TV: The Thief of Time
Do I like spending the $? No. I also have a limited income; & being disabled, not able to do alot physically...However, I must admit that Gaming is greatly addictive!!! Ive lost countless hrs playing Solitaire. It actually drives me nuts; & yet...
Two Shopping Bags in One
Bless your heart, you were only trying to share a great idea w/ others that you had found to be helpful to yourself! Instead people started questioning all kinds of things, from the jump as you said. I just wanted to let you know that I not only appreciate...
Revamped Spice Carousel
Ive always wanted one as well, & didnt think of this. How smart! I only have one question: Do you ever have a problem w/ the spice shaking out? It looks like it could be a problem. Im guessing you dont fill all the way so that it doesnt. But then if you do...
Ice Cream Bread
Sounds fun & rather simple--who knew?! Can you use other flavors of cake mix, such as spice cake, or gingerbread cake? It might be fun to play with. Thank you for gettings my creating juices flowing!
Prescription Bottles for Storing Flower Seeds
I have a question: Does anyone have an EASY way of cleaning off the labels & sticky stuff? Mine dont come off unless I soak & scrub, & soak & scrub, &......
Efferdent Tablets Ready to Use
Yes, Ive been doing this for a few years & its so much easier! I have coffee tins (plastic now of course!) that I put them in, about a months worth. Thank you for posting it! MC
Lazy Cake
Never wouldve thot of pumpkin.....but I do know that you can use mayonnaise in a pinch (or even on purpose!) Keeps things moist! FYI....Marianne Collier
Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
This looks absolutely scrumptious! The only thing that I would do different is instead of pineapple Rings I use Crushed pineapple, cause Im crazy about pineapple!HaHa! My mouth is so watering right now!!!
Easy Pretzel Turtles
Would Carmellos work as well? Im not fond of Rollos (not enough caramel flavor for me!). They sound absolutely scrumptious! & easy!
Simple Fried Rice
Use this recipe, add pineapple chunks from recipe above, add ham from another recipe above (or chicken, my idea)... we all have a hit! Yum!
Simple Household Bookkeeping System
Reading the original idea blew my mind! As someone else said, Ive been looking for something forever & I cant believe I never thot of this!!! Brillent!!! There were a couple other comments that brought up some good questions;& might have to think on them. But...
Frugal Crossword Puzzle Gift Idea
This is a fun idea! When I was younger, I made a Garfield book for my mom. I had my grandma save her paper each week (dailies used to be black&white) & put it together when she was @ work. She was so surprised! :)
Vote Link Gone From Your Newsletter?
Question: I can understand why people might not want to receive a negative vote; but on the other hand its called constructive criticism for a purpose. So my question is, why has the dont like vote been removed?
Keeping Important Items Handy
Wish you had a picture--Im a visual person. But it sounds like a great idea!