Review of Global Survey Market?
I am a member of their site and I have to say it is one of the more honest ones! I have always gotten my points credited to my account and when I request a check it gets sent out super quick. I love them.
Valentine's Day Cracker
I love the idea!! I am going to make these for my kids for Valentines day as a little treat for them!
Beware of Telephone Calls Asking For Your Email
I have a similar story, my in-laws got an e-mail from someone asking about my mother. They had her name and said they were looking for her becuase she had an outstanding bill that needed to be paid. My brother did some research on the info they got from the...
Birdbath Play
She is just beautiful in that picture!! I bet she had lots of fun splashing around in the water, I know my kids would have a blast !!! Give her a great big hug and kiss next time you see her!!!
10 Year Old With A "Fresh" Mouth?
My daughter is six and has quite the attitude already. I have started taking toys away but it doesnt seeem to help her attitude for too long so I am definitely going to try the vinegar thing. I hope she straightens up because she is about to drive me crazy...
Stock Up on School Supplies
That is a really great idea!! I would be really grateful if someone got my daughter a backpack full of school supplies!! I just got the list for the upcoming school year and it is well over $60 worth of stuff!! Not including new school clothes and shoes =) My...
9 Year Old With The Camera
That is a super cute picture of your grandaughter!! She did a good job of taking a picture of herself =)
Craigslist Alternatives?
Check out your local freecycle group, not freecycle my town we have a Garage Sale site, it is run through Yahoo just like a freecycle group. But people can post ads for free listing things they want to ell or buy. I have sold tons of things through...
Wedding Gifts From Parents?
When I married my husband his mother gave up $300 in cash for our honeymoon spending money. We have NO money so this was the best thing we could have gotten! Our honeymoon was paid for but we didnt have any extra money so her gift was really appreciated because...
Keeping Kleenex In the Car?
You can buy the little travel packs, the kind that can fit in your purse as well. They sell that at the Dollar stores, you get 8-10 in a package and probably 10 napkins in each package. They are wrapped in plastic, I use them all the time in my car, my kids...
Making a Pull String Piñata?
I agree with Gladys10, I bought one for my daughter on Ebay because we also had an indoor party, it was really fun!! I stood up on a chair and held the pinata white all the kids grabbed a string (or two) and then they pulled and the goodies went everywhere...
Gift Ideas for Someone You Just Started Dating?
I agree with not getting an expensive gift, maybe a little hand-held game, like Tetris or something. They are $10-$15 at Wal-Mart. Movie Tickets would be good, if he likes video games or somehting you could get him a gift-certificate to a gaming store, that...
Teeth Whitening With Benzoyl Peroxide?
I use it as mouthwash every day, just gargle with it. I use to buy the expensive teeth whitteners until I heard about this and not I use it every day. It works great, I drink sodas all day and still have white pretty teeth!!
Eating on a Limited Income
Call all of your local churches and find out which ones have food pantries. I was surprised by all the churches in my town that have food pantries. Most if them you can go to once a month and so if you go to all of them you get lots of food! You can only get...
Tipping on a Cruise?
I agree with Catherine, my husband and I went on a cruise with Carnival and they automatically put the tips on your bill, and you do have the option to not pay them if you dont think they deserve the tip.
Will Light Pink Walls Match Cherry Wood Furniture?
I think it would be a good color scheme, sounds pretty to me!
Mosquitos and Flies in My Apartment?
Here in Texas I dont ever see screen door on apartment doors. It is kind of a funny thought to me...anyways, I use the OFF! Power Pad lantern things in my house and they work great. If we get too many mosquitos in the house I just light it up and it works great...
Sunless Tanning Lotion Reviews?
I use Banana Boats VitaSkin tanner, it works great on me, I just love it!! I buy it on e-bay really cheap.
Daughter-In-Law Won't Accept Used Items?
I was the same way when I had my first child....I dont think there is much you can do, just dont be offended. I am sure she wasnt trying to be mean, I know I wanted all new things with my daughter. But with my second child I have learned that new isnt always...
My Frugal Life: Advice From a Stay at Home Mom
Thanks so much for your Story and tips!! I am trying to adjust without all the extras right now and it is hard, but I am trying to focus on the positives (more quality time with my two kids). Thanks for sharing your great attitude and hopefuly I can have the...
Keeping Savings Safe From Creditors?
I would suggest cash somewhere in your house, or if you have kids you can open a savings account in their name.
Where Do You Get Senior Discounts?
I would call your favorite places to visit and just ask over the phone!
10 Month Old Won't Hold His Own Bottle?
Hi Carla, I am a mother of two, my littlest is 14 months right now, and every baby is different. I know you probably hear that alot but it really is true. I would think by 10 months he should be holding his own bottle and cup but I also dont think it is a big...
Is it ever acceptable to strike a dog?
I think it is okay to hit a dog when you are training them, but what you said doesnt sound too good for the dog. I know there are agencies that you can call and they will actually investigate to see if the animal is being mistreated. It could be punishable...
Wearing PJs In Public?
I dont mind the pajama pants and all but I think wearing slippers in public is jusy plain tacky!!! No matter how cute they might be!
Washing Your Bathing Suit?
I always hang dry mine, and my bras too. I put them on a door knob, with the middle of the bra on top so both sides hang down and can dry in the shape I want.
Uses For Square Plastic Baby Food Containers?
I used them for little snacks for my sons diaper bag, cheerios, crackers, etc. I also stashed them around the house so I wouldnt have to go to the kitchen everytime he wanted a little snack. You could put snacks in them and keep them in the car, your purse...
Do I Need a Coffee Table?
We dont have one because we have little kids and dont want them bumping their heads or anything else on it. =) I think it looks just fine and there is a lot more room so us!
Bridesmaid and Groomsmen Gift Ideas?
I was on a much cheaper budget when I got married a few years ago. My husband got watches for the groomsmen and for the bridesmaids I made a little basket with my favorite CD at the time and tonz of little bath items, bubblebath, soaps, and just made it really...
Hannah and Curious George
That is so cute!! I am sure it will be a treasured doll for beautiful little Hannah!!!
Lasagna Rolls Recipe?
I use this recipe from, it taste great and is pretty easy!! If this link doesnt work ( I am not the best with these sort-of things) you can go to kraftfoods...
Sympathy Gift Ideas?
I would suggest a food basket. Like soups, you could buy a big bowl and put soup packets in it, along with maybe a good snuggle blanket. Or coffee, something that you think she would enjoy. You could add a book of poems or the pictures that was already suggested...
Blowing Out Candles on the Cake
I agree with Bubbasmom that you have probably eaten far worse in your lifetime.
Teaching a Toddler to Behave in the Bath?
I always give my daughter a popsicle in the tub. It is usually after dinner so it is her dessert. You could try that because he would have to sit up to eat it.
Which is Safer: A Candle or a Candle Warmer?
I have a candle warmer and I usually leave it on 24/7. I dont worry about it catching on fire or anything as long as no papers or anything else is close to or touching it.
VarTech Phone Card for My Kids?
When I was in high school my parents got a calling card through their phone company. It was an 800 number that I could call from anywhere (I went to Hawaii after graduation so they wanted me to be able to call) and it would be charged to their phone bill as...
Christmas Glitter Candle Holder
That is so pretty!! Now I know how to use my sons baby food jars!! Thanks so much for the idea!!!
Tape Worm Remedies for Dogs?
We got a puppy that had worms also...we didnt take her to the vet (we also couldnt afford it) but we did buy some worm medicine from the pet store and it worked right away!! And she was eight weeks old too =) people sure are critical....dont worry too much...
Spider-Man Party Ideas?
For invitations you could just get a Spiderman picture and print it out for the front of your intitation and then write all the details on the inside. You could even copy and pastea picture into Paint on your computer and add words like Its Party Time.
Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
I can totally relate to you...and I am now 24!! I just went out and bought my own razor, but I would suggest asking your mom. Next time yall are at the store just say Mom can I get some razors? I bet she will say yes in a heartbeat!! Just dont get too nervous...
Cheaters Brownie Bags - Easy Gift Idea!
I think it is a great idea and I will definitely use it in the future!! Moms with little kids like myself dont have all the time in the world so little short-cuts like thise are GREAT!!!