Finding Good Coupon Savings?
keep the box you buy your food items in when you are done before you throw it away call the 1 800 number on the side and tell them how wonderful their product is and you just tried it for the first time an you was wondering if they have any manufactures or...
Making a Scarf for Someone Having Chemo?
i am from michigan to try the local value worlds they used to be called value village..its a thrift store i have seen those in there can buy one for under 2 dollars..cherie
Preparing For A Winter Power Outage
I live in a mobile home and the power only seems to go out in the winter. I do the same stock up on water and batteries and flashlights and warm clothes. In Michigan the temperature in the winter is always around 0 degrees. I have been there before to. I have...
Curtains Made from Taffeta?
I just make curtains from pattern flat bed sheets. You can get them at yard sales for a quarter. Then I take a round lace table cloth and I got it in half and use it for a topper. Looks nice, and costs under 1.00 to make.
Use Cereal Boxes For Shipping Ebay Items
i wouldnt recommend using cereal boxes they are flimsy and would not hold up very well during shipping..its not worth a few pennies to get bad feedback..i say get a padded enevolope or a decent box.. from another ebay seller
Use Cereal Boxes For Shipping Ebay Items
also you can get any type of box for free at your local grocery store just ask the kid when hes putting the stock out..he will be happy you took them off his hands less work for him..also he will give you the packing material to if you ask..i have never paid...
Recycling Birthday and Greeting Cards?
You could use them to decoupage a box and make a cute trinket box.
Making Crafts for Money?
sell stuff on ebay..i sell all kinds of stuff on there i make any where from 200 to 300 a week..and i only post ten items a week...any thing you can easily get at the store will sell for alot on ebay..any thing you have that is just lying around the house will...
Making Crafts for Money?
if you can draw buy a pyrography pen and burn on wood any thing that you can think of and it will sell for alot..
Cheap or Homemade Anti-aging Products?
take a base lotion you can get at the dollar store..the body butter comes with shea butter in it ad a tablespoon of your favorite moisturizer and one squeezed soft gel capsule of vitamin e oil..and a tablespoon of glycerine..whip it up with a whisk put it in...
Decorating a Cloudy Mirror?
you can find the windows for free in the trash people are always throwing out windows..just paint some flowers on it or butter flies..
Cleaning Record Albums?
just use a little soap and water its safe i also thought maybe glass cleaner you get from the eye doctor might work for that to
Should I Close My High Interest Credit Card Account?
yes you should go to your local bank and apply for their credit card the rates are nearly 50 percent could be putting that ten dollar fee into your gas tank to drive to work instead of giving it to someone else in fees.
Advice for Permanently Straightening or Curling Hair?
wear it up off your a hair clip or rolled in a bun..put a pretty barrette in it...dont cut it long hair is pretty and dont straighten it..that only damages the hair and makes it brittle and eventually it will fall out..
Grammaw's Lye Soap
thank you for posting this recipe my friend had made it years ago and was trying to tell me how to make it on the phone today but couldnt remember all ingredients it was strange to see it posted...i love homemade soap and have been wanting to make it so often...
Paper Coffee Cup Christmas Ornament Ideas?
you can cut it to make it look like an angel than put a picture of a kid in it and and make a halo over the top with a twisty tie
Saving Money to Go on Vacation?
Pack a lunch for work every day. Dont eat out at restaurants, eat at home. Dial down your thermostat before you go to bed at night. When you go on vacation, take a cooler Fill it wit ice and buy stuff at the local grocery store to eat, and use your coupons...
Beauty Advice For Party With Husband?
Wear your hair up piled on top of your head wear a dangle earrings or large silver hoops are classy take some strands down on the side of your face and use a curling iron to curl them. Wear a bright lipstick dark pink or peach colored are good and go soft on...
Using a Hair Flat Iron?
dont use that it will ruin your hair...go to the store and buy some rollers and wet your hair in the shower before you go to bed...they have soft rollers that you can sleep mother use to twist her hair and pin it before she went to bed and in the morning...
Getting a Toddler Around in Winter Weather?
if you are low income your community might have a bus that will take you around for a cheap fair or try and you might be able to get a free stroller or wagon, or post up a ride share at your sons school and maybe for a few dollars in gas money...
Stuffing that Warms with Body Heat?
what about one of those old fashioned water bottles that you fill with warm water you could put it in between the sheets if you could get ahold of a down comforter that would keep the cat warm
Looking For New Thankgiving Recipes?
if i were you i would take the family to and all you can eat place and let them eat what they want and then you could have desert and coffee at your house..
How to Talk to Mother About Shaving Legs?
Just ask your mother and be honest. She will understand my daughter was the same way and ended up trying it on her own and it was a bloody mess in the bath tub. She put too much pressure on the razor and cut her legs, just ask your mother to show you. She will...
Money Saving Hamburger Ideas
Buy meat loaf mix. Its cheaper than hamburger and you can use it to make anything. It gives spaghetti and tacos a better flavor.
Make Your Own Lipstick Compact With Leftover Lipstick
you could take your left over lipstick and melt it down to make a new shad and pour it in a small bottle
Do Horse Shampoos Make Your Hair Look Thicker?
Tell your mom not to wash her hair every day. Take a spray bottle with water and let it set for a couple of days and use that on her hair and comb thru. I was taking a medicine that made my hair fall out and I do this and my hair grew back in in a year. Shampoo...
Ultimate Coupon Shopper
please post the newspaper clipping on here i am sure every one would love to read it i know i would good for you its great to see the consumer getting the deal instead of the company
Saving Money on Newspapers Bought for Coupons
i have a better idea at no cost to you just monitor the neighbors trash on garbage day more than likely you will get the coupons for free..this is how i get mutiple lots of coupons i trash browse every garbage day..
Saving Money on Newspapers Bought for Coupons
you can get the paper for free at a local days inn just go in there on sunday and ask about rates while you are there you will see the paper on the counter its free help your self if you go between 6 and 9 in the morning you can help your self to continental...
Saving Money on Newspapers Bought for Coupons
also the local laundromats have the paper and other magazines free for customers to look at and dont have to do laundry just go in there like you are doing laundry and sit down and go thru magazines and paper when you are done just leave..
Where do I put my savings?
becare ful about 401 ks i have heard stories from friends about the company going out of business and they loose their 401 k funds
Where do I put my savings?
also i would keep some money hidden somewhere at home to tie up all your money in the bank is unwise..if there was a war in this country or some terrible disaster how would you have access to your money..