Jax (Pit Bull)
We have a Jax too. He is half pit and half Australian Cattle dog. His ears stick straight up!
Getting Rid of Bugs in Crawlspace
Also a great flea repellent for pets! It doesnt hurt them if they ingest it. you can sprinkle it in your kitchen as it isnt harmful to adults or children. As a matter of fact, it is an ingredient in some baking mixes. However, it has a habit of going everywhere...
Cause of My Dog's Death?
Ive had two cats in my life that were hit by cars and died. No signs of blood, but the vet felt there may have been internal bleeding and injuries.
New Puppy Not Going to the Bathroom?
When our puppy was less than a year old he went through the exact same thing. Turns out he had a piece of sock stuck in his intestine. Vet, now!
What Breed is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
You can Google dog DNA tests, lots of sites have them. Also, this will help you prepare for possible medical conditions associated with certain breeds.
Eat Leftovers And Be Grateful
Really?? You have some serious issues. My family was upper middle class and we NEVER wasted food. Only the poor eat leftovers? Some of the best meals my mother served used leftovers. Mostly what I get from your post is anger and resentment. Very sad.
6 Week Old Puppy Won't Eat or Drink?
Contact a vet immediately! But yes, get a bottle and some puppy formula. We went through the same thing.
Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
You know what needs to be done - never put a man before your children. It is so hard to start over but you need to for you and your children. Of course your daughter is angry, youre her mother and are supposed to protect her. Find your inner lioness! Contact...
Introducing a Month Old Puppy to Resident Cat?
The fact she is starting to come out is a good sign, but I would strongly urge you to talk to a Vet or animal behavioralist, you need pro advice here. Six years ago we had several cats and rescued a three month old puppy. They were skittish at first, but eventually...
18 with RLS?
Ive suffered with this since I was a child, long before there was a name for it. I know how uncomfortable it can be. Here are some things to try. Some people get relief by taking aspirin, for some soaking their feet in cool water. My doctor suffers from this...
15th Birthday Ideas?
How about good ole bowling and pizza? Or, as a group, volunteer to walk dogs at a local animal shelter.
Food Ideas for a Ladies Luncheon?
One thing I find that most people like are assorted berries mixed with yogurt and shortbread cookies.
Food Ideas for a Ladies Luncheon?
Different kinds of mini muffins are also good with a variety of spreads.
Using Tame Rinse for Tangled Hair?
After you shampoo, use any creme rinse or conditioner you like. Then, mix 2-4 Tbsps. cider vinegar into a large cup of water and pour it over your scalp. Gently rub in and let sit for a minute before rinsing with warm water. This should help your dandruff and...
Getting Rid of Mice?
A friend of mine used to sprinkle cut cat fur or furballs around. Worked pretty good. Or, get a long tailed and earred cat. They do a good job.
Using Gift Cards with Small Amounts Left?
Amazon Prime will credit the amount to your account from any GC. Contact them.
When Are You Being Too Frugal?
Frugal and thrifty have the same meaning. I think you are confusing frugal with cheap and miserly. Otherwise, I agree with your comment.
Pet Food Additions
I was warned by a Vet that the amount of mercury in tuna and tuna juice can be very dangerous for animals.
Recipes Using Flavored Powder Coffee Creamers?
I like to substitute the dry creamer for powdered sugar in glaze and frosting recipes. Divine!