Trouble Sewing Lycra?
The best needle for any knit is a ballpoint for lycra preferably a #9, which is the thinnest. Definitely try the zig zag. Also baste your pieces together first before sewing. These methods usually work for me.
Bulbs Won't Bloom?
Hi Keven, If we are talking gladiolus callianthus. I have planted & lifted mine for 6/7 years now. The last two years, they have been very unproductive. This year though, I have a fair number of blooms. I think it is that the bulb has to be the right size/age...
What is This Plant?
Donna, youd do well trying to totally eradicate this plant, which of course is Virginia Creeper. Here in Fenwick, Ont (zone 6) it has become invasive & can be seen crawling 30+ up tree trunks. If not kept under very strict control it can rapidly take over a...
Growing Morning Glory from Seeds?
4oz is a lot!. I get a little seed pack & have enough. But, (Zone6) I soak them overnight then plant in a peat pellet because they dont like transplanting. I get about 90% germination.. & as you probably know, the seeds from these new plants will not give you...
Tips for Germinating Seeds?
As kffrmw88 suggests - both seeds need stratification (chilling). Try wintersowing for another way of starting blackberry lily & rose of sharron.
Silver Spoon Windchimes
Thanks for wonderful idea of using the whisk. Ive had garage sale gold plated cutlery already flattened & drilled, ready to go since last summer! I think Ill use fishing line too or jewellery wire, if its thin enough.
Growing Vegetables From Seeds?
Apple seeds, grapefruit, lemon, & lime (& avocado) have all grown for me. Just take the seeds - put between 2 layers of paper towel (moist) & put in a zip loc baggie. Wait for the sprouting (youll see it!) then plant. Avocados of course you suspend over water...
Encouraging Birds to Nest in Your Yard?
Allison is right for the shrubs & berries. Birds like to eat in the wild. Our cardinals love black oil seed. I have a feeder of that, overhung by a block of commerical suet/seed. We get numerous birds for both. Not to forget the mourning doves or black eyed...
Planting Bulbs Indoors?
Any forced bulb will eventually (within 6mths-18mths) bloom again if planted outside. This is of course providing it normally grows in your Zone. The paper plates bulb referred to - could it perhaps be PaperWhites? As far as I know, it is a type of daffodil...
Recycled Garden Art
Katie - I think all diehard gardeners look at any second hand bargain or free item with garden dec in the back of their minds. Ive put a chimenea in my tropical garden - its going to get plants in it come spring. Ive got the typical old rusty plows & tractor...
What Is This Plant? (Spotted Laurel)
Perf & Powd is right. It looks like an Aucuba Japonica. I am presently growing a cutting from a fellow growing several of these outside in Niagara Falls, Ontario (Zone 6). He does however, have a microclimate in his back yard. His four shrubs are about 2-1...
Low Light House Plant Ideas?
I have a spider plant doing extremely well in a high darkish corner. I have also had good luck with Hoya in indirect light. I have a golden pothos (devils ivy) doing very well in my bathroom which has very little natural light. Im sure there are going to be...