Remedies for Stinky Shoes
Put each shoe into a plastic grocery bag and place into the freezer overnight. Then place the outside in the sunshine or in a place to complete dry before you wear them. This works for any kind of shoe this kills the bacteria.
Bank Threatening Foreclosure?
You could stall by asking them to Produce the Note. They cant foreclose unless they produce the original paper you signed.
Understanding Crochet Patterns and Abbreviations?
Ch1, sc in end of next row, *2sc in end of each next 2 rows. Are you binding off something that has been crochet? If so: Chain 1 then single crochet in the end of the row, 2 single crochet in the end of the next 2 rows then repeat from the * until completed...
Rodent Control Suggestions?
Im so happy to see someone else thought cat. I wanted to post that but thought it would sound like I was mocking and that would not be intended.
Add Peanut Butter When Melting Chocolate
You should warn the people that will eat this though as some might be allergic to the peanuts! I get sick pretty often by people and their additives such as this.
Homemade or Herbal Remedy for Eczema?
Go to the health food store and get some shea butter. The real stuff is very thick and has a slight odor but it works.
Cleaning a Popcorn Ceiling?
I would lightly vacuum with the extension pole and re-paint with ceiling paint. They make a ceiling paint that goes on light blue and dries to white. It is easier to see where you have painted. Just dont wet it with water, you could have your ceiling coming...
Planning a Wedding on a $5,000 Budget?
You said you are paying for the wedding but that does not mean you have to do it all by yourself. Ask around your friends and find out what their talent is. Family members love to help and so does neighbors. I have a few suggestions: Have your wedding & reception...
Finding Inexpensive Weddings Supplies?
Yard sales & thrift shops would be my first stop for glass ware. You might talk to a flower shop you might could borrow glassware if you agree to purchase a few flowers. It sounds like you are doing a sit down reception. It would save you a lot if you changed...
Freezing Blueberries?
Wash them gently and put onto paper toweling to blot some of the water and then spread on a cookie sheet in a single layer and freeze then put into freezer containers or plastic bags. I usually are good until the next year (if they last that long).
Organizing Coupons
Although, I agree with TXBETTY that not all coupons are equal-your comment does not really go with this tip. I love using a good coupon-thank you for this tip. I had not thought about making a section for other than food items but I will now.
4 Year Old Won't Behave?
Some children are just not easy. My suggestion is to shower the misbehaving one with attention when being good and calm. When not get a book and cuddle and read. Sometimes a little extra loving attention will stop the bad behaviour.
School Project: Making a Garden Party Hat?
Take a baseball cap & hot glue silk flowers all over it. Might find something like little bees or something to work into the flowers.
Use Shaving Cream For Cleaning Kids Hands
It should have been to use to clean their entire bodies. While they are in the tub put a large blob onto their hands and let them play with the foam.
Reception With Ring Exchange After Elopement?
Im confused. Havent your already exchanged rings when you eloped?
Scratches In Bathtub Finish?
I have painted a porcelain tub before. The local hardware store like Lowes can show you the paint.
Ideas for Making Handicrafts That Will Sell?
I worked in the workforce for 20 years. Made a very good income, fell into the trap of thinking that was what gave me my identity. Then after an illness that my husband suffered I reexamined what was really important and what gave me my biggest satisfaction...
Inexpensive Diet Recipes?
Beans are very high in fiber. They are about the cheapest way to go. I usually cook a bag of beans (Pinto, Red, Black) about 1 time a week. I divide them up in snack size bags and freeze. Then I will eat a bag at least twice a day. Beans are very filling, and...
Morning or Afternoon Kindergarten?
I kinda disagree with the others about taking into account for his schedule in that if he will be going to a usual school for first grade (the next year) he would not have a choice and this might be a good opportunity to train him for big school (and yoursef...
Dealing With Loneliness After the Death of a Parent?
The way to beat loneliness is the same way to beat depression --- GET BUSY! I read a story one time about a man that had lost a child and how he grieved so much that he had not noticed anything or anyone around him for some time. Well one day another one of...
Choosing a Welder's Cap?
The way that they sit on the head-6 panel is similar to a baseball cap, 4 panel is similar to a beanie.
Choosing a Welder's Cap?
Oh, I didnt answer your 2nd question. It depends on the welder/fitter. My guys like the beanie style because they say that they bunch less under the hard hat. Also, this time of the year they are cooler. Others like the 6 panel (Im seeing mostly older men that...
Organizing When Moving From a House to an Apartment?
When I got ready to downsize I went room to room and videoed each room before I changed anything. Oh, and dont forget the yard! When I got to each room I talked about different memories that each room held. I spotlighted a particular mirror that I would not...
Refinishing the Outside of a Cinder Block House?
You could also nail strips of wood on the outside and do vinyl siding.
Advice for Stretching Grocery Budget?
That is 87.50 a week for 2. Not a bad budget if you follow the grocery store sales (I prefer grocery stores over Walmart), cut out the soft drinks, prepackaged food and use coupons (might can get some prepackaged snacks w/coupons). I follow a thrifty group...
Why Did My Truck's Fuel Pump Fail After Only a Month?
Ethnol is causing all kinds of issues. Cant find a company anymore that does not add it. We have had boat issue & auto issues due to our fuel being messed with.
Gift Ideas for My Wife?
I say this from experience not to be critical. I swear my husband and kids shock me sometimes at the lack of knowledge they have about me. They dont listen to clues, they are not interested in what I am therefor my interest must not exist. And they swear I...
How Can I Remove Chicken Pox Scars?
Two weeks is rather soon to tell how deep the marks are. Some will fade with time and others will stay. I would advise to use good skin care products. I have a line if you are interested, shoot me a message and Ill supply.
Where Can I Shop Online Without a Credit Check?
Instead of getting caught up in paying more for the same product due to higher interest charged by these kind of companies. The best rule of thumb is to save a set amount each day-like for instance dont buy that soft drink (or anything else you chose to do...
Questions Regarding California Child Support Order?
Are you sure it is not talking about back child support? That would still be owed because that is money that is supposed to be used to feed, clothe & house the child with the assumption that the custodial parent is doing their 1/2 (or whatever % is theirs) so...
Fish Tank Water is Neon Green?
It could be your decorations. Check to make sure you dont have any sea shells, drift wood or such. Only put plastic, ceramic or fish aq supplies.
Rooting Christmas Cactus?
It sounds like you are lovin it to death. You are watering too much. Christmas cactus likes the soil to completely dry out then water from the bottom not the top. When you water make sure the water is warm and not cold. Christmas cactus is very easy to grow...
Olive Oil Stain on Brick Walkway?
Try spreading some kitty litter onto the spot then scrub after a while.
7 Year Old Won't Eat Healthy Food?
I agree with the others this is a control issue. By you worrying he is controlling you. Does this food issue spill over to school lunch? I would check with his teacher-he might be eating there and only doing this at home. How in the world did he discover that...
Birthday Party Refreshments?
Happy Birthday! This would be according to taste and the time of day your party will be. Cake & ice cream (dont forget the candles), a large pizza would be easy. A Stoffers lasagna, bread & some corn would be another easy dish.
Summer Stay Home Vacation
I have been amazed how many people do not know what there is to see in their own home towns. I usually will ask people for interesting things to see - most do not know but they can direct me to the good restaurants :)
Inexpensive Furnishings for a Temporary Apartment?
Thanks everyone for your replies. You all are wonderful. The blow up bed is actually pretty comfortable-we bought the one that has the blow up feature built in and it has a bag to store it in when we are done. I also added a foam bed pad on top. Im using the...
Cleaning and Sanitizing Towels Supplied at School Pool?
To only name one MARSA staph and there is a host of others to be concerned about. I would not supply the towels but have each student bring their own at the very least you should add bleach to the wash water to kill the germs.
Roles for Children in a Wedding?
redhatterb had some good ideas but also you might consider enlisting a few teens help and have the children escorted out when the wedding ceremony starts otherwise no one will get to watch the wedding because the children will be bored by that time. There is...
Improving Relationship with Estranged Relatives?
I understand the hurt. Although my brother and I was very very close until marriage our relationship is now almost non existent due to his wife of 28 years. No matter the circumstances she is hurt. She is hurt because she was not emailed at the same time, hurt...
Reviews of Emery Cat Boards?
My daughter and I both have and neither one of our cats would touch the scratcher part ut both loved the feather! In my opinion it was a big waste of money. I threw mine away after 2 weeks of not being touched-the feather was in shredds by that point and the...
Problems With Yahoo Mail?
Im wondering if this is a scam of some sort to get your personal information. Dont give any personal information in response. I would go to the yahoo site and contact them and ask whats up with your account.
Does Meat Need to Be Cooked Before Putting in Crockpot?
I think it is according to the recipe. I like to get as much grease off of ground meat as possible so I usually will brown. But the others I think it will depend on what you are fixing in there.
Saying "No" to Someone Who Asked You Out?
I would say that first you would need to really examine the reason you want to respond no. You mentioned that he is being bullied from others-is that a factor in why you are responding no? I responded no the first time my husband asked me out. LOL. Sure am...
One on One Activities for Parent and 14 Year Old?
I would cook and my son would taste :). Well that is how it started out with him at the bar watching and me cooking then he decided to try his hand at simple cooking and me watching. My son is a very much guy guy but became a wonderful cook because we would...
Young Child Raised By Grandmother Now Lives With Mom?
The way I see it is: you need to develop a relationship with your daughter. I know it will be harder than court and such, but if that bridge were explored first then you might take your rightful place as grandma and not mom. Trust me, grandma is such a wonderful...
Good Luck Penny Traditions?
I found this one googling: This is my lucky penny One Id like to give to you It will not only bring you luck, but help to see you through, those times when you feel stuck, or just a little blue. Whenever you feel youre in a situation, where you just cant win...
2 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas?
Party: mama, daddy & siblings and a cake & you will have a party. Might invite grandma & grandpas if they live near. Presents:, start now as you intend to continue might select something that is meaningful. One of mine loves shoes (it seams from birth) and...
Finding a Reasonably Priced Wedding Venue and Caterer?
I recently attended a fall wedding. It was the most beautiful I have ever attended. She used fall pumpkins, garden vegetable like squash & bell peppers and basically weeds to decorate. It was beside a pond. To mark her isle she used pots that had the weeds...
Dyeing Carpet?
First you will need to know what fiber your carpet is made out of. Some of them cant be dyed. I would have a carpet cleaning company come and give an estimate for dyeing. Sometimes it is not more expensive than having it cleaned.
6 Year Old Having Frequent Accidents?
I wouldnt make a big deal about it. My granddaughter was trained at 2 and has started wetting the bed recently and having accidents. She is 6 also. I see that discouraged look in her eyes when my daughter fusses at her. Being a little older I just feel like...
Ideas for a Vegetarian Cooking for Meat Eaters?
My husband stops on his way home and gets his regular fix of fried chicken knowing I will have dinner fixed. I never say a word. If cooking poultry makes you sick-dont do it. Have your husband set up the grill and grill a weeks worth of meat at one time. Have...
Wedding Gift Ideas for a Second Marriage?
If you are crafty you could pick up one of the simpler marriage cross stitch kits and frame.
Need The Right Kind Of Glue?
Years ago before spray adhesive I would use hairspray (the kind that comes in a can).
Waffle Topping Recipes?
When I was young my grandmother made a chocolate syrup and put a few chocolate chips.
Helping Children Keep Their Rooms Clean
Are you talking unsanitary or just messy. For unsanitary: I would insist on no food or drink allowed in her room at any time. All dirty laundry immediatly taken to the laundry room or any clean clothes that had been taken to her room that day be put away by...
Asking Someone to Homecoming?
I guess you could just mention to him that you do not have a date yet and ask him if he does. When he says not then that would be your opening to say well why dont we go together.
Organizing for Frequent Moves?
I got rid of the suitcase and started using rubbermaid bins for clothing (this works if you are driving Im not sure about flying). I have one for each me and my husband. I have a smaller bin for our cosmetics. I have pared the cosmetics down to what is needed...
Mark Christmas Presents With Numbers Instead Of Names
I swapped my kids names on their gift once (I put my daughters name on my sons and sons on daughters) and like you say it was priceless because each had shook the wrong present and and had guessed each item wrong.
Share Your Children's Interests
I also was very interested in what interested my children and this has carried over into adulthood also. My son still tells everyone he is a mamas boy and is not ashamed. But you know what in turn my kids are interested in me. Im not boring to them and we find...
Company Review: Publix Grocery
I was most definately in a Pulbix Grocery store and I was most definately told by the meat market manager at that particular store that they throw the meat away. I was very surprised at this fact because usually there is no problem with aged beef - I do hesitate...
Homecoming Date Idea?
Are you looking for a date activity the night of or an activity for you two to do together the day of homecoming?
Reducing Blood Pressure?
Yes, they all have different side affects from feeling tired to a troublesome cough. Ive been reading about breathing exercises in a quest myself. According to a recent study a person is able to lower their BP by using relaxation breathing methods like yoga...
Rooting a Crepe Myrtle?
Locate a shoot at the bottom of a mature plant. Take a shove and dig it up in such that you keep some dirt around the shoot (there will be some fine roots in this dirt). Place this into potting soil or plant into the ground. Keep it watered and it will grow...
Making Crispy Fried Chicken?
Dont cover the pan you are frying the chicken in. I fry mine in a cast iron skillet.
Recipes To Use Pantry Items?
You have a pretty good base for quiet a few different combinations . Do what I have done-look at your list and combine to make different combinations. carrots, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, canned tomatoes, canned cream mushrooms, sweet corn. chives, parsley...
My Frugal Life: The Gift Of Time
I do not have the words to express, except thank you for sharing this with us. I know that you will always love and miss her. Thank goodness that there was someone that had the empathy to understand what you needed. I will remember your words if the time is...
Tax Free Weekend?
This is from the North Carolina Department of Revenue site: G.S. 105-164.13C provides an exemption for certain items of tangible personal property sold between 12:01 A.M. on the first Friday in August and 11:59 P.M. the following Sunday. For 2009, the dates...
Craft Project: Stenciled Backpacks
This is beautiful and great for adults, but be careful putting your childs name on something that a child predator could use to strike up a conversation such and them knowing your childs name.
Getting Rid of Maggots in Garage Wall?
I think if you get rid of the trash can with the cracked bottom and clean the area real good with a cleaner the maggots would not have anything to eat to survive.
Swim Party Ideas?
I would say to include some fun pool floats from the dollar store or ask each guest to bring their own for racing. My son bought a whale to ride for a tubing weekend. It was the funniest thing to see him riding his whale. His girlfriend had a boat because she...
What is This Cookie?
When I hear wafer I think of vanilla wafer. These are used for such as bananna pudding. Ive uploaded a picture. But I guess what you described is called a wafer also. What are some of the ingredients in the receipt?
What is This Cookie?
Here is a picture of something called a plain wafer cookie. I guess it would be according to the other ingredients and how it is being used. Im sorry I wish I could have been more help. But we have both here.
Too Many Unfinished Craft Projects?
I dont have any magic plan except choose one and get busy, and dont start another until they are all finished.
Random Drug Testing for Teens
In response to cazpumpkin, I utilized my family doctor for my randoms. I was only charged for the test at the time and at the same time I was able to impress how far I was willing to go to keep them drug free (at least until they were adults and could make...
Random Drug Testing for Teens
I just wanted to post a follow up message about this subject, parents just remember that as long as your heart is pure in your caring for your children they will recognize (if not now but later) that you care deeply for them. Best of luck to all of you with...
Buying More Time
You are right on the money-or should I say on time. You are talking about the very thing my husband and I began living about 2 years ago. It took us a little while to reverse the damage and to reprogram ourselves but life is so good now. No we dont have the...
Jobs for 14 Year Olds?
In our city you could start working at 14 but you have to obtain a work permit from the Board of Education. There are only a few jobs that are permitted and the hours are restricted also. I would find out your child labor laws in your area first. Then second...
Craft Using a Wedding Invitation?
One idea is: obtain a piece of ceramic tile or the like and glue it to the tile. If you have more than one invitation diplay it such that you can see the front and the middle then decopage it to the tile using a clear coat of some sort. You could even include...
Craft Using a Wedding Invitation?
One idea is: obtain a piece of ceramic tile or the like and glue it to the tile. If you have more than one invitation diplay it such that you can see the front and the middle then decopage it to the tile using a clear coat of some sort. You could even include...
Ideas for a Law Enforcement Themed Birthday Party?
For a really funny party: What about a donut party at a local donut shop? I have a family member that is a Deputy and we did this. It was so funny.
Marking the Date Purchased on Food
I sent a message that somehow I got this one under the wrong section. Sorry all.
Planning a Wedding on a $500.00 Budget
I think you are on the right track. It is silly how much people are throwing away on weddings these days. They have fallen trap to the idea that the bigger the wedding the happier the couple. You have had good ideas the only think you might consider is instead...
Recipes Using TVP?
TVP comes in flakes and small chunks. I have used in spagetti, chilli, tacos, meatloaf, hamburgure helper. When a receipe calls for 1 lb of ground beef I use about 1/4 pound and take a cerel bowl and put the small chunks (I like those) and cover with warm water...
Pizza Sauce Without Tomatoes?
Try covering the diaper area with A & D ointment. My son is allergic to tomatoes and this helped him because he loved ketchup on everything.
Fasting and Weight Loss?
But why do it this way? You wont have energy and you will be starving. Why dont you just set a certain number of calories and just make sure that is what you eat.
Celebrate Your "Pop" This Father's Day
Just the gift of time is a wonderful gift. Take the time to call if you dont live near or stop by if you do. Reminice about your childhood and let them know that you do appreciate them. I think my husbands most favorite fathers day was the year the kids stopped...
Beans for Weight Control
I use a regular/small bag to one regular sized crock pot and it usually will take me about 3 days of meals (I obviously think faster than I type). I eat around 1 cup which does pretty much fill up my bowl and then sometimes I eat more according to how hungry...
Beans for Weight Control
Im sorry you must have posted about the same time as I was posting and did not see your question. I will usually bring my beans to a boil, cover the pot and turn off. I let this set for 30 min or so (sometimes a little more). I drain the liquid off then I put...