Non Pleated Child's Mask
Children under 10 are not required to wear masks, nor should they be. It hinders the full development of their lungs.
Returning to Natural Hair Color After Dyeing?
I stopped dying my waist long hair several years ago. At first I just pulled it back, then I started wearing one long braid. It took several months but after a few trims the dye job was finally gone. I get compliments almost daily now on my snow white braid...
Twix (Dachshund/Chihuahua)
What a cutie! My chiweenie is 15 years old and he is our favorite cuddler. When hubby and I kiss we pick him up and he likes to give group kisses.<3
Our Throwaway Society
I believe that one reason we are such a throwaway society is because things are now made with such poor quality. My parents had the same furniture, made out of maple, the entire time they were married (1951) and I now use the same furniture in my living and...
Treating a Kitten's Eye Discharge?
Get some Colloidal Silver drops and put a few drops in her eye every time you wipe her eye, at least 2x per day. Put some in her water as well. It is a natural antibiotic. You can usually find it at health food stores.
Learning Frugality
You are so right...I was taught how to live on one small paycheck by my frugal parents. Ive always lived this way, and now Im the one small paycheck. Now if I could just teach my non-working husband how to live within our means......
Bach Rescue Remedy Spray for Anxious Pets
There is a Bach Rescue Remedy for Pets! Please dont use the regular Remedy for people, it has an alcohol base! I use the pet one for my dog, and it works great!
Homeopathic Care for Aged Animals
Also try CBD oil. I give my 16 yr old chiweenie a dropperful of 1125 mg (in the bottle) daily.
Determining if Milk is Safe to Drink?
We buy whole milk on sale and freeze it all the time. Just let it thaw about 1/2 way and keep shaking it to mix the cream and the milk. It will taste and keep just fine. Weve never had any problems at all.
Using a King Flat Sheet on California King Bed?
I had a CA king for years. In CA the sheets are easy to find. The only place Ive seen them now that Im in TX is JCPenney catalog. King and CA king are vastely different sizes. CA king is wider? longer? But anyway, you cant mix/match the sheets.
Selecting and Caring for Poinsettias
When I was growing up in non-drought SoCal my daddy used to plant the poinsettia next to the garage. By the time they sold the house in the 90s, those poinsettia plants were as high as the garage roof and in all of their red leafed glory!
Poll: Do you hang dry your clothing?
I have an umbrella clothes line that I use in warm weather to hang out clothes. I prefer the T line that I had in a previous house, but this will do. Using the dryer just costs too much money!