Wedding Recipe Ideas?
I have no feedback on the food, but the date struck me, a casino theme with 777 would be fun!
Dealing With Fibromyalgia?
A family member has Fibro and here is what I can tell you from them....Two jobs is a little much, I agree with the others. However, moderation of everything in your life is key to getting thru the day, week even month to month. Keep stress to minimum. Water...
Comodes With Artificial Flowers?
Recently in my area a couple put several in the yard with toilet brushes sticking up like flowers. This was the response they had after being turned down by the community to install a privacy fence. have a good day, everyone.
Photo Toy Box?
Put them in a cheap frame and replace the glass with see thru plastic and glue the frame on the toy box
Electricity Themed Centerpieces?
Get a metal pot for a vase and use strong wire, maybe even a old coat hanger and push one end in the base and attach light bulbs, light switches to the end to make a flower type arrangement. Also cut out a lighting bolt on cardboard and cover with aluminum...
Subway Oil and Vinegar?
I too do not have the exact oils. However at work recently we got 6 foot sub and they sent along packages of condiments with the huge sandwich. Red wine vinergar and olive/canol oil combo were in the goodie bag. So dont make the mix just ask for a couple extra...
Stain Left From Wax On Tablecloth?
if all else fails, dye the whole thing red and use it in February and December
Debt Crash Diet: Spend Less
dont give up movies! The local library in my area has current movies, shows and classics on dvd and vhs. Give it a try, its free, unless you dont return them in time
Uses for Plastic Vitamin Bottles?
dont peel labels, just buy a cheap name tags at the local dollar store and and cover the old label with this and write contents on new label. Good use for bottles, store screws, nuts, bolts, buttons, you get the idea. Hope this helps!!