even with no yard I can be out there for hours doing yard work! And containers are fun, you can change them around so easy! Linda in Oceanside, Ca.
Elmer's for a Facial
did not know that, thank goodness I am a Essiac tea drinker which keeps my liver clean. Well, how about scotch tape, I have heard of that removing dead skin fast, would that have chemicals? Sorry to pass this on and not realize it is not a great idea, to look...
Elmer's for a Facial
well, after this i did a search and found out that Elmers glue is not toxic and then I came across uses and more than once it was stated that it was a good facial, so it is confusing, guess it is just as easy to use a facial masque meant for the face. Linda...
Hiding a Compost Pile?
i read a tip elsewhere that said a plasic trash can with the bottom cut off is a good compost catcher, then just remove the trash can and spread it when ready. It may not be beautiful, but it will be covered.
Adding Zip to Our Living Room?
I like to jazz up a room by buying a pretty bowl and put pebbles and a Betta fish to match your decor because there are alot of colors of these fish, then tie a pretty colored ribbon around the bowl. And then maybe use more of that same ribbon to sew onto a...
Putting Frontline on a (former) Stray Cat?
maybe you can have him on your lap outside and comb him real good, but have a bowl of soapy water to deposit the fleas. Then give him a treat so he associates it with the combing./ Linda in Calif
Lunch Ideas for Work?
I love to use Tortillas instead of bread, and you can stuff just anything you want in them!