Completing the 1040EZ?
When you are 65 and over you are entitled to a higher standard deduction and the 1040-EZ is meant to be a fast filing form for the IRS. Use the Form 1040-A. It is just as easy.
Recipe for Corn Toasties?
Thomas makes them, they are called Thomas Toast-R-Cakes. Yummy. You can google it.
Using a Can Strainer
Honey - you have it upside down - LOL. The indentations are meant to fit over the can.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare Advice?
Never, never, never get rid of your Fed Emp health benefit plan. Is this a family plan? During open season you can switch to a cheaper premium plan since medicare becomes your primary insurance. My hubby and I were both fed employees so we each qualified for...
Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
Does your youngest go to preschool all day? Who watches her when she comes home? Is your daughter home from work at that time? Who will watch them during the holiday school vacation? These may be some questions you pose to your daughter and son-in-law. Is there...
Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
Please let us know how this dilemma turns out. We all would love for it to be a positive outcome for you and your family.
Live-in Grandmother No Longer Welcome in Daughter's Home?
Has there been any resolution to this problem? Hopefully you will have a Merry Christmas.
Cut Pancakes, Waffles Or Sausage With Scissors
You can also use a pizza cutter. That is a device with a wheel that cuts through pancakes, french toast, etc. I use it when my grandkids visit. It works wonderfully.
Embrace The Nails You Have
I use Sally Hansen triple string advanced gel nail fortifier and have had beautiful nails for 2 years now. I used to have one nail that would always split down the middle and the nail fortifier in the green bottle has cured that problem.
Cleaning a Textured Tile Floor?
I used to have a kitchen floor like that and I used a Mr Clean magic eraser mop replacement head on my old sponge mop. The floor looked the best it ever had.
Line Kitchen Cabinets with Vinyl Floor Tiles
I have been doing this every time we move to a new home. I like the no-wax tiles and just wipe up any spills and they always look new. I especially love them in my bathroom vanity. They are a great find at the dollar stores!
Lining Drawers with Wall or Wrapping Paper?
Believe it or not, I used cheap floor tiles from the dollar store to line my kitchen drawers, cabinets, bathroom vanity, dresser drawers, linen closet shelves, etc. I got the no wax oak for my kitchen and bedroom, no wax marbelized for my bathroom and linen...
Sharing Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
Good Luck - honey! My old Italian grandma used to say why buy milk when you can get it for free?? Women sell themselves short when they live with a person with no set rules. I guess that is what that piece of paper is for.
Save Toiletries When Staying at Hotels
I also donate my hotel toiletries to the local VFW that prepares care packages for our soldiers overseas. I sometime go into our local Walmart and ask the manager if I can have some travel size toiletries and individually wrapped feminine products for our soldiers...
Catch Spills When Measuring
Good tip - i always thought i was the only klutz who spilled things when measuring. i measure everything in my sink! i even bread my chicken cutlets in the sink - one bowl for the eggs and one bowl for the breadcrumbs.
Cooking Tongs To Extend Reach
Since I am short, I also use the tongs for reaching the bottom of my washing machine for that one last sock!
Kitchen Shears for Kitchen Chores
Along with my shears, I also use a pizza cutter for sandwiches, pancakes, toast and, of course, pizza!
Instruction Manual for the Family
As a senior citizen, I have a manual like that with one months worth of statements for my credit cards, my checking account, my 401K, my IRA, my federal pension statement, my life insurance info, my passwords for my computer, my health care proxy and current...